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基于人群的汽车市场细分模型,简称GSM,是一项基于多类高级统计分析技术的市场细分模型,在汽车产品规划、产品战略、商品企划和市场沟通等方面都可以发挥非常重要的作用。文中介绍了模型的构建方法,并对GSM在汽车商品前期企划方面的应用进行了初步应用示范。  相似文献   
谢骋  王蠡  任凯 《汽车技术》2012,(8):24-28
构建了一种面向整车操纵稳定性指标分解技术的智能化仿真计算及子系统性能参数优化设计的分析方法流程,归纳出了面向A+级轿车悬架系统外特性参数的典型变化范围带宽,并探索出了一条子系统外特性参数对多个整车性能目标的优化技术路线。运用DOE方法、响应面方法以及基于响应面结果的多目标优化算法,得到了悬架子系统各特性参数对整车操纵稳定性目标的敏感性、贡献率、近似模型以及最优设计值。  相似文献   
基于关角隧道、羊八井隧道内燃牵引机车有害气体浓度冬季监测结果,以及拉日线隧址区现场风速观测,提出了拉日线隧道外自然风速的建议值。通过对隧道热位差产生的隧道内自然风速的计算,以及隧道内风速和污染物浓度一维非恒定流数值模拟,确定了隧道内自然风速的合理取值,计算了活塞风风速及活塞风长度;分析了拉日线3 000~4 070 m长度隧道全年内可实现自然通风的时段。研究表明,长度3 000 m以下的隧道,运营期间可实现自然通风;长度3 000~4 070 m的隧道采用自然通风,可在远期运行图周期内使有害气体达标。  相似文献   
该文对隧道工程的常见水损坏类型进行了成因分析,提出了维修设计方法。该设计方法已在上海市S20隧道的维修过程中得到应用。  相似文献   
Abundant practical evidences have indicated that the soil progressively loses its structural configuration under construction disturbance and this can result in long-term macro deformation. The fundamental understanding of soil microstructure evolution subject to construction disturbance is necessary for controlling disturbance in excavation projects and minimizing ground settlement. The microstructure of Shanghai soft soil is investigated in this study. The laboratory isotropic compression tests are respectively performed on the virgin soil and the reconstructed Shanghai soft soil to investigate the macro deformation of soil under disturbance. Discrete element method model is used to study the micro particle level responses of soil under disturbance. The laboratory tests and numerical simulations provide theoretical basis for construction disturbance mitigation to ensure safety and stability of excavation projects.  相似文献   
基于轮胎与路面间接触压力具有很明显的非均布性,根据轮胎胎面花纹的类型,提出荷载简化模型,并利用有限元计算分析不同荷载作用下的沥青路面结构应力。结果表明,轮胎与路面接触面的局部区域内,不同荷载模式的影响相当大。  相似文献   
通过正交试验方法.研究分析了聚羧酸高效减水剂对无砂多孔混凝土抗压强度和孔隙比的影响.试验结果表明,这种减水剂对抗压强度的提高作用很大,对孔隙率的影响也显著,但随掺量的增加影响会减小.论文还提出了使用中的注意事项.  相似文献   
生态公路设计理念与建设分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
谢方成 《路基工程》2009,(4):108-110
阐述了生态公路的基本内涵,对生态公路与常规公路在设计方面的区别进行了分析,提出了生态公路的设计理念;从规划设计、施工、运营、环境管理、环境监测和现代先进技术的应用等方面探讨了生态公路的实现途径和建设模式。  相似文献   
本文系统地分析了国内普通公交站牌普遍存在的信息不全和人性化程度较低等问题。针对公交站牌的主要问题,从信息全面和乘客“受控能力”的基本思想出发,提出了新型公交站牌的基本概念设计思路。通过采用开放式的信息流表达方式,结合区域内公交线网分布图,运用站点索引和线路索引两种查询方式来指引乘客乘坐公交。通过新型公交站牌,乘客不仅可以获得公交线路的信息,还可以获得整个城市的重要公交站点、客运枢纽站和地理位置信息等。设计概念与传统的公交站牌设计思路相比,更加体现了“以人为本”和“以顾客为关注焦点”的理念。  相似文献   
The effects of coolant’s temperature on emissions of particulate matters (PM) and particle-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from a gasoline direct injection (GDI) engine were studied during the start process using gasoline (M0) and gasoline mixed with methanol in 15 % volume (M15). The engine worked at a certain idle speed automatically under different coolant’s temperature conditions after successful start. The experimental data was recorded from 0 to 40 seconds during the start. Results indicated that, there are significant differences in PM and particle-bound PAHs emissions between cold and warm start conditions. Particulate size distribution was measured with the Engine Exhaust Particle Sizer (EEPS) 3090. Compared with M0 fuel, the PM emission of M15 fuel decreased significantly, especially nucleation-mode particulate emission. The mass emission of PM was measured using the Gravimetric method. A same variation trend in PM mass emissions can be inferred for both fuels, i.e. it decreases while the coolant’s temperature increases. Compared with M0 fuel, the PM mass with M15 fuel reduces by 80 % at 20 oC coolant’s temperature. Agilent 7000B GC-QQQ was used to provide both qualitative and quantitative analysis on PAHs. The application of M15 fuel reduces the concentrations of most PAH species compared with M0 fuel, except those with smaller aromatic rings. In addition, Benzo(a)pyrene equivalent toxicity (BEQ) is calculated to evaluate the toxicity of PAHs emissions. The toxicity decreases when the GDI engine starts with higher coolant’s temperature or with M15 fuel.  相似文献   
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