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水下航行器对抗视景仿真系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了能更好地观测仿真过程,为分布交互仿真系统配备视景演示系统已经成为一个趋势。以水下航行器分布交互仿真系统中的视景仿真系统为对象进行了研究;给出了系统的构成以及程序的实现;重点解决了网络通讯接口、人机交互接口、系统的适应性等问题。  相似文献   
卓凯  胡慧春 《中国水运》2007,7(5):19-20
举世闻名的、发轫于春秋、贯通于隋代、繁荣于元代的京杭大运河就不仅史治水传统的智慧结晶,对中华民族的繁荣与发展产生巨大。本文主要在于揭示运河文化的历史功绩,从政治、经济、文化三个方面阐述了运河文化在中华民族发展史中的历史贡献。  相似文献   
韩丽  奚凯 《中国海事》2007,(4):28-31
行政执法监督是保证执法公正的重要手段,在行政执法实践中发挥着重要作用。文章对行政执法监督的概念、性质、实施等作了较全面的介绍。  相似文献   
水下航行体水动力参数智能辨识方法研究   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
通过水下航行体的状态方程和试验观测方程,利用智能辨识技术对水下航行体的模拟运动数据进行了仿真辨识,求得了10个水动力参数.结果表明,智能算法简单有效,对目标函数没有可微性和连续性要求,避免了复杂的梯度矩阵计算,适合在复杂的非线性水动力系统辨识中应用.  相似文献   
Here, a numerical optimization procedure is proposed for a fundamental study of a fast catamaran, and we compare the wave-making characteristics of a catamaran hull form with and without large bow and stern airship-type bulbs installed on the center plane of a catamaran operating at high speed. The method involves coupled ideas from two distinct research fields: numerical ship hydrodynamics and a nonlinear programming technique. The wave-making characteristics of catamaran hulls with and without bulbs were investigated using the panel method applied to free surface flow (PAFS), in which Morinos method for lifting bodies is extended to analyze the problem of free surface flow, and PAFS is linked to the optimization procedure of the sequential quadratic programming (SQP) technique. An optimum hull form for a catamaran can be obtained through a series of iterative computations, subject to some design constraints. Here, only the hull shape of a catamaran is optimized with and without center-plane bow and stern bulbs. The optimization is carried out at two Froude numbers, 0.45 and 0.5, which are around the last hump of the wave-making resistance curve. The numerical results show that a reduction in wave-making resistance is achieved around the design speed.  相似文献   
原创型根式基础关键施工工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根式基础是一种创新型基础形式,是在沉井井壁预留顶推孔,待沉井下沉到设计标高后,将预制好的根键顶入土中,在保证根键与沉井固结后形成的一种仿生基础.主要介绍马鞍山长江公路大桥根式基础关键施工环节的施工工艺,包括轻型根式沉井下沉方法、根键的顶推成套装置、根键顶推的工艺、根键顶推过程的止水等.  相似文献   
采用了FIR(Finite Impulse Response)数字滤波器来代替陷波滤波器与二阶滤波器的组合,并借助Matlab信号处理工具箱辅助分析和设计滤波器.介绍了重复控制器中FIR低通滤波器的具体设计过程,实验结果表明了该方案的有效性.  相似文献   
A generalized collaborative optimization (CO) framework is proposed to the optimization design of the lines of an underwater vehicle. The resistance and maneuvering performances are concerned about and taken as the optimization objectives in the optimization framework. The resistance, lateral force and yaw moment are calculated by RANS method. To improve the optimization efficiency, an automatic integration optimization platform is constructed in which a surrogate model is adopted. A SUBOFF model is taken as the verification model. The optimal results demonstrate the validity of the optimization strategy proposed.  相似文献   
柴凯  楼京俊  杨庆超  俞翔 《船舶力学》2019,23(5):611-620
针对舰船辐射噪声中线谱特征突出且难以消除的难题,通过双时延反馈控制的高静低动隔振系统来同时降低线谱特征和强度。首先,建立高静低动隔振系统及其双时延反馈控制的动力学模型;然后,分析双时延反馈控制的高静低动隔振系统的全时延稳定性和稳定性切换;最后,实现基于双时延反馈控制的高静低动隔振系统混沌化。仿真结果表明:不稳定区域相比稳定区域,更容易实现时延混沌化;双时延反馈相比单时延反馈的临界控制增益更小,混沌云点更稠密;高静低动隔振系统相比一般非线性系统线谱强度更低,混沌化效果更好。  相似文献   
利用布设的水下传感器对水下潜艇进行探测预警是反潜的一种重要反潜手段。本文利用信息融合算法对水下目标识别中多传感器获得的不同数据进行信息融合,从而得出识别结论。  相似文献   
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