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多洞空间小净距隧道支护结构参数量化设计与安全性分析是当前设计中的一大难题。文章针对深圳机荷高速公路荷坳隧道四洞小净距段的设计,采用总安全系数法对四洞的开挖与支护模式、各洞的开挖顺序及支护参数进行了研究比较,并采用隧规荷载-结构法、增量法、地层-结构法对支护结构的安全系数进行了对比计算,得出以下结论:(1)提出了基于总安全系数法原理的多洞空间小净距隧道设计方法;(2)根据总安全系数法得出了荷坳隧道四洞小净距段应采用“先行洞二次衬砌完成后再开挖下一孔隧道”的开挖与支护模式,且应按洞1→洞2→洞3→洞4的开挖顺序施工;(3)隧规荷载-结构法、增量法、地层-结构法虽无法得出结构的总承载安全系数,但在一定程度上可以反应部分支护结构的安全性。  相似文献   
More and more multiple-track tunnels and super-large section tunnels have been built, and disman- tling of temporary strut is a weak point of the whole structure during force transfer when the secondary lining is con- structed. It is significant to guarantee structure safety during dismantling of temporary strut. Little systematic re- search on safety in dismantling of temporary strut of the super-large section tunnel with double-layer primary support has been conducted, so the internal force and security of the two-layer primary support of the Xinkaotang tunnel were analyzed by a numerical analysis and site measurement, and it proves the effect of two-layer primary support on the safety during strut dismantling. The research results indicate that: (1) with constant support thickness and one-time longitudinal dismantling length, the safety factor of secondary primary support is larger than that of the first primary support, and the safety factor of the first primary support is larger than that of the single-layer primary support. Change range of safety factor for the first primary support is smaller than that of the single-layer primary support, and the safe factor for the single-layer primary support is smaller than that of the secondary primary support; (2) with the same support pattern, the safety factors increase firstly and then decrease with an increase of the onetime dismantling length. The calculated results of various cases show that the reasonable one-time dismantling length for this project is about 9 m. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
We have collected information on 46 bus rapid transit (BRT) systems throughout the world to investigate the potential patronage drivers. From a large number of candidate explanatory variables (quantitative and qualitative), 11 sources of systematic variation are identified which have a statistically significant impact on daily passenger-trip numbers. These sources are fare, headway, the length of the BRT network, the number of corridors, average distance between stations; whether there is: an integrated network of routes and corridors, modal integration at BRT stations, pre-board fare collection and fare verification, quality control oversight from an independent agency, at-level boarding and alighting, as well as the location of BRT. The findings of this paper offer important insights into features of BRT systems that are positive contributors to growing patronage and hence should be taken into account in designing and planning BRT systems.  相似文献   
文章分别计算了采空区上方地层弯曲时对隧道产生的附加荷载q1、q2及地层水平应变时对隧道产生的附加荷载qH,并推导出了采空区地层容许弯曲变形和水平应变数值.结果表明,现行交通部《采空区公路设计与施工技术细则》规定的采空区地基容许变形值较为笼统且偏大,结构偏于不安全.最后,文章根据计算结果对比,对不同围岩级别提出了更严格、更安全、更有针对性和可操作性的隧道对采空区地层变形限制要求,以供广大隧道工作者参考使用.  相似文献   
内河航道在施工建设和运营管理期间会产生大量的能源消耗,抓好航道的节能减排对发展绿色交通具有重要作用。本文总结概况了目前我国内河航道节能减排现状及采用的关键技术,相关技术的推广将引导交通运输行业优化用能结构、促进产业协调发展。  相似文献   
编制(一)编制文件的依据(1)MLC2006公约;(2)CCS编写的"MLC2006符合声明PARTII编写指导"及"海事劳工管理手册编写指导";(3)目前船旗国现有的与MLC2006有关的立法;(4)公司具体的规定。(二)编制责任——船东制定(1)船东分别着手编制实船DMLCPARTII及其他必要的文件;(2)船舶培训、自查、缺陷及整改情况、评估(内部审核)、外部审核等程序,船东制定,分别纳入船舶MLC  相似文献   
在对ATS系统进路控制问题进行分析的基础上,采取故障导向安全的思想,在不影响车站作业的前提下,以提高列车进路的准确性和时效性为目标,结合移动闭塞制式下ATS系统进路控制的特点,提出了一种高可靠性的进路控制模型,并对模型的运行机制进行了论述。该模型已在实际系统中得到了应用,并取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   
郑科 《港口科技》2011,(9):19-23
以上海赵家沟船闸工程为例,提出不同于传统的新型船闸施工工艺流程。将深基坑支护施工技术与船闸施工技术有机结合,并采取若干工艺改进。新工艺解决了在城市环境下特殊工况船闸施工的难题。  相似文献   
安全管理一直都是企业生存和发展的生命线。航运企业作为一种高危行业,其安全工作的重要性更是不容小觑。除了国际业界共知的公约和法律法规(如:  相似文献   
Democratic group signature (DGS) is a group-oriented primitive with great flexibilities, i.e., no group manager, anonymity, and traceability. In a DGS scheme with (t, n)-threshold traceability, any subset of not less than t members can jointly reveal the identity of the signer while preserving security even in the presence of an active adversary can corrupt up to t − 1 group members. This paper proposes an efficient DGS scheme. We use publicly verifiable secret sharing (PVSS) to distribute the trapdoor via which the real signer is revealed. The computation cost and communication overhead of our DGS signatures are greatly reduced, compared with the existing work. For example, the size of the resulting signature contains only 2n + 1 elements of Z q , except the PVSS output.  相似文献   
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