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耙吸船由于其船型特点,受到风、流及涌浪的影响,布线、耙头下放深度都将时刻发生变化,直接导致开挖质量以及扫浅生产效率降低.结合日照港石臼港南区深水航道一期工程,对设备进行改进,对不同浅点采取不同的扫浅形式,对其效果进行分析,总结出一套大型耙吸船扫浅施工工艺.结果表明,通过改进耙齿、立板、制作耙平器等设备,有效解决了耙吸船...  相似文献   
多媒体计算机辅助教学(MCAI)发展迅速,用MCAI辅助物理实验教学是当前物理实验教学改革的热点,本文简要论述了MCAI的特点,初步探讨了MCAI在物理实验教学中的作用和应用模式。  相似文献   
克山病是一种地方性心肌病 ,病因不明。大量调查研究发现 ,克山病病区水、土、粮以及居民体内硒水平低下 ,给病区人群口服亚硒酸钠预防克山病取得了肯定效果 [1 ] ,提出硒缺乏是克山病发病的重要水土因素之一。但以往我国北方急型克山病具有年度多发、季节多发和西南儿童亚急型克山病夏秋季多发 ,常伴有腹痛、腹泻或呼吸道感染症状等流行病学特点 ,不能用硒缺乏来解释 ,并且已从克山病病人早期血液和尸检脏器中分离出多株肠道病毒 ,尤其是柯萨奇病毒 ,故有人提出克山病的病毒病因学说。近年来 ,随着分子生物学技术的发展 ,运用核酸杂交方法…  相似文献   
描述了热轧大梁板700L冲孔分层现象及其危害,通过宏观和微观观察、结合冲裁工艺原理,分析了冲孔分层的材料、工艺因素和机制,认为冲孔过程中剧烈的塑性变形导致组织的严重纤维化,纤维组织在剪切应力、正应力作用下的分层或断裂,与撕裂带主裂纹的产生和扩展形成了竞争机制,如果纤维分层和断裂晚于撕裂带裂纹产生,则可以防止冲裁孔表面分层或锯齿状断口的产生。采用发明问题解决(TRIZ)理论,设计开发了预应力冲孔工艺,既保证冲裁孔表面完整性,又保证冲头寿命。  相似文献   
介绍了皇冠3.0轿车采用的新型电子控制液压式动力转向系统的基本组成及各主要部件的工作原理,给出了电子控制系统及电子控制机件的故障排除方法.  相似文献   
高速列车设备舱压力特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用CFD数值模拟方法,研究了在隧道内会车工况下CRH3型列车设备舱的压力特性,为列车设备舱的结构设计提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
探讨了在供应链间相互竞争的商业模式下,供应链企业间发展相互信任关系的策略问题。  相似文献   
Objective To compare the vasoconstrictive effects of 9 mediators on fresh and incubated mesenteric arteries of rats. Methods The superior mesenteric artery of rat was removed and the endothelium was denuded. The vessels were cut into 1 mm long cylindrical segments and subjected to organ culture for 24 hours. Fresh or incubated segments were immersed into tissue baths and the concentration-response curves were obtained by cumulative administration of the vasoconstrictors. Results In fresh mesenteric artery, endothelin-1 (ET-1), 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), noradrenaline (NA), 5-carboxamidotryptamine (5-CT), and angiotensinⅡ (AngⅡ) induced potent and sustained constrictions in a concentration-dependent manner. The contraction induced by sarafotoxin 6c (S6c) was weak, while bradykinin (BK), des-Arg-bradykinin (DA-BK), and human urotensinⅡ (hUT-II) showed no detectable contraction. The concentraion-response curves in order of slopes was ET-1, NA, 5-HT, 5-CT, and AngⅡ. The order of the maximum contractions was ET-1>NA=5-HT=5-CT>AngⅡ>S6c. After organ culture, the concentration-response curves induced by S6c, NA, and 5-HT were significantly increased, while that induced by AngⅡ was decreased as comparing to fresh arteries. BK contracted the artery only weakly. Conclusion Organ culture changed the phenotypes towards an increased efficacy of NA, 5-HT, S6c, and a reduced efficacy of AngⅡ, which is in accordance with the results of pharmacological characterization in some human vascular disease.  相似文献   
Retinoidacid (RA)bindingtoitsnuclearre ceptorscouldexertawidevarietyofprofoundef fectsininhibitingproliferationofepidermis ,induc ingdifferentiation ,maintainingthemorphologicalfeatureofnormaltissues ,influencingblastocystde velopment,formationoforgansandtumors .Psori asisischaracterizedbyabnormalkeratinocyteprolif eration ,terminaldifferentiationanddermalangio genesis .Heparinbindingepidermalgrowthfactor likegrowthfactor (HB EGF) ,asamemberofepi dermal growthfactor (EGF )family ,hasbeenpr…  相似文献   
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