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This paper studies the application of mathematical models to analyze the vortex-induced vibrations of the tendons of a given TLP along the Indian coastline, by using an analytical approach, analyzed using MATLAB. The tendon is subjected to a steady current load, which causes vortex-shedding downstream, leading to cross-flow vibrations. The magnitude of the excitation (lift and drag coefficients) depends on the vortex-shedding frequency. The resulting vibration is studied for possible resonant behavior. The excitation force is quantified empirically, the added mass by potential flow hydrodynamics, and the vibration by normal mode summation method. Non-linear viscous damping of the water is considered. The non-linear oscillations are studied by the phase-plane method, investigating the limit-cycle oscillations. The stable/unstable regions of the dynamic behavior are demarcated. The modal contribution to the total deflection is studied to establish the possibility of resonance of one of the wet modes with the vortex-shedding frequency.  相似文献   
This article mainly proposed three technically effective alternatives to comply with the emission control regulations and laws in shipping. Liquefied natural gas (LNG)-diesel dual fuel power technology was introduced through feasibility study on several aspects including research development, retrofitting methods, vessel type, safety issues, and other technical characteristics. Based on sample ship and route, economic evaluation was conducted on these three alternatives. Cost-effectiveness of each project was detailed in the calculation of net present value (NPV) and payback time via discount cash flow method. The findings show that LNG-diesel dual fuel power technology performs best among three alternatives. Due to the impact of fuel price, two scenarios were carried out in sensitivity analysis which witnessed a variation of NPV with the fluctuation of fuel price. Further study shows the turning point between project (i) and project (iii) with different discount rate and the interaction between discount rate and fuel price, left project (ii) the least cost-effective solution in three alternatives.  相似文献   
This paper provides an estimation of air emissions (CO2, NOX, SOX and PM) released by cruise vessels at the port level. The methodology is based on the “full bottom-up” approach and starts by evaluating the fuel consumed by each vessel on the basis of its individual port activities (manoeuvring, berthing and hoteling). The Port of Barcelona was selected as the site at which to perform the analysis, in which 125 calls of 30 cruise vessels were monitored. Real-time data from the automatic identification system (AIS), factor emissions from engine certificates and vessel characteristics from IHS Sea-web database were also collected for the analysis. The research findings show that the most appropriate indicators are inventory emissions per “port-time gross tonnage”, “port-time passenger” and “port time”. These emission indicators improve our understanding of cruise emissions and will facilitate the work that aims to estimate reliably and quickly the in-port ship emission inventories of cruise ports.  相似文献   
一种高效率、高精度的振动测量和分析方法,该方法不仅可以获得振动参数,还能获得加速度(A)、速度(V)和位移(D)(本文简称AVD值)。与传统方法不同,该方法是基于虚拟仪器及其计算机运行环境的一种非接触测量方法,通过测量与虚拟仪器实现对振动图象的数字化处理和通道扩展,测量完成后除获得震动参量外还可直接获得相关AVD值。通过实验室验证其有效性并准备用于某种发射装置振动特征值的测量。  相似文献   
2010年国际耐火试验程序应用规则(201O年FTP规则)将根据与之相关的SOLAS公约有关修正案而具有强制性,预期将于2012年7月1日生效。  相似文献   
总结了水面舰艇舰载超视距雷达和舰载直升机进行超视距目标定位的方法,对典型超视距雷达和直升机目标定位方法的精度误差来源及构成进行了分析,提出了舰载雷达和直升机在远程定位的作战使用中的战术要求。  相似文献   
杨松  刘晓林 《船电技术》2011,31(10):26-28,31
本文介绍了基于场一路一运动耦合的时步有限元法,并应用Ansofl软件,通过编辑电机绕组外部控制电路,实现了同步电动机的自动投励过程的仿真,分析了电机空载启动时的电磁参数。  相似文献   
The new intact stability criteria which are under development at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) are required to cover a broaching phenomenon, well known as a great threat to high-speed vessels which can lead to capsizing. Some reports exist which demonstrate that their numerical models can predict a highly nonlinear phenomenon of broaching. However, additional validation studies are needed for unconventional vessels, in addition to conventional ones, to develop direct stability assessment methods for the new intact stability criteria. In this research, we selected as the subject ship a wave-piercing tumblehome vessel with twin screws and twin rudders, a design expected to be one of a new generation of high-speed monohull ships. Firstly, a series of captive model tests were conducted to measure the resistance, the manoeuvring forces, the wave-exciting forces, the heel-induced hydrodynamic forces, and the roll restoring variation for the unconventional tumblehome vessel. Secondly, the existing mathematical model which had been developed for broaching prediction of conventional vessels with a single propeller and a single rudder was extended to unconventional vessels with twin propellers and twin rudders. Finally, comparisons between numerical simulations and the existing free running model experiments were conducted. As a result, it was demonstrated that fair quantitative prediction of broaching is realised when the rudder force variation, the roll restoring variation and the heel-induced hydrodynamic force for large heel angles are taken into account.  相似文献   
为研究复杂腔体内航行体在出筒过程中的燃气流场和腔体内部压力建立情况,采用计算流体力学方法和动网格技术,对航行体出筒过程进行数值模拟。将安置在腔体内的航行体作为运动实体,随着航行体的运动,相应的流场计算边界发生变化。计算过程根据当前时刻喷管内流场及燃气流场计算航行体受力情况,确定航行体在任意计算时刻的运动速度,并由相应的运动边界更新网格,计算新网格下的流场参数分布。计算结果与实验结果符合较好,说明文中方法能够有效地揭示航行体出筒过程中燃气流的动力特性,通过分析这些流动现象,为工程应用提供有意义的参考。  相似文献   
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