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Detection of lane markings based on a camera sensor can be a low-cost solution to lane departure and curve-over-speed warnings. A number of methods and implementations have been reported in the literature. However, reliable detection is still an issue because of cast shadows, worn and occluded markings, variable ambient lighting conditions, for example. We focus on increasing detection reliability in two ways. First, we employed an image feature other than the commonly used edges: ridges, which we claim addresses this problem better. Second, we adapted RANSAC, a generic robust estimation method, to fit a parametric model of a pair of lane lines to the image features, based on both ridgeness and ridge orientation. In addition, the model was fitted for the left and right lane lines simultaneously to enforce a consistent result. Four measures of interest for driver assistance applications were directly computed from the fitted parametric model at each frame: lane width, lane curvature, and vehicle yaw angle and lateral offset with regard the lane medial axis. We qualitatively assessed our method in video sequences captured on several road types and under very different lighting conditions. We also quantitatively assessed it on synthetic but realistic video sequences for which road geometry and vehicle trajectory ground truth are known.  相似文献   
One way of addressing traffic congestion is by efficiently utilizing the existing highway infrastructure. Narrow tilting vehicles that need a reduced width lane can be part of the solution if they can be designed to be safe, stable, and easy to operate. In this paper, a control system that stabilizes the tilt mode of such a vehicle without affecting the handling of the vehicle is proposed. This control system is a combination of two different types of control schemes known as steering tilt control (STC) and direct tilt control (DTC) systems. First, different existing variations of both STC and DTC systems are considered and their shortcomings analysed. Modified control schemes are then suggested to overcome the deficiencies. Then a new method of integrating these two control schemes that guarantees smooth switchover between the controllers as a function of vehicle velocity is proposed. The performance of the proposed STC, DTC, and integrated systems is evaluated by carrying out simulations for different operating conditions and some experimental work. The design of a second-generation narrow tilting vehicle on which the developed control system has been implemented is presented.  相似文献   
A new comprehensive driver model is presented for critical maneuvering conditions with more accurate dynamic control performance. In order to achieve a safe maneuvering mode, a new path planning scheme to maintain stability of the vehicle was designed. A new steering strategy, considering the errors of vehicle position and yaw angle between the real track and the planned path, was established to obtain the steering angle. Therefore, the vehicle can be adjusted to accurately follow the desired path with the driver model, and the stability of the vehicle and the smoothness of the steering angle input were comprehensively considered. Simulation results were used to validate the control performance in comparison with the optimal preview driver model proposed by Macadam.  相似文献   
Euro NCAP发布的行人模型认证技术公告TB024的最新版本对6岁儿童行人模型认证提出了单独要求,旨在加强对儿童行人的保护.本研究应用符合Euro NCAP技术公告(TB024)规定并且具有详细解剖学结构的6岁儿童行人有限元模型,设置了4组不同方位行人-汽车碰撞仿真试验,以探究不同碰撞方位下的儿童下肢损伤机理.结果...  相似文献   
This paper is review of the characterization of exhaust particles from state-of-the-art internal combustion engines. We primarily focus on identifying the physical and chemical properties of nano-particles, i.e., the concentration, size distribution, and particulate matter (PM) morphology. Stringent emissions regulations of the Euro 6 and the LEV III require a substantial reduction in the PM emissions from vehicles, and improvements in human health effects. Advances in powertrains with sophisticated engine control strategies and engine after-treatment technologies have significantly improved PM emission levels, motivating the development of new particle measurement instruments and chemical analysis procedures. In this paper, recent research trends are reviewed for physical and chemical PM characterization methods for gasoline and diesel fueled engines under various vehicle certification cycles and real-world driving conditions. The effects of engine technologies, fuels, and engine lubricant oils on exhaust PM morphology and compositions are also discussed.  相似文献   
In this paper, we investigate the transient characteristics of combustion and emissions during engine start/stop operations in hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) applications. Hydrocarbon (HC) emissions during the initial 2nd∼9th cycles are found to be significantly greater when the engine is quickly started under the original engine calibration mode. Lower intake manifold absolute pressure (MAP) was also found to cause larger residual gas dilution and poor combustion, resulting in a higher HC concentration when the cranking speed was increased. The post-catalyst HC concentration was found in the way of initially decrease and then to increase again as the cranking speed was increased. A lowest concentration value was achieved at a cranking speed of 1000 r/min. Engine shut-down by fuel cut-off was shown to produce lower emissions than shut-down by ignition cut-off as one can avoid misfire of the last fuel injection cycle. The fuel deposited during the stop process seems to impact engine restart enrichment mostly during the initial 0.7 s for this engine, whose performance is dominated by the MAP transition characteristic and the time coefficient for fuel vaporization in this time period  相似文献   
Optimized design for a MacPherson strut suspension with side load springs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Undesired lateral force inevitably exists in a MacPherson suspension system, which is liable to damper rod’s side wear and promotes the damper’s inner friction decreasing the ride performance from the suspension system. Substituting a new side load spring with curved centerline for the conventional coil spring has been proven able to solve these problems and Multi-body Dynamics combining with Finite Elements Analysis may be an efficient method in optimizing its design. Therefore, taking a passenger car as example, a detailed multi-body dynamics model for the suspension system is built to simulate forces exerted on the damper and the minimization of its lateral component is selected as the design target for the spring. When the structure optimization of the side load spring is performed using FEA software ANSYS, its vertical and lateral elastic characteristics, supported by test data, are analyzed. After importing FEA results back to the suspension system, the dynamics simulation can be performed to validate the optimization result.  相似文献   
基于动力学基本原理,从非线性、接触以及本构关系计算理论建立落石-桥墩防撞物柔性碰撞精细化计算模型,并对关键计算参数给出建议取值.利用钢结构柔性变形吸收落石碰撞能量,提出一种桥墩防落石碰撞柔性设计方法,并详细给出该防落石碰撞构造措施的结构组成形式.利用ANSYS/LS-DYNA动力分析计算程序,考虑几何、材料双重非线性,精细化数值仿真计算落石撞击防撞物的动态全过程,以一个偏安全的极限碰撞状态,分别从运动行为(撞击力、位移、速度、加速度)以及能量转换(系统动能、系统变形能)角度进行计算结果与数据分析,证明所提出的柔性防撞设计思路以及防撞措施的合理性与优越性.  相似文献   
With the real time and accurate information of motor torque and rotation speed of the four-in-wheel-motordrive electric vehicles, a slip based algorithm for estimating maximum road friction coefficient is designed using Lyapunov stability theory. Modified Burckhardt tire model is used to describe longitudinal slip property of the tire. By introducing a new state variable, a nonlinear estimator is proposed to estimate the longitudinal tire force and the maximum road friction coefficient simultaneously. With the appropriate selection of estimation gain, the convergence of the estimation error of the tire longitudinal force and maximum road friction coefficient is proved through Lyapunov stability analysis. In addition, the error is exponentially stable near the origin. Finally the method is validated with Carsim-Simulink co-simulation and real vehicle tests under multi working conditions in acceleration situation which demonstrate high computational efficiency and accuracy of this method.  相似文献   
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