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针对危险区域节点装配检验线设计基准不同以及生产检验困难的问题,以18万t散货船危险区域节点为例,通过与生产设计相结合,对实际检验公差要求进行分析,优化装配检验线设计,经过实船建造验证该优化能够提高装配效率,缩短船坞建造周期。  相似文献   
电控空气悬架能够根据客车行驶工况进行车身高度自适应调节,从而能够显著提升客车行驶稳定性以及燃油经济性,车高调节控制设计具有重要意义。文章利用模糊PID控制算法对车身高度调节进行控制策略设计,有效缓解了客车电控空气悬架车高调节过程中存在的空气弹簧的“过充”“过放”及“振荡”等问题,分析客车电控空气悬架车高调节具体过程,建立包括车身、储气罐、电磁阀以及空气弹簧等在内的车高调节系统数学模型,最后完成了客车电控空气悬架车高调节模糊自适应PID控制策略设计及性能仿真验证。研究结果表明,所运用的模糊自适应PID控制策略能够完成客车电控空气悬架车身高度的准确调节。  相似文献   
[目的]为了实现舰船蒸汽动力系统的数字化、网络化和智能化,提出一种总体数字孪生模型应用体系.[方法]从物理对象、过程要素、生命周期及虚拟空间这4个维度,提出基于数字孪生的舰船蒸汽动力系统总体"四维思想模型",并创建总体全生命周期的"五阶体系模型",涵盖概念论证、系统设计、总装建造、试验试航及运维保障这5个典型的阶段.通...  相似文献   
使用状态对焊钉连接件抗剪性能影响的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过不同直径的正立、侧立和倒立焊钉连接件抗剪性能试验,研究混凝土浇注方向、焊钉所处使用状态对其抗剪刚度和使用阶段承载力的影响。  相似文献   
珠江黄埔大桥北汊桥主梁采用扁平钢箱梁,结合该工程,采用混合有限元方法计算钢箱梁的受力,得到钢主梁板件的应力,分析箱梁顶板和底板应力分布的不均匀性,揭示斜拉桥中扁平钢箱梁的应力分布特点。  相似文献   
提出了一种基于AD9850的高频信号频率测量与信号跟踪方案,介绍了芯片AD9850的基本工作原理及性能特点,给出了基于AD9850的信号自动跟踪测量系统的硬件结构框图,并进行了分析说明。该方案已在一种无线通信综合测试仪中成功应用。  相似文献   
Objective To detect the peculiar mutation in a Chinese family with osteogenesis imperfecta,COL1A1 and COL1A2 being analysed. Methods A genome screen was undertaken covering COL1A1 at 17q21-22 and COL1A2 at 7q22.1. The Linkage ( Version 5.1 ) was used for 2-point analysis. DNA sequencing was used to screen and identify the mutation. Results A linkage to the markers on chromosome 17q21-22 was observed. Sequence analysis of COL1A1 revealed a splicing mutation ( IVS8-2A > G) that converted the 3' end of intron 8 from AG to GG. Conclusion This mutation ( IVS 8-2A > G) is novel, and has not yet been registered in the Human Type Ⅰ and Type Ⅲ Collagen Mutations Database.  相似文献   
Objective To reconstruct an augmented breast that resembles a virginal one that is difficult to be achieved by the traditional technique. Methods We modified the dissection of the subpectoral space by extending it over the sternum edge 1cm medially and beyond the breast crease 2cm inferiorly, yet keeping strictly the upper border of the space on the third rib and the lateral border on the anterior axillary line. Results All 50 patients were satisfied with their augmented breasts which nearly resembled the virginal ones. Conclusion Our modified dissection enabled the mammary implant to stay in the position where it originally was and not be pushed upward and laterally by the pectoral muscle contraction as usually seen by the traditional technique.  相似文献   
唐僧一行参与乃至领导了盛唐时期的皇家天文台的工作,编制了著名的《大衍历》,本文从文化角度对沙门一行制历的因缘加以考证,认为促成一行制历的原因:一是政治统治的需要,二是沙门一行的俗家家世背景,三是沙门一行的宗教身份,且三者层层递进。其中一行的宗教身份,解释了其复杂知识结构以及《大衍历》域外天文学知识的可能来源,同时一行囊天台宗和律宗的修行身份并入于密教,加上文献材料中所体现出来的道教背景,契合了玄宗朝的宗教政策,是获得玄宗信赖的重要原因。而对于沙门一行制历的缘由,对于一行宗教背景中的道教成份,也是前贤的研究所忽略的。  相似文献   
An improved Monte Carlo method was used to simulate the motion of electrons in c-C_4F_8 and SF_6 gas mixtures for pulsed townsend discharge. The electron swarm parameters such as effective ionization coefficient, [AKα-] and drift velocity over the E/N range from 280~700 Td(1Td=10-21 V·m2) were calculated by employing a set of cross sections available in literature. From the variation cure of [AKα-] with SF_6 partial pressure p, the limiting field (E/N)_lim of gas mixture at different gas content was determined. It is found that the limiting field of c-C_4F_8 and SF_6 gas mixture is higher than that of pure SF_6 at any SF_6 mixture ratio. Simulation results show excellent agreement with experiment data available in previous literature.  相似文献   
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