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靠近艉部的GPS天线线型对AUV的阻力以及桨盘面处的伴流品质有直接影响。高品质的伴流场能有效地降低噪声并提高水动力性能。为了获得最优的GPS天线线型,以某自主式水下机器人(AUV)为母型,采用ICEM-CFD、Fluent等CFD软件,结合RANS方法和SSTκ-ω模型对搭载不同线型GPS天线的AUV进行数值计算。研究结果表明GPS天线设计前倾角可以有效降低天线的阻力,从而降低AUV受到的整体阻力。具有一定前倾角和尾端曲线的GPS天线有利于改善AUV尾部伴流特性,减小桨盘面伴流速度的不均匀度。  相似文献   
实船舵空化现象试验观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空化是高航速下水面舰船螺旋桨及舵等附体上常见的现象,空化的产生会带来振动、噪声和空蚀等一系列问题,直接影响舰船的舒适性和局部结构的安全性.而由于国内有关实尺度舵空化数据的缺乏,导致人们对于实船舵空化的状况仍知之甚少.本文通过试验方法观察了某一实船舵在一定航速、一定舵角下的空化状况,获得了实船舵空化出现的位置及程度,为实尺度舵空化问题的认识和优化提供了一定参考.  相似文献   
本文介绍了电力推进船舶谐波,阐明了谐波产生的原因和谐波的危害,分析总结了抑制船舶谐波的方法和措施。  相似文献   
加速度测量设备是现代水下航行器操纵控制系统中不可缺少的关键器件之一,其性能的好坏在整个系统中起着关键性的作用.本文首先介绍了石英挠性加速度测量装置的工作原理,然后针对磁场和温度变化影响石英挠性加速度计标度因数和零偏的稳定性问题,提出屏蔽结构设计和温度控制结构设计优化方案,并对优化效果进行预估计算.结果表明,经结构优化后加速度测量装置的测量精度明显提升.  相似文献   
The typical industry practice for Tension Leg Platform (TLP) design focuses on a conventional short-term design recipe, which assumes that an N-year design environment leads to an N-year response. In the response-based design method, the TLP is designed to withstand N-year responses rather than respond to N-year environmental conditions. In this paper, we present an overview and a general procedure for the response-based design method and use a case study to compare the critical TLP responses between the two methods. The results of our comparison show that the conventional short-term design method often contains an element of conservatism and that the response-based design method can reduce the design conditions and thereby achieve cost savings.  相似文献   
Response spectra of fixed offshore structures impacted by extreme waves are investigated based on the higher order components of the nonlinear drag force. In this way, steel jacket platforms are simplified as a mass attached to a light cantilever cylinder and their corresponding deformation response spectra are estimated by utilizing a generalized single degree of freedom system. Based on the wave data recorded in the Persian Gulf region, extreme wave loading conditions corresponding to different return periods are exerted on the offshore structures. Accordingly, the effect of the higher order components of the drag force is considered and compared to the linearized state for different sea surface levels. When the fundamental period of the offshore structure is about one third of the main period of wave loading, the results indicate the linearized drag term is not capable of achieving a reliable deformation response spectrum.  相似文献   
Environmental effects have an important influence on Offshore Wind Turbine (OWT) power generation efficiency and the structural stability of such turbines. In this study, we use an in-house Boundary Element (BEM)—panMARE code—to simulate the unsteady flow behavior of a full OWT with various combinations of aerodynamic and hydrodynamic loads in the time domain. This code is implemented to simulate potential flows for different applications and is based on a three-dimensional first-order panel method. Three different OWT configurations consisting of a generic 5 MW NREL rotor with three different types of foundations (Monopile, Tripod, and Jacket) are investigated. These three configurations are analyzed using the RANSE solver which is carried out using ANSYS CFX for validating the corresponding results. The simulations are performed under the same environmental atmospheric wind shear and rotor angular velocity, and the wave properties are wave height of 4 m and wave period of 7.16 s. In the present work, wave environmental effects were investigated firstly for the two solvers, and good agreement is achieved. Moreover, pressure distribution in each OWT case is presented, including detailed information about local flow fields. The time history of the forces at inflow direction and its moments around the mudline at each OWT part are presented in a dimensionless form with respect to the mean value of the last three loads and the moment amplitudes obtained from the BEM code, where the contribution of rotor force is lower in the tripod case and higher in the jacket case and the calculated hydrodynamic load that effect on jacket foundation type is lower than other two cases.  相似文献   
In this paper, we report our study on a numerical fluid-structure interaction problem originally presented by Mok et al.(2001) in two dimensions and later studied in three dimensions by Valdés Vazquez(2007), Lombardi(2012), and Trimarchi(2012). We focus on a 3D test case in which we evaluated the sensitivity of several input parameters on the fluid and structural results. In particular, this analysis provides a starting point from which we can look deeper into specific aspects of these simulations and analyze more realistic cases, e.g., in sails design. In this study, using the commercial software ADINATM, we addressed a well-known unsteadiness problem comprising a square box representing the fluid domain with a flexible bottom modeled with structural shell elements. We compared data from previously published work whose authors used the same numerical approach, i.e., a partitioned approach coupling a finite volume solver(for the fluid domain) and a finite element solver(for the solid domain). Specifically, we established several benchmarks and made comparisons with respect to fluid and solid meshes, structural element types, and structural damping, as well as solution algorithms. Moreover, we compared our method with a monolithic finite element solution method. Our comparisons of new and old results provide an outline of best practices for such simulations.  相似文献   
This paper aims to numerically investigate the effects of parametric instability on piezoelectric energy harvesting from the transverse galloping of a square prism. A two degrees-of-freedom reduced-order model for this problem is proposed and numerically integrated. A usual quasi-steady galloping model is applied, where the transverse force coefficient is adopted as a cubic polynomial function with respect to the angle of attack. Time-histories of nondimensional prism displacement, electric voltage and power dissipated at both the dashpot and the electrical resistance are obtained as functions of the reduced velocity. Both, oscillation amplitude and electric voltage, increased with the reduced velocity for all parametric excitation conditions tested. For low values of reduced velocity, 2:1 parametric excitation enhances the electric voltage. On the other hand, for higher reduced velocities, a 1:1 parametric excitation (i.e., the same as the natural frequency) enhances both oscillation amplitude and electric voltage. It has been also found that, depending on the parametric excitation frequency, the harvested electrical power can be amplified in 70% when compared to the case under no parametric excitation.  相似文献   
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