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本文以介绍轴系校中的计算方法为主,同时简单介绍Nauticus Shaft Alignment软件在计算过程中的应用。轴系校中的目的在于通过调整各轴承的合理位置,使各个轴承上的负荷在各种工况下均能合理分配。  相似文献   
For existing advanced geological forecasting, the forecast distance is short and the test frequency is high, increasing test and construction risks. Since various methods have different requirements for the test environ-ment, preparation work can be tedious and result in a long construction time thereby affecting normal construction.A new advanced geological forecast technique based on multi-source seismic interferometry for tunnels is proposed.This technique uses the blast at one end of tunnel as a centrum and receives the signal at the other end of the tun-nel, therefore allowing advanced geological forecasting of the unexcavated tunnel part by relative processing and im-aging. A numerical simulation of this kind of geological forecasting using the finite difference method to simulate two kinds of unfavorable geological bodies (karst and a fault) predicted them accurately and verified the effective-ness and accuracy of this geological forecasting method. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
The application of prefabricated tunnel technology has been become a new research field both in China and abroad. Based on the running tunnel between Yufuhe station and Wangfuzhuang station of Jinan rail transit line R1, a new prefabricated tunnel construction technology, the PBA method is presented. This paper makes a detailed discussion on section form, supporting scheme and construction process of the PBA method. In this study, 3D a new 3D numerical model for PBA method is presented by finite difference numerical simulation software Flac and the construction processes are modeled. The rule of ground surface settlement, ground deformation and structural stress caused by PBA method is studied in detail. Results show that the structure of PBA method can effectively control the deformation magnitude and scope. Stress concentration appears at the prefabricated connection parts and the reinforcement needs to check. The total assembled structure forms the load-bearing system after the completion of the lateral wall. The built-in depth of the precast pile and pile bottom grouting quality should to be ensured to control the displacement of the precast piles. The results of this study will be a useful reference for similar projects in the future. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
对降压斩波电路负载加反电动势其电流在不同情况下发生的连续和断续现象进行了研究。根据分段线性化思想,推断出降压斩波电路输出电流在断续情况下的条件,给出了其在电流断续的计算公式,为其实际应用提供了方便。  相似文献   
基于航道地理空间特性和航道设计相关规范及工作流程,选用Arc GIS作为基本框架,经多项关键技术开发构建而成航道辅助设计平台。平台具有自然条件分析、河床演变分析、航道尺度计算及选线布置等设计功能,并配置水深数据识别、地形坐标转换等通用工具,可对航道基础数据和设计成果进行综合管理,初步实现专业间设计协同,基本达成航道设计工作的标准化和提高工作效率的目标。  相似文献   
电极/电解液界面膜(通常也称为固体电解质界面膜或SEI膜)是指电极与电解液界面通过电化学和化学反应生成的一种界面膜,界面膜的稳定性对电池循环寿命和安全性至关重要。本文简述了电极/电解液界面膜的研究进展,重点介绍了电极/电解液界面膜的研究历史、形成机理以及相关表征技术的发展,并对电极/电解液界面膜的研究方向作了进一步展望。  相似文献   
文章结合G206国道宿州至怀远段旧水泥混凝土路面改造施工实例,介绍了冲击碾压施工的原理、特点、质量控制措施及安全文明施工注意事项,并分析了冲击碾压施工中存在的问题与对策,为类似工程的改造施工提供参考。  相似文献   
王若晨  朱勇  邸成  黄华 《隧道建设》2020,40(7):1029-1034
针对成兰铁路云屯堡隧道建设过程中因地质原因产生的隧道内紧急救援站方案优化需求,分别从土建规模、工程投资、施工风险、疏散排烟、运营维护5个方面对3个优化方案进行经济技术比选,同时,进一步探索研究单洞合修洞内救援站设置模式。通过研究对比,得出以下结论: 1)特长隧道紧急救援站段设置多处小断面通道可能比设置1处大断面综合通道节约投资; 2)救援站地段应适当加大结构间距,以避免群洞效应; 3)救援站整体土建规模较小时也可能存在较高的施工风险; 4)救援站内土建工程方案调整会影响机电设备配套及运营成本; 5)竖井式联络烟道宜按90°直弯头设计以便施工及运营维护。  相似文献   
支撑式TBM与双护盾式TBM在设计选型中的比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
如何对硬岩隧道(洞)施工中使用的TBM进行设计选型?相信这是每个工程业主和设计院都需要面对的问题.通过对硬岩隧道(洞)掘进中,支撑式和双护盾式TBM的施工方法及设备功能包括对地质的适应性以及初期支护与混凝土衬砌型式、不良地质地段处理方法、出碴运输方式、环境影响等进行比较,并结合辽宁省大伙房输水一期工程输水隧洞施工中TBM的工程实践,提出了弥补支撑式TBM开挖和衬砌不能平行作业的改进构想,提出了采用栈桥式仰拱模板台车和全环内通式模板台车的施工方法.通过改进,可实现一模养生、一模浇注、第三模移动框架梁的作业工序.  相似文献   
罗天乐大桥连续刚构0#块施工托架设计方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了罗天乐大桥连续刚构0#块施工托架的设计与计算方法,指出所采用的预埋牛角焊接型钢托架法具有取材方便、组装速度快、变形小、安全性高、经济适用等优点,适合高墩施工和无基础支撑条件的墩桩施工,可供同类型桥梁工程施工参考。  相似文献   
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