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针对钢丝绳缺陷检测装置中材料的选择及结构尺寸的设计,建立了简化的磁偶极子数学模型,通过Matlab软件对模型数学关系进行仿真。设计出一种缺陷检测装置并通过ANSYS仿真,最后结合实验数据证明了理论分析、模型仿真及此种装置结构设计的可行性,为以后信号处理及缺陷类型识别创造了条件。  相似文献   
Based on dynamic triaxial test, the mechanical properties of the weathered rock covered by loess were studied. The cohesion value of weathered mudstone is far below that of the weathered sandstone, while the internal friction angle values are basically equivalent, about 30°. Compared with the undisturbed sample, the cohesion value of remodeling weathered rock sample decreases significantly. With the increase of moisture content, the strength of weathered mudstone is obviously decreased due to the influence of the water softening effect. This results illustrate that the bearing stratum is not easily affected by external disturbance in comparison to weathered mudstone. In the engineering, in order to ensure the good mechanical properties of the soil, more attention should be paid to keeping the water content constant, even to reducing the water content. The experiments show that the relations between shear stress and strain of weathered rock were nonlinear and the behavior of weathered rock can be expressed by the hyperbolic model. The initial modulus of undisturbed weathered rock, under the same consolidation conditions, is much greater than that of remodeling samples. Meanwhile, the initial dynamic elastic modulus of sandstone is also greater than that of the mudstone. The dynamic shear modulus ratios of the undisturbed sandstone, the undisturbed mudstone, as well as the remodeling mudstone have the normalization characteristics with the increase of dynamic shear strain. The damping ratio of mudstone is larger than that of the sandstone, and the damping ratio of remolding sample is also greater than that of the undisturbed mudstone. The mudstone has the bad mechanical properties as bearing stratum.  相似文献   
TSP超前地质预报系统是利用接收入工地震波来完成地下工程的超前探测。以发育在中天山隧道1#斜井的雁行式断裂带为研究对象,介绍了TSP超前地质预报系统的应用。重点介绍了解译过程中将前期地质工作和地质物探资料有机结合在一起,确定超前地质预报目标体的特征及其与中天山隧道的关系,从而使得TSP超前地质预报探测有了明确的目标,保证TSP超前地质预报的质量。  相似文献   
文章结合AR-AC13橡胶沥青面层在江苏某高速公路中的应用,介绍了AR-AC13橡胶沥青混合料面层在配合比设计、施工、检测环节的控制要点,以供类似工程参考.  相似文献   
Since the last decade the central government endeavors to promote large scale of urbanization in China. Lots of new urban towns and districts are taking shape. Outline of the 12th Five-year Plan released by the central government points out that the new towns and districts are to be regulated. But few researches are considering the new towns and districts especially in the spatial distributive pattern and status in China. Given this situation this paper, after sorting out the world-wide research and development of new urban towns and districts, gives definitions of broad and narrow meanings. Based on the broad meaning definition, the database of new towns and districts in China is established. This paper then conducts a preliminary analysis of the new towns and districts. Then the two-step work plan and the advices are also proposed to further improve the research and practice of its kind in China.  相似文献   
某公路简支T梁桥主梁跨中附近底板出现了横向和纵向裂缝,支座附近腹板出现大量的斜裂缝.文章通过荷载试验对该T梁桥的承载能力进行检测,分析其病害原因,采用体外预应力法并对该桥进行加固.  相似文献   
以非洲乍得共和国的乍得大桥为例,采用欧洲规范对一座钢—混叠合梁桥进行设计,并对其结构进行了分析计算.根据欧洲规范,计算了钢材与混凝土材料的弹性模量和设计抗压(拉)强度等基本参数.利用法国规范中对汽车活载、正常使用状态和承载能力极限状态下荷载组合的规定,进行了荷载横向分布系数与冲击系数的计算.利用Midas有限元软件,建立了钢—混叠合梁桥结构分析有限元模型.计算结果表明:该大桥满足规范要求.本研究对于国内企业承接类似的海外工程具有借鉴与参考价值.  相似文献   
早期建设的山区T梁桥、空心板桥由于不能满足急剧增长的交通需求必须拓宽。从荷载横向分布系数入手,利用梁格法分析不同拓宽方式对中小跨径桥梁内力的影响。研究表明:合理的拓宽方案可有效降低旧桥梁体承担的荷载,间接提高旧桥承载裕度,达到少加固或不加固即能满足拓宽提载的要求,有效减少加固费用。  相似文献   
应用DEFORM软件对曲轴滚压模型进行滚压过程的数值模拟,研究在滚压过程中危险部位的滚压应力和残余情况,以及滚压参数(滚压圈数、滚压速度、滚轮半径等)对残余应力的影响;接着对曲轴模型进行疲劳强度分析,研究其在受载情况下轴颈部位的应力变化情况。研究表明:圆角滚压技术是提高曲轴疲劳强度最有效的方法,不仅可以降低曲轴表面粗糙度、提高硬度,还可以减少应力集中、降低成本、提高生产效率。  相似文献   
以某刚架拱桥为背景,利用影响线法进行刚架拱静载试验,发现在主节点(L/4截面)附近内力和挠度加载效率存在差异,同时对比了同矢跨比的普通拱桥在L/4截面的内力和变形加载效率,结果表明以内力主控时刚架拱在主节点附近处挠度的加载效率需要增加测试工况来满足要求.  相似文献   
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