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This paper is concerned with the implications of public–private partnership agreements for the execution of expansion options in road infrastructure. More specifically, it analyzes the expansion of an existing two-lane road in Sweden, and examines the real options created by an intermediate type of road with three lanes. Interpreting the results from real option analysis in the light of incomplete contract theory, this paper finds that external congestion costs might necessitate public ownership to ensure a social optimal outcome in public–private partnerships.  相似文献   
轨道交通长大线路存在的 问题及思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在借鉴国内外有关研究的基础上,深入分析重庆原规划轨道交通长大线路存在的问题,认真总结国内外其他城市在解决轨道交通长大线路方面的经验,针对重庆特有的空间结构特征,提出轨道快线的概念,并阐述轨道快线实施的可能性。  相似文献   
键合图理论在汽车系统分析与控制中的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
裘熙定 《汽车工程》1996,18(5):277-284
本文分析了键合图理论特点,简介了键合图基本原理及国内外发展概况,重点论述了键合图理论在汽车系统分析与控制的建模和仿真的应用。  相似文献   
This paper proposes a novel method for estimating the traffic demand risk associated with transportation. Using mathematical properties of wavelets, we develop a statistical measure of traffic demand sensitivity with respect to GDP. This measure can be adapted in a flexible way to capture risk levels relevant for different investment horizons. We demonstrate the timescale decomposition of risk with Swedish traffic demand data for 1950–2005. In general, rail transport shows a stronger co-movement with GDP than road transport. Moreover, we examine the volatility exhibited by traffic demand. Our findings suggest that rail investments are more risky than road investments. Since the findings can be used for optimal investment timing and for choice between public investment alternatives, they are deemed important for public policy in general.  相似文献   
截止到2011年底,中国内地的14个城市拥有投入运营的城市轨道交通线路共54条,总长1 688 km。统计这些运营线路的名称、里程、最新运营时间等情况,并对统计口径和特别情况给予说明。给出2011年中国城市轨道交通运营线路的增长情况、各城市的运营线路数量和里程排序,并分析各城市在发展规模、地区分布等方面的不均衡情况。通过同以往年度的对比,结合在建线路情况,分析未来中国内地各城市轨道交通运营线路的发展趋势,并简要分析其内在原因,提出在注重发展速度的同时应当把安全质量放在首位。  相似文献   
The main purpose of this research is to reduce friction losses by adding carbon nanotubes to engine oil. Extremely favorable tribological properties of carbon nanotubes have been extensively studied on the microscopic scale and using tribometers, have not yet been verified in the engine. Enriching oil with nanotubes can lead to significant, exceeding 7 %, reduction in the motoring torque of the engine at low crankshaft rotational speed. The phenomena associated with the dispersion of carbon nanotubes in the engine are stated and discussed. It has been shown that the oil shear during normal operation of the engine can effectively improve the dispersion of nanotubes. At the same time the oil filtration system removes agglomerates of nanotubes very quickly.  相似文献   
对风能的利用是一项非常古老的技术,风磨早在几千年前就为人所用.古巴比伦人就已知道利用风能.然而在过去几十年,这项技术才得到了真正的发展.根据在航空领域所了解的知识,首先推进的是现代风电机的空气动力学技术.变桨系统则是过去30年最重大的成就之一.  相似文献   
轨道不平顺的发展受轨道、荷载、自然等因素的影响,它们的综合作用使轨道不平顺的发展过程呈现出趋势性和随机性特征.将灰色GM(1,1)预测理论与马尔可夫链预测理论相结合,提出一种适应轨道系统的改进灰色-马尔可夫链组合预测模型.新模型较好地处理了轨道系统内部各种不确定因素的影响,并能够充分挖掘历史数据给予的信息.应用新模型对轨道质量指数TQI进行实例计算,表明其具有很好的预测精度.  相似文献   
直线电机车辆技术现状与应用发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
阐述直线电机车辆具有爬坡能力强、转弯半径小等优点,介绍国内外直线电机车辆的技术特点和现状,对直线电机车辆转向架设计、电气牵引系统、辅助系统、制动系统等方面进行详细介绍,指出直线电机车辆在国内的未来应用和发展趋势。  相似文献   
将车站分为高架车站、地面车站、地下车站3类,较系统地归纳出这几类车站与周边建筑结合的典型形式,并通过国内外案例说明各类结合形式的要点、效果及特点,使之对我国城市轨道交通车站与周边建筑的设计者及决策者具有参考价值。  相似文献   
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