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以合成的Fe PO4·2H2O为铁源和磷源,Li OH·H2O为锂源,柠檬酸﹑草酸为还原剂,采用喷雾干燥法制备球形Li Fe PO4正极材料.研究喷嘴内径﹑固含量﹑溶解时间﹑进风温度﹑蠕动泵转速对Li Fe PO4形貌的影响.X射线衍射(XRD)和扫描电镜(SEM)分析表明:在喷嘴内径为=0.5 mm,固含量为5%,完全溶解,进风温度160℃,蠕动泵转速750 m L/h时喷雾干燥法合成的Li Fe PO4晶型完整,颗粒均匀. 相似文献
一个良好的设施布置设计可以使物料搬运的成本降低,使人员走动的距离缩短,从而使运作效率提高。运用SLP技术,对F公司CG片生产车间布局进行分析改善。首先,对该车间的生产流程和物流量进行分析,发现存在物料重复搬运、线路迂回、物流作业流程复杂等问题。然后,运用物流关系和作业单位相互关系图,经过尽可能小的调整,在能适应产品生产、工艺、流程等方面的情况下,降低物料搬运成本,求得合理的布置,从而使生产物流运作顺畅,达到提高整个生产系统经济效益最优的目的。最后,以物料搬运成本和厂房租金为评价指标,说明新布局的优越性。 相似文献
To get the movement mode and driving mechanism similar to human shoulder joint, a six degrees of freedom (DOF) serial-parallel bionic shoulder joint mechanism driven by pneumatic muscle actuators (PMAs) was designed. However, the structural parameters of the shoulder joint will affect various performances of the mechanism. To obtain the optimal structure parameters, the particle swarm optimization (PSO) was used. Besides, the mathematical expressions of indexes of rotation ranges, maximum bearing torque, discrete dexterity and muscle shrinkage of the bionic shoulder joint were established respectively to represent its many-sided characteristics. And the multi-objective optimization problem was transformed into a single-objective optimization problem by using the weighted-sum method. The normalization method and adaptive-weight method were used to determine each optimization index’s weight coefficient; then the particle swarm optimization was used to optimize the integrated objective function of the bionic shoulder joint and the optimal solution was obtained. Compared with the average optimization generations and the optimal target values of many experiments, using adaptive-weight method to adjust weights of integrated objective function is better than using normalization method, which validates superiority of the adaptive-weight method. 相似文献
A series of Pd/Co3O4 catalysts were prepared by Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis (SHS) method in this study, and electric field was applied for catalytic combustion of lean methane over Pd/Co3O4 catalysts at low temperature. When electric field was applied, the catalytic combustion performance of Pd/Co3O4 catalysts was greatly improved, and the application of electric field could reduce the load of active element Pd to some extent while maintaining the same efficiency. Based on experimental tests and the analysis results of X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), H2-temperature-programmed reduction (H2-TPR) and in-situ diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (in-situ DRIFTS), the mechanism of catalytic oxidation of CH4 over Pd/Co3O4 catalysts in electric field was proposed. The catalytic combustion of CH4 occurs only when the temperature is higher than 250 °C normally, but when electric field was applied, the whole process of CH4 oxidation was promoted significantly and the reaction temperature was reduced. Electric field could promote the reduction of the support Co3O4 to release the lattice oxygen, resulting in the increase of PdOx and the surface chemisorbed oxygen, which could provide more active sites for the low-temperature oxidation of CH4. Furthermore, electric field could accelerate the dehydroxylation of CoOOH to further enhance the activity of the catalysts. 相似文献
水运是长江上游省份进出口贸易和地区间物资运输的重要方式。首先,论述了长江上游内河航运地位的变迁和未来发展态势。改革开放以后长江作为东西向物流运输大通道的功能逐渐发挥,未来上游地区的江海联运仍然具有明显优势。其次,探讨了长江上游港口群的发展历史、发展态势及亟须协调的问题。主要港口由单一商贸功能向商贸加生产的综合功能转变,并通过多式联运积极拓展腹地,但港口生产能力过剩,且核心港区功能还有待加强。最后,对长江经济带战略背景下长江上游内河航运和港口群的发展提出建议,指出要加快形成港口群合力,建设重庆长江上游航运中心,完善核心港区功能。 相似文献
随着电动汽车的推广和使用,电动汽车与燃油汽车在路网中交互运行,形成了混行交通环境.本文构建考虑排放约束和途中充电的电动汽车混行交通路网均衡模型.首先,分别定义了电动汽车用户与燃油汽车用户的出行成本函数,其中电动汽车用户出行成本包含行驶时间、充电排队时间及充电时长.其次,构建了考虑排放约束的混行交通路网均衡模型,证明了解的唯一性,推导了模型对应的KKT条件,且与Wardrop第一原理等价.然后,将均衡模型表述为包括用户均衡条件、排放约束、守恒约束的互补性条件形式,通过引入间隙函数,进一步将其转化为等价的无约束最优化问题,并利用基于梯度的算法进行求解.最后,通过算例验证了均衡模型及算法的有效性,结果表明:(1)考虑路网排放约束将影响混行交通量和充电站充电流量空间分布;(2)总需求和电动汽车渗透率不变的条件下,提高减排力度会导致路网总行程时间的增加;(3)给定减排力度时,可以确定路网总行程时间最小时对应的电动汽车最优渗透率. 相似文献
动车组运用计划的编制通常需要综合考虑运输安全、效率及成本等多方面因素,其编制质量及编制效率对高速铁路运营有重要影响.为了快速获得高质量动车组运用计划,以降低综合运营成本和总空驶里程等为优化目标,建立了基于列车车次的可改编动车组运用优化混合整数线性规划模型,并设计了一个迭代逼近算法框架.该算法框架将整个问题分解为主问题和... 相似文献
城市中心体系是制定并落实空间发展战略的核心内容,是优化空间结构的关键策略.城市中心体系与公共交通模式紧密耦合,是大伦敦空间发展战略的核心和标志性理念.首先,梳理大伦敦城镇中心网络的政策发展过程,明确特点与分级方法.其次,围绕城市空间、交通空间、要素空间,从宏中微观视角分析政策传递的耦合、叠合、联合特征.再次,针对国家指引优化、地方指南引导、体检指标传递,从国家-市区层面解读政策实施评估.最后,指出亟须建立健全城市中心规划评估体系,明确识别评估方法,完善监测体检机制;认为指引指南、创新机制、体检评估有助于传递深化战略政策要求;强调亟须提升政策移植适应能力,有必要在城市发展战略层面将城市中心体系与公共交通模式紧密耦合. 相似文献
创新是推动社会发展的灵魂,创业是促进社会和谐共生、推动经济发展的重要途径.为实现"中国制造2025"制造强国的战略需求,促进高职院校教育改革良性发展,高职院校致力于培养高素质技能与创新创业融合型工匠人才.以现代学徒制汽车类专业创新创业人才培养模式为出发点,建立多层次学徒制实践基地,融入递阶式创新创业教育方法和汽车产业链... 相似文献
文章从出行效用角度出发对空铁联运旅客需求进行研究.结合前景理论与后悔理论提出基础效用、风险感知效用和欣喜效用,基于转换的重力模型优化效用函数,得到腹地城市-高铁-航班的旅客需求预测模型.以南京禄口国际机场为目标机场,综合长三角机场群中旅客吞吐量大于1 000万的机场、距离最近的十个机场以及根据行政划分的江苏省所有机场进... 相似文献