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文章针对车辆工程专业核心课程—汽车理论,结合我校该专业的定位和社会对该专业人才的实际需求,根据地方院校应用型人才培养的目标和要求,在我校进行了汽车理论课程非标准答案教学改革的探索,提出了该课程采用非标准答案教学的改革思路,并从非标准答案教学的意义、非标准答案教学改革的内容与形式、具体实施步骤以及评分标准等方面进行了细致...  相似文献   
以门饰板总成为目标进行分解研究,对总成及其子级件的VOC含量进行分析发现不同材料和工艺对总成VOC的权重表现依次是PP类、表皮包覆类零件、表面处理类零件。其中PP作为用量最大的材料,直接关系到整个总成的VOC表现;TPO表皮、针织面料是目前相对环保的表皮类型;在一些非外观的骨架材料方面,本体法ABS相比于乳液法ABS具有一定的优势;相比溶剂胶和热熔胶,水性胶是成本和性能综合优势明显的胶粘剂类型。  相似文献   
针对车辆半主动悬架系统的整车协调控制,通过悬架动力学模型分析了耦合量的影响,提出了一种主从控制方法.基于自行研制的并联常通孔式磁流变减振器和控制系统开展了实车道路试验.在越野路行驶时,驾驶员坐垫处的加权加速度降低了13.8%~42.6%,车身俯仰角速度降低了21.1%~53.7%;蛇行试验中车身侧倾角速度、角度分别平均...  相似文献   
为了提高桥梁结构有限元模型修正的效率和效果,提出基于加权Kendall相关系数和序贯代理模型的有限元模型修正方法.首先,建立基于目标响应误差和待修正设计参数灵敏度的加权Kendall相关系数指标,并采用凝聚层次聚类算法,合理确定待修正设计参数的数量和位置,保证待修正设计参数对目标响应具有合适的解耦能力;其次,为解决传统...  相似文献   
An adaptive lateral preview driver model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Successful modelling and simulation of driver behaviour is important for the current industrial thrust of computer-based vehicle development. The main contribution of this paper is the development of an adaptive lateral preview human driver model. This driver model template has a few parameters that can be adjusted to simulate steering actions of human drivers with different driving styles. In other words, this model template can be used in the design process of vehicles and active safety systems to assess their performance under average drivers as well as atypical drivers. We assume that the drivers, regardless of their style, have driven the vehicle long enough to establish an accurate internal model of the vehicle. The proposed driver model is developed using the adaptive predictive control (APC) framework. Three key features are included in the APC framework: use of preview information, internal model identification and weight adjustment to simulate different driving styles. The driver uses predicted vehicle information in a future window to determine the optimal steering action. A tunable parameter is defined to assign relative importance of lateral displacement and yaw error in the cost function to be optimized. The model is tuned to fit three representative drivers obtained from driving simulator data taken from 22 human drivers.  相似文献   
利用三维仿真软件Ansys Fluent建立了GDI汽油机的仿真计算模型,就变气门升程耦合不同喷油策略对缸内气流运动和混合气形成的影响进行了模拟计算。结果表明,与大气门升程工况相比,小气门升程工况的缸内湍流运动强度、燃油蒸发和湿壁情况以及点火时刻混合气质量都明显改善;在小气门升程工况,采用两段喷油会缩短油气混合时间,过度推迟二次喷油时刻会恶化混合气质量和燃油湿壁情况;在大气门升程工况,两段喷油会改善混合气均匀性,随着二次喷油时刻推迟,燃油蒸发量增加,湿壁情况加剧,混合气质量得到改善;小气门升程工况下采用二次喷油时刻为470°曲轴转角,前后两次喷油量比例为7∶3的两段喷油方案在燃油蒸发和湿壁以及点火时刻缸内混合气质量这几个方面的效果都很好,是最合理的方案。  相似文献   
依据发动机台架考核规范,运用疲劳强度理论,对某铸铁气缸盖进行高周疲劳强度评估。明确温度和应力随考核工况改变的变化行为,研究气缸盖各区域受工作载荷的影响状况,为缸盖寿命评估模型提供载荷边界。结合疲劳理论,在考虑材料修正的基础上进行了疲劳特性分析和损伤状况分析。分析表明,气缸盖各区域的疲劳安全系数均大于1,视为安全,但冷却钻孔区域的安全裕度较小。  相似文献   
A four-wheel-independent-steering (4WIS) electric vehicle (EV) with steer-by-wire (SBW) system is proposed in this paper. The fast terminal sliding mode controller (FTSMC) is designed for the SBW system to suppress external disturbances. Taking unstructured and structured uncertainties into consideration, a robust controller is designed for the 4WIS EV utilizing μ synthesis approach and the controller order reduction is implemented based on Hankel-Norm approximation. Since sideslip angle is the feedback signal of robust controller and it is hard to measure, the extended Kalman filter (EKF) is employed to estimate sideslip angle. To evaluate the vehicle performance with the designed control system, step and sinusoidal steering maneuvers are simulated and analyzed. Simulation results show that the designed control system have good tracking ability, strong robust stability and good robust performance to improve vehicle stability and handing performance.  相似文献   
为降低回收处理危险废物的环境危害,提出了基于环境风险控制的危险废物选址-路径问题,全面地评估了危险废物回收管理的环境风险.根据环境承载力的理论,设计了环境风险的度量方法.考虑废物残余的危险性、危险废物类型和加工技术种类的多样性、危险废物和加工技术的相容性,建立了成本最小化和环境风险最小化的0-1混合整数线性规划模型.针对双目标选址-路径模型的复杂性特点,设计了多阶段聚类遗传算法.以重庆危险废物物流管理为例,验证了模型和算法的有效性.结果表明:模型和算法能够为实际管理提供合理的选址-路径优化方案,且在两个不同对比条件下,相较于已有的模型,基于环境风险控制的优化方案能够分别降低33.85%和18.16%的总成本.  相似文献   
近年来各汽车公司纷纷扩充产能,转盘项目是保证整车在各地工厂投产的一个重要手段。文章从项目实践经验出发,阐述了构成要素及具体的开展形式,力图为类似扩建项目提供借鉴。  相似文献   
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