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溃坝模拟的光滑粒子流体动力学方法及其粘性特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) is a Lagrangian meshless particle method. It is one of the best method for simulating violent free surface flows in fluids and solving large fluid deformations. Dam breaking is a typical example of these problems. The basis of SPH was reviewed, including some techniques for governing equation resolution, such as the stepping method and the boundary handling method. Then numerical results of a dam breaking simulation were discussed, and the benefits of concepts like artificial viscosity and position correction were analyzed in detail. When compared with dam breaking simulated by the volume of fluid (VOF) method, the wave profile generated by SPH had good agreement, but the pressure had only reasonable agreement. Improving pressure results is clearly an important next step for research.  相似文献   
深水SPAR平台截断技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To solve the dimensional limitations of physical models in tests, an equivalent water depth truncated design for a classical SPAR working in 913 m water was investigated. The water depth was reduced to 736m and then to 552m. As this was done, the mooring line lengths, EA value, and mass per meter were adjusted. Truncation rules and formulas for parameters and truncation factors were proposed. SPAR static characteristics were made to be consistent with those at full water depth. Then further time-domain coupled analysis was carried out for the SPAR when the mooring system experienced waves. The mooring lines were simulated by quasi-static method. Global responses and mooring line forces were found to agree well with test results for a prototype at that water depth. The truncation method proved to be robust and reliable.  相似文献   
实际海浪环境大尺度模型试验遥控遥测系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Physical testing of large-scale ship models at sea is a new experimental method. It is a cheap and reliable way to research the environment adaptability of a ship in complex and extreme wave conditions. It is necessary to have a stable experimental system for the test. Since the experimental area is large, a remote control system and a telemetry system are essential, and were designed by the authors. An experiment was conducted on the Songhuajiang River to test the systems. The relationship between the model’s speed and its electromotor’s revolutions was also measured during the model test. The results showed that the two systems make it possible to carry out large-scale model tests at sea.  相似文献   
基于相位差的方位估计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The phase difference method (PDM) is presented for the direction of arrival (DOA) estimation of the narrowband source. It estimates the DOA by measuring the reciprocal of the phase range of the sensor output spectra at the interest frequency bin. The peak width and variance of the PDM are presented. The PDM can distinguish closely spaced sources with different and unknown center frequencies as long as they are separated with at least one frequency bin. The simulation results show that the PDM has a better resolution than that of the conventional beamforming.  相似文献   
基于SPH方法的波浪对水平板冲击的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A numerical model was established for simulating wave impact on a horizontal deck by an improved incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics (ISPH). As a grid-less particle method, the ISPH method has been widely used in the free-surface hydrodynamic flows with good accuracy. The improvement includes the employment of a corrective function for enhancement of angular momentum conservation in a particle-based calculation and a new estimation method to predict the pressure on the horizontal deck. The simulation results show a good agreement with the experiment. The present numerical model can be used to study wave impact load on the horizontal deck.  相似文献   
磨粒的三维测量与重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在铁谱分析中引入计算机三维测量与重构技术,通过使用改进拉普拉斯算子对在普通光学显微镜下拍摄到的磨粒连续图像序列进行清晰度分析来测量磨粒表面高度,重构磨粒三维图像.在普通光学显微镜下快速、方便地获取磨粒表面三维图,使铁谱分析技术不再仅限于对磨粒图像的二维分析.  相似文献   
本工作以清醒、整体大鼠为对象,记录了刺激皮神经所诱发的屈肌反射电位(FRP)和背根电位(DRP)。分级刺激腓肠神经(皮神经),在hamstring神经干上(一组支配后肢屈肌群的神经)先后诱发出A-FRP和C-FRP,同时在L_5背根上诱发出A-DRP和C-DRP。A-FRP和A-DRP的阈值、潜伏期均无明显差异,且呈有意义的正相关;二者的幅值在一定范围内随刺激强度的增大而增大。C-FRP阈值和潜伏期比C-DRP均较大,但二者的阈值和潜伏期均呈有意义的正相关,且二者的幅值在一定范围内随刺激强度的增大而同步递增。每一串刺激(3个脉冲,间隔5ms,波宽0.5ms)诱发的DRP和FRP值均较相应单刺激诱发的为大,即DRP和FRP均有时间总和现象。  相似文献   
“中山”舰是中国近代史上的著名战舰,她历经苍桑,在国民革命和抗击日本帝国主义侵略战争中立下了赫赫战功,是炎黄子孙心中的一座丰碑,在国际上也颇有影响。本文详细介绍了“中山”舰所走过的历程,发挥的重大的历史作用,打捞修复情况和“中山”舰的具体尺寸、结构、性能以及设备、武器装备布置等。  相似文献   
依据蓬莱2005年出土的一根长9.25米的木料实测数据及初加工的情况,经分析,认为它是舵杆毛料,同时对其年代也进行了一定的探讨。  相似文献   
钢轨断面图形信息自动获取系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以铁道钢轨断面图形检测为实例,设计了一个光学图象信息采集系统。把强光带直接照射到钢轨轨顶及其两侧,将一对CCD摄象机获取的三维物体的图象信息,经图象预处理后,用线性内插法对光带细化,使其变为二维图象处理,从而不再涉及难度较大的立体象对的图象相关问题。  相似文献   
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