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The connected vehicle is a rapidly emerging paradigm aimed at deploying and developing a fully connected transportation system that enables data exchange among vehicles, infrastructure, and mobile devices to improve mobility, enhance safety, and reduce the adverse environmental impacts of the transportation systems. This study focuses on micromodeling and quantitatively assessing the potential impacts of the connected vehicle (CV) on mobility, safety, and the environment. To assess the benefits of CVs, a modeling framework is developed based on traffic microsimulation for a real network located in the city of Toronto, Canada, to mimic communication between enabled vehicles. In this study, we examine the effects of providing real-time routing guidance and advisory warning messages to CVs. In addition, to take into account the rerouting in nonconnected vehicles (non-CVs) in response to varying sources of information such as apps, global positioning systems (GPS), variable message signs (VMS), or simply seeing the traffic back up, the impact of fraction of non-CV vehicles was also considered and evaluated. Therefore, vehicles in this model are divided into; uninformed/unfamiliar not connected (non-CV), informed/familiar but not connected (non-CV) that get updates infrequently every 5 minutes or so (non-CV), and connected vehicles that receive information more frequently (CV). The results demonstrate the potential of connected vehicles to improve mobility, enhance safety, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) at the network-wide level. The results also show quantitatively how the market penetration of connected vehicles proportionally affects the performance of the traffic network. While the presented results are pertinent to the specifics of the road network modeled and cannot be generalized, the quantitative figures provide researchers and practitioners with ideas of what to expect from vehicle connectivity concerning mobility, safety, and environmental improvements.  相似文献   
The unsteady flow field around two automotive outside rear-view mirrors is investigated. This study includes comprehensive experimental and computational approaches in order to characterize the complex flow structures in the wake of the mirrors. The experiments were carried out in a wind tunnel which included the measurements of the instantaneous and averaged velocity fields as well as mean and unsteady surface pressure distributions. The simulations were performed using Large Eddy Simulation (LES). The LES approach (particularly with the dynamic subgrid viscosity model) provided good agreements with the experiments for the velocity and the surface pressure distributions. The experimental and the computational results of this study will be used as a benchmark to validate the current and the future CFD development and the subsequent aero-acoustic computations.  相似文献   
OGFC为开级配沥青混合料,主要由粗集料嵌挤组成,在世界各地越来越广泛地用于铺筑路面.OGFC混合料可以增大路表面渗透性,减少噪音,增强表面摩擦力,尤其是在潮湿条件下.该文主要研究不同外加剂对OGFC路用性能的影响,其混合料分别由再生聚乙烯改性沥青(RPEB)、橡胶粉改性沥青(CRMB)和70#基质沥青+纤维与矿料拌和而成.并分别采用析漏试验、肯塔堡飞散试验、渗水试验、劈裂试验、静态模量试验,车辙试验和抗滑试验评估OGFC混合料的路用性能.结果表明:纤维和聚合物可以有效地减小OGFC离析的可能性,混合料每面击实50次能相应地提高磨耗性和其他相关的性能.改性沥青混合料的抗拉强度比(TSR)低于纤维+基质沥青混合料的抗拉强度比.  相似文献   
介绍国内有轨电车的发展现状,结合苏州有轨电车2号线综合指挥调度系统(tramway integrated dispatching system,TIDS)项目,对TIDS主要的系统功能进行简要说明,对有轨电车TIDS系统自动监控功能进行详细的功能模块划分,并围绕列车位置的监视与追踪,提出一种新的基于冗余策略的列车追踪方法和列车定位矫正算法,用于列车定位和显示。方案可在确保线路运行安全和运营安全的前提下,提升效率、提高稳定性,对后续有轨电车综合指挥调度系统方案建设具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
介绍了绘制正弦线电流的开关模式单相半控桥整流器,用它来获得功率因数补偿并保持直流环节电压的恒定.在该整流器中使用4个有源开关,以便在交流端电压上产生单极脉宽调制(PWM)电压波形.与中性点箝位变流器(NPC)相比,该整流器没有箝位二极管也能实现三点式PWM控制.控制电路采用两个控制回路:外部控制回路用比例积分电压控制器调整直流环节电压,采用相位闭环电路产生与电源电压同相的正弦波形来实现功率因数补偿.在内部控制回路中,用基于载波的电流控制器跟踪线电流信号.为补偿由于负载变化所引起的中点电压,控制电路采用中点电压补偿器.该整流器的交流侧可产生3个电压电平,并用计算机仿真与试验结果验证了控制算法的有效性.  相似文献   
ICE 系列新动车ICE3、ICET、ICE TD采用了层级结构的诊断系统COBRA(Central On Board RailwayAssistant车载辅助中心),有各装置的自诊断和动车有关的上一级诊断.COBRA诊断系统有清晰的目标群取向,总是只向车务人员和维修人员提供重要的信息和可能的补救措施.在列车进段之前就对自动释放和经无线传输的诊断数据做了计算.列车一进段就准备好了维修人员和维修材料,例如更换损坏件和磨耗件,在进行清洁作业的同时为列车下一次运行准备好了良好的状态.  相似文献   
讨论软开关变流器的稳态分析.由于分别由软开关变流器的Lr-Cr单元和大的L-C滤波器单元决定的快、慢固有频率的共存,通过启动瞬态仿真程序寻找软开关变流器的稳态解可能会造成繁琐的计算和收敛失败.由于采用了基于暂态分析的换相检测技术和基于补偿原理的换相分析技术,文章所提出的数值法显示了高可靠性和快速收敛性.对两个直流变换器、一台逆变器和一台功率因数补偿装置作的稳态分析,突出显示了仿真算法的良好性能.  相似文献   
6 电气设备 目前已确定了改善远景客运机车车辆的使用性能和运营性能的固定趋势,同时提高设备的质量和可靠性,导致了用电器品种和数量的增加,改进电气设备的结果提高了电能消耗量.由于节约电能是资源储备计划的组成部分之一,故无论对现有车辆还是远景车辆,均产生用电量优化的课题.  相似文献   
West  Jens  Börjesson  Maria 《Transportation》2020,47(1):145-174

This paper performs an ex-post cost–benefit and distribution analysis of the Gothenburg congestion charges introduced in 2013, based on observed effects and an ex-post evaluated transport model. Although Gothenburg is a small city with congestion limited to the highway junctions, the congestion charge scheme is socially beneficial, generating a net surplus of €20 million per year. From a financial perspective, the investment cost was repaid in slightly more than a year and, from a social surplus perspective, is repaid in < 4 years. Still, the sums that are redistributed in Gothenburg are substantially larger than the net benefit. In the distribution analysis we develop an alternative welfare rule, where the utility is translated to money by dividing the utility by the average marginal utility of money, thereby avoiding putting a higher weight on high-income people. The alternative welfare rule shows larger re-distribution effects, because paying charges is more painful for low-income classes due to the higher marginal utility of money. Low-income citizens pay a larger share of their income because all income classes are highly car dependent in Gothenburg and workers in the highest income class have considerably higher access to company cars for private trips. No correlation was found between voting pattern and gains, losses or net gain.

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