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In this paper, we analyze the travel patterns of Iranian women, where typical patriarchal views and specific social and cultural norms may differ from the patterns of those in western societies. In addition to inherent psycho-physical gender differences, women in Iran can face special constraints forcing them not to be involved in all activity-travel patterns that people in developed countries usually undertake. We pay special attention to the role of marital and employment status on women’s activity-travel patterns. To this end, we develop a joint mode and daily activity pattern (DAP) discrete choice model, which is a two-level mixed nested Logit. The upper nest of the proposed model embodies women’s DAP choices, and the lower nest belongs to the mode choices. In this paper, we try to show how different factors in a patriarchal Muslim society like Iran affect or restrict women’s type and structure of activity-travel patterns.  相似文献   
Hafezi  Mohammad Hesam  Liu  Lei  Millward  Hugh 《Transportation》2019,46(4):1369-1394

This study develops a new comprehensive pattern recognition modeling framework that leverages activity data to derive clusters of homogeneous daily activity patterns, for use in activity-based travel demand modeling. The pattern recognition model is applied to time use data from the large Halifax STAR household travel diary survey. Several machine learning techniques not previously employed in travel behavior analysis are used within the pattern recognition modeling framework. Pattern complexity of activity sequences in the dataset was recognized using the FCM algorithm, and resulted in identification of twelve unique clusters of homogeneous daily activity patterns. We then analysed inter-dependencies in each identified cluster and characterized the cluster memberships through their socio-demographic attributes using the CART classifier. Based on the socio-demographic characteristics of individuals we were able to correctly identify which cluster individuals belonged to, and also predict various information related to their activities, such as start time, duration, travel distance, and travel mode, for use in activity-based travel demand modeling. To execute the pattern recognition model, the 24-h activity patterns are split into 288 three dimensional 5 min intervals. Each interval includes information on activity types, duration, start time, location, and travel mode if applicable. Results from aggregated statistical evaluation and Kolmogorov–Smirnov tests indicate that there is heterogeneous diversity among identified clusters in terms of temporal distribution, and substantial differences in a variety of socio-demographic variables. The homogeneous clusters identified in this study may be used to more accurately predict the scheduling behavior of specific population groups in activity-based modeling, and hence to improve prediction of the times and locations of their travel demands. Finally, the results of this study are expected to be implemented within the activity-based travel demand model, Scheduler for Activities, Locations, and Travel (SALT).

This article presents a model for solving solid-fluid interactions in vehicles carrying liquids. A tractor-semitrailer model is developed by incorporating suspension systems and tire dynamics. Owing to the solid-fluid interaction, equations of motion for the vehicle system are coupled. To simplify the complicated solution procedure, the coupled equations are solved separately using two different codes. Each code is analyzed separately; but as the parameters of the two codes depend on each other, the codes must be connected at the end of each time step. To determine the dynamic behavior of the system, different braking moments are applied. As the braking moments increase, braking time decreases. However, it turns out that increasing the braking moment to more than a certain level produces no significant results. It is also shown that vehicles carrying fluids need a greater amount of braking moments in comparison to vehicles carrying solids during braking. In addition, as the level of the fluid inside the tanker increases, from one-third to two-third of the tanker's volume, the sloshing forces applied to the tanker's walls increase. It was also concluded that the strategy used in this article to solve for the solid-fluid interaction by incorporating vehicle dynamic effects represents an effective method for determining the dynamic behavior of vehicles carrying fluids in other critical maneuvers.  相似文献   
For off-road vehicles, minimizing the absorbed power is the main objective of suspension control. The primary cause of increase in the absorbed power in off-road vehicles driven at high speeds on harsh courses is the exhaustion of the suspension travel. Fuzzy-logic approach to active and semi-active off-road vehicle suspension control, with the goal of improving the speed of the vehicle over rough terrains are developed. The ride metric used for quantifying improvements is the absorbed power of the sprung mass. Particular attention is paid to the proper modeling of the suspension using both the full kinematic constraints and the more convenient two degree of freedom linear model of the quarter vehicle suspension. The nonlinearities due to the kinematic constraints on motion are accounted for by modifying the stiffness and damping coefficients of the suspension spring and dashpot in the linear model. The control laws are developed using the less complex model and demonstrated in the fully constrained environment. Nonlinearities of the suspension, including tire stiffness/damping and bumpstops are included at all stages of controller development.  相似文献   
One interaction between environmental and safety goals in transport is found within the vehicle fleet where fuel economy and secondary safety performance of individual vehicles impose conflicting requirements on vehicle mass from an individual’s perspective. Fleet characteristics influence the relationship between the environmental and safety outcomes of the fleet; the topic of this paper. Cross-sectional analysis of mass within the British fleet is used to estimate the partial effects of mass on the fuel consumption and secondary safety performance of vehicles. The results confirmed that fuel consumption increases as mass increases and is different for different combinations of fuel and transmission types. Additionally, increasing vehicle mass generally decreases the risk of injury to the driver of a given vehicle in the event of a crash. However, this relationship depends on the characteristics of the vehicle fleet, and in particular, is affected by changes in mass distribution within the fleet. We confirm that there is generally a trade-off in vehicle design between fuel economy and secondary safety performance imposed by mass. Cross-comparison of makes and models by model-specific effects reveal cases where this trade-off exists in other aspects of design. Although it is shown that mass imposes a trade-off in vehicle design between safety and fuel use, this does not necessarily mean that it imposes a trade-off between safety and environmental goals in the vehicle fleet as a whole because the secondary safety performance of a vehicle depends on both its own mass and the mass of the other vehicles with which it collides.  相似文献   
