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This paper presented a new-type CNC curve grinding machine, in order to conquer the disadvantages of conventional NC curve grinding machine and improve surface quality, dimensional accuracy and machining efficiency. The new-type grinder adopts some high and new technologies: ① the normal tracing device could make grinding wheel coincide with the normal direction of the machining points in work piece, and improve surface quality and dimensional accuracy; ② the digital image on-line recognition system could monitor machining process and compensate wheel wear in real time; ③ linear motor drive mechanism could realize the exact adjustment of the grinding head digitally and increase the machining efficiency. The math models of normal tracing and circular tolerance zone were presented. The experimental results show that the new-type CNC curve grinding machine equipped with the three devices mentioned above is easy to realize the precision grinding of any complex curve, and improve surface quality, dimensional accuracy and machining efficiency.  相似文献   
The eigenvector of a module with six adjacent module's state was constructed according to self-reconfigurable robot M-Cubes and the configuration of system was expressed with the eigenvectors of all modules.According to the configuration and motion characteristics of the modules,a 3-dimension motion rule set was provided.The rule sets of each module was run according to eigenvector of the module after the motion direction of system decided and motion rules were selected.At last,the rapid and effective motion and metamorphosis were realized in system.The rule sets are operated on three systems and the distributed motion of system is fully realized.The result of simulation shows that the 3-dimension motion rule sets has perfect applicability and extensibility.The motion steps and communication load of the modules increase with the module number in linear.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the function of doubly-fed asynchronous machine(DASM)with emphasis placed on its ability to the stabilization of the power system including wind generators.P(active power)and Q(reactive power)compensation from DASM can be regulated independently through secondary-excitation controlling.Simulation results by power system computer aided design(PSCAD)show that DASM can restore the wind-generator system to a normal operating condition rapidly even following severe transmission-line failures.Comparison studies have also been performed between wind turbine pitch control and proposed method.  相似文献   
基于逻辑推演理论的船舶避碰决策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了研究船舶避碰决策的一个新方法,并把多逻辑系统作用的结构演化引入舰艇避碰决策系统,构建了船舶避碰决策系统逻辑推理的基本理论,指出了进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   
采用时间序列分析中的A RIM A模型对湖北省某高速公路2020年交通量本底趋势值(不考虑疫情影响)进行预测,并通过分析疫情危机的生命周期,将此次新冠疫情危机分为征兆期、爆发期、高峰期、后疫情期4个阶段,对各阶段中收费车流量进行统计分析,计算交通量损失率,判断此次疫情对高速公路交通量的影响程度.选取经济指标、感染人数等相关因素,采用主成分分析、线性回归及曲线估计等方法,建立疫情影响下高速公路交通量短时预测模型,模型误差在±5% 以内为可接受范围.该模型能够帮助政府主管部门及高速公路运营管理单位对交通量发展趋势进行准确判断,有利于相关应急措施的制定.  相似文献   
"机械零部件识图"是汽车类专业的一门必修专业基础课,本文基于现有"机械零部件识图"在线开放课程资源,探讨线上与线下交互融合教学模式在少学时"机械零部件识图"课程中的应用。  相似文献   
利用直流电弧等离子体技术制备出Sn纳米粒子,接着以升华硫作为前驱体,通过原位硫化技术在不同温度下硫化,获得锡硫化合物.对所制备样品的物相和形貌进行了表征,并利用分光光度计研究了样品的光学特性.结果表明,在200℃硫化后得到的产物为纯块状SnS.随着温度的升高,样品逐渐转变为SnS/SnS2异质结纳米片,最终在400℃时转变为纯SnS2纳米片.在转变过程中,可以通过控制硫化温度实现材料禁带宽度的调节.  相似文献   
针对现有行驶工况难以反映车辆真实驾驶情况的问题,以国内典型大中型城市——西安市为例,对电动汽车行驶工况构建方法进行研究.根据西安市道路布局,设计了城市道路行驶工况数据采集方案;提出了一种K-均值聚类和支持向量机相结合的半监督分类模型,构建了西安工况;最后将西安工况与原始试验数据和国际标准行驶工况进行对比.研究结果表明:西安工况与实际道路行驶数据特征参数的相对误差均小于5%,平均相对误差仅为2.66%,构建的行驶工况能够真实反映西安市车辆的运动特征;且由于动力系统的差异,电动汽车工况比内燃机车工况更为激进.  相似文献   
西部原油干线管道(鄯善-兰州)是目前国内第一条以加降凝剂改性输送室内模拟实验和工艺计算为依据而进行设计的长输原油管道(以加热输送为前提).文中在借鉴室内模拟实验的基础上,结合管道实际,分别考虑了试验输量(输入)、热油温度场的建立、停输、启停炉等各方面因素,制定了较为合理的工业性试验方案.主要包括进管原油的基本物性及其对降凝荆感受性的室内跟踪试验、常温输送现场物性测试、加热输送现场物性测试和降凝剂改性处理顺序输送工业性试验,为该试验的具体实施提供了依据.  相似文献   
介绍了虚拟现实建模语言(VRML),将基于VRML的虚拟现实技术和HTML、 JavaScript相结合,并应用到数字管道中,构建了真实感强、交互性强的可视化虚拟石油管道场景和管道泄漏模型,实现了石油管道虚拟场景的漫游,以及用户与虚拟场景的交互,并及时、直观地反映管道泄漏.应用结果表明:将基于VRML的网络交互式虚拟现实技术应用到数字管道,促进了数字管道的信息共享,提高了数字管道的决策管理效率.  相似文献   
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