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Based on the Sutong GIL utility tunnel project, which is constructed by the shield machine under the river, and as for the overloading problem at the river bank slope during operating period, the refined threedimensional finite element model was established to study the deformation and cracking characteristics of the tunnel segment structure under different forms of overloading. The evolution laws of section convergence, joint opening and structural stress were analyzed, and the structure damage mechanisms were revealed under conditions of large area loading and local loading. The surface-surcharge control standard was proposed. For the big diameter shield tunneling crossing the silty clay, the research results show that: (1) the deformation failure process is divided into three stages under large area loading condition, taking the design load and compressive yield of rebars inside haunch as the critical points respectively. The first stage is characterized by the elastic stress, the second stage is in plastic state with fracture, and the third stage is accelerating deformation and instability stage. The vertical convergence is 110.5 mm with no opening of joints when rebars are yielded; (2)the deformation failure process under local loading condition is also divided into elasticity, plasticity and instability stages, taking the design load and tensile yield of rebars outside haunch as the critical points respectively. The vertical convergence is 152.6 mm with joint opening of 4.36 mm; (3) the early-warning values of additional stress on the ground under conditions of large area loading and local loading are 110 kPa and 70 kPa respectively. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
针对兰郑长成品油管道在顺序输送过程产生大量混油的问题,文中从初始混油、沿程混油、黏度、停输界面、不满流等方面分析混油形成原因,并结合兰郑长成品油管道实际运行情况,从4个方面进行具体分析,最后提出减少停输时间、增大输量、合理安排顺序输送次序、切外输前避免切罐操作等解决措施。  相似文献   
我国东海海洋环境复杂,经常出现小波高、长周期的涌浪.长周期涌对系泊大型起重船吊装海洋平台上部组块影响比较大,尽管涌的波高较小,但是,吊物组块运动幅度明显比同等波高海况时的要大,严重影响了海洋平台的安装施工效率和进度,甚至威胁作业安全.本文采用水动力势流软件,建立系泊-大型起重船(包括吊臂)-索具-大型组块吊物的耦合运动模型,研究复杂涌浪环境下耦合系统运动响应特性及其机理,并开展了参数敏感性分析,讨论对耦合响应影响因素.最后,对东海涌浪情况下起重安装施工,提出了降低吊装组块运动响应的建议措施.  相似文献   
对降压斩波电路负载加反电动势其电流在不同情况下发生的连续和断续现象进行了研究。根据分段线性化思想,推断出降压斩波电路输出电流在断续情况下的条件,给出了其在电流断续的计算公式,为其实际应用提供了方便。  相似文献   
Strain invariant failure theory (SIFT) is a micro-mechanics-based failure theory for multi-scale failure analysis of composite materials originally proposed by Gosse and Christensen. In this paper, the approach for obtaining strain amplification matrix which is a key step for the execution of SIFT is improved by adopting representative volume element (RVE) finite element models considering periodical boundary condition, based on which more actual deformation mode is reflected. The deformation modes and strain data at the characteristic points of the centroid cell of multi-cell RVE model are analyzed and taken as a reference. It can be concluded that more reasonable deformation mode and relationship between the micro-mechanical and macro-mechanical strain states are obtained by employing the new model. Finally, numerical examples are provided to illustrate the determination of strain amplification factors within the RVEs considering periodical boundary condition at the characteristic points.  相似文献   
舰载直升机应召搜索时使用特种浮标问题研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在使用声纳浮标搜索时,水声环境对搜索效能影响很大,通过布设特种浮标可以测得当面海区水声环境,确定浮标工作深度和作用距离。分析了舰载直升机布设特种浮标的方法和布设模型,针对布设时存在的问题提出了改进对策,为舰载直升机应召搜索时使用特种浮标提供参考。  相似文献   
陆军航空兵部队作战指挥能力灰色评估模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过分析陆军航空兵部队指挥机构的作战指挥活动,构建了陆军航空兵部队作战指挥能力评估指标体系;采用灰色理论和两两比较原理相结合的方法,建立了陆军航空兵部队作战指挥能力评估模型;针对某陆军航空兵部队进行了算例分析,证明了该模型的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   
介绍一种快速卡尔曼滤波算法,对于一般的递归最小二乘自适应算法(RLS算法)来说有着更快的计算速度,同最小均方自适应算法(LMS算法)相比计算量差不多,该算法用统计模型(时间序列)来代替状态方程,大大减少了算法的复杂度,在速度估计的时候采用时间序列模型方法进行速度估计,通过Matlab仿真,证明在一定情况下此方法有效、可行。  相似文献   
以长江口深水航道治理二期工程为依托,进行基床基础防波堤的动力软化判别标准的研究,分析在波浪作用下3个不同沉降量的典型断面下卧地基土的自重应力、附加静应力、波浪作用的附加动应力分布间的关系,初步得出该地区软粘土可能出现动力软化现象的判别标准。  相似文献   
Evd与动态模量Ed相关关系的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过大量室内试验,用DBM30型仪器和GDSLABV2型仪器分别对不同种类土的动态模量指标Evd与土的动态模量Ed进行检测,并对两者的关系进行对比研究。研究表明,在土颗粒较小的情况下,Evd与Ed有较好的线形关系。  相似文献   
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