This paper examines the activity engagement, sequencing and timing of activities for student, faculty and staff commuter groups at the largest university in the Maritime Provinces of Canada. The daily activity patterns of all university community groups are modeled using the classification and regression tree classifier algorithm. The data used for this study are derived from the Environmentally Aware Travel Diary Survey (EnACT) conducted in spring 2016 at Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia. Results show that there are significant differences in activity and travel behavior between university population segments and the general population in the region, and between campus groups. For example, students participate in more recreation activities compared to faculty and staff. They also take more trips to and from campus, and are more flexible in their scheduling of trips. The insights gained from this study will provide helpful information for promoting sustainability across university campuses, and for development of campus-based travel demand management strategies.  相似文献   
Owing to the increase in unprecedented accidents with new root causes in almost all operational areas, the importance of risk management has dramatically risen. Risk assessment, one of the most significant aspects of risk management, has a substantial impact on the system-safety level of organizations, industries, and operations. If the causes of all kinds of failure and the interactions between them are considered, effective risk assessment can be highly accurate. A combination of traditional risk assessment approaches and modern scientific probability methods can help in realizing better quantitative risk assessment methods. Most researchers face the problem of minimal field data with respect to the probability and frequency of each failure. Because of this limitation in the availability of epistemic knowledge, it is important to conduct epistemic estimations by applying the Bayesian theory for identifying plausible outcomes. In this paper, we propose an algorithm and demonstrate its application in a case study for a light-weight lifting operation in the Persian Gulf of Iran. First, we identify potential accident scenarios and present them in an event tree format. Next, excluding human error, we use the event tree to roughly estimate the prior probability of other hazard-promoting factors using a minimal amount of field data. We then use the Success Likelihood Index Method (SLIM) to calculate the probability of human error. On the basis of the proposed event tree, we use the Bayesian network of the provided scenarios to compensate for the lack of data. Finally, we determine the resulting probability of each event based on its evidence in the epistemic estimation format by building on two Bayesian network types: the probability of hazard promotion factors and the Bayesian theory. The study results indicate that despite the lack of available information on the operation of floating objects, a satisfactory result can be achieved using epistemic data.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of complementary numerical study done in the continuation of the activities carried out by the Committee III.1 “Ultimate Strength” of ISSC'2003 (Ref. [28] ).The main focus of the paper concerns the post-buckling behaviour and strength characteristics of the aluminium multi-stiffened panels under combined axial compression and lateral pressure.The finite element model proposed by the Committee III.1 “Ultimate Strength” of ISSC'2003 is used in the present investigation. Material is aluminium alloy AA6082-T6 and the multi-stiffened panel is a triple-span structure. Stiffeners are of either extruded or non-extruded angle-bar profiles. An initial deflection is imposed on the model in a procedure similar to that applied by the Committee III.1. General purpose finite element code ANSYS is used for non-linear elastic–plastic analyses.Main objectives are to study the influence of initial deflections and also HAZ on the post-buckling behaviour and collapse characteristics of aluminium stiffened panels under combined axial compression and lateral pressure. Different values of lateral pressure are exerted on the model in a systematic manner to simulate various levels of lateral pressure loading on multi-stiffened aluminium panels used in the construction of high-speed crafts.  相似文献   
In this paper, a predictive model is formulated to describe the frictional forces between the tyre and road. The model is based on an inverted-boat normal pressure distribution. The determination of the input parameters is simplified by the suggested stationary point approach for calculation of the frictional coefficients, which are analytically obtained. The verification of the established model shows that the predicted values are in a good agreement with measured data. A sensitivity study of the shape factors demonstrates that it is necessary to take the unsymmetric normal pressure distribution proposed in this paper into consideration to accurately predict frictional forces.  相似文献   
Response spectra of fixed offshore structures impacted by extreme waves are investigated based on the higher order components of the nonlinear drag force. In this way, steel jacket platforms are simplified as a mass attached to a light cantilever cylinder and their corresponding deformation response spectra are estimated by utilizing a generalized single degree of freedom system. Based on the wave data recorded in the Persian Gulf region, extreme wave loading conditions corresponding to different return periods are exerted on the offshore structures. Accordingly, the effect of the higher order components of the drag force is considered and compared to the linearized state for different sea surface levels. When the fundamental period of the offshore structure is about one third of the main period of wave loading, the results indicate the linearized drag term is not capable of achieving a reliable deformation response spectrum.  相似文献   
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