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This paper presents a new concept of urban shared‐taxi services. The proposed system has a new organisational design and pricing scheme that aims to use the capacity in traditional taxi services in a more efficient way. In this system, a taxi acting in ‘sharing’ mode offers lower prices to its clients, in exchange for them to accept sharing the vehicle with other persons who have compatible trips (time and space). The paper proposes and tests an agent‐based simulation model in which a set of rules for space and time matching between a request of a client and the candidate shared taxis is identified. It considers that the client is only willing to accept a maximum deviation from his or her direct route and establishes an objective function for selecting the best candidate taxi. The function considers the minimum travel time combination of pickup and drop‐off of all the pool of clients sharing each taxi while allowing to establish a policy of bonuses to competing taxis with certain number of occupants. An experiment for the city of Lisbon is presented with the objectives of testing the proposed simulation conceptual model and showing the potential of sharing taxis for improving mobility management in urban areas. Results show that the proposed system may lead to significant fare and travel time savings to passengers, while not jeopardising that much the taxi revenues. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Traditionally, theory suggests the ageing individual is strongly influenced by the environment and has difficulties in overcoming distance and space. Recently, however, theory has moved to suggest that older people possess greater agency, being more capable of selecting and mastering their environments and spaces according to their needs and preferences. This paper suggests that both opposing theories are correct for differing groups. Observations and surveys of older people (n = 365) in public space examined how far person–environment agency is present in active use of outdoor space, measured by confidence to use and explore space, in three locations (urban shopping centres, suburban residential area and an area of shared space). In all three areas, dominance of the space was associated with being male and having higher levels of reported health, confidence and higher socio-economic status. Only 11% of participants walked at least as fast as the UK department for transport guidance on crossing speeds.  相似文献   
Although cluster analysis is recommended by the US Traffic Monitoring Guide (TMG) to supplement the development of seasonal adjustment factor groupings (SAFGs), the relationships among SAFGs' characteristics remain undiscovered, while the determination of the optimal number of clusters is an ambiguous task exposed to great subjectivity. Statistical indicators provide a mathematical solution by removing engineering judgment without taking into consideration any guidelines or other criteria, necessary for transportation planners to generate ‘practical and sensible’ groupings. The method examined in this study aims to overcome the above weaknesses incorporating into the methodology a series of statistics, recommendations, and previous research findings. The investigation of the relationships among (1) the within-group variation, (2) the total number of sites, (3) the minimum number of stations within a cluster, (4) the optimal number of clusters, and (5) the geographical size of the groups constitutes the main objectives of this research. According to the results, the cluster variability declines as the available number of stations increases. When the minimum number of stations within a cluster increases, the weighted coefficient of variation inflates as well, with the rate of increase depending on sample size. The average number of automatic traffic recorders per cluster is analogous to the sample size, while the optimal number of clusters varies conversely with the minimum number of stations within a cluster. The application developed for the conduct of the analysis minimizes the computational time needed, while it can be easily implemented by engineers to automate the process recommended by the TMG, enhancing the current state of practice.  相似文献   
研究了通用异步电动机传统的以模型为基础的无速度传感器磁场定向控制方法.为了使控制能力扩展到电机零速运行,提出了电机速度和定子电阻在线估算器的改进方法.该方法仅需要测量电机定子电气端,非常适合于多用途的逆变器场合.引入了转子电阻在线调整以对温度漂移进行全面补偿.通过仿真和实验验证了所提出的驱动系统性能.  相似文献   
Microstructure profiling measurements at two locations in the Yellow Sea (a deeper central basin and a local shelf break) were analyzed focusing on tidal and internal-wave induced turbulence near the bottom and in the pycnocline. A classical three-layer density structure consisting of weakly stratified surface and bottom boundary layers and a narrow sharp pycnocline is developed by the end of warm season. Turbulence in the surface layer was not influenced by the tidal forcing but by the diurnal cycle of buoyancy flux and wind forcing at the sea surface. The enhanced dissipation and diffusivity generated by the shear stress at the seafloor was found in the water interior at heights 10–15 m above the bottom with a phase shift of ~ 5–6 m/h. No internal waves, turbulence, or mixing were detected in the pycnocline in the central basin, in contrast to the pycnocline near the local shelf break wherein internal waves of various frequencies were observed all the time. The thickness of the surface layer near the local shelf break slightly exceeded that of the bottom layer (20 vs. 18 m). A 5–6 m high vertical displacement of the pycnocline, which emerged during the low tide, was arguably caused by the passage of an internal soliton of elevation. During this episode, the gradient Richardson number decreased below 0.25 due to enhanced vertical shear, leading to local generation of turbulence with dissipation rates exceeding the background level by an order of magnitude.  相似文献   
Residential mobility and relocation choice are essential parts of integrated transportation and land use models. These decision processes have been examined and modeled individually to a great extent but there remain gaps in the literature on the underlying behaviors that connect them. Households may partly base their decision to move from or stay at a current location on the price and quality of the available alternatives. Conversely, households that are on the market for a new location may evaluate housing choices relative to their previous residence. How and the degree to which these decisions relate to each other are, however, not completely understood. This research is intended to contribute to the body of empirical evidence that will help answer these questions. It is hypothesized that residential mobility and location choice are related household decisions that can be modeled together using a two-tier hierarchical structure. This paper presents a novel nested logit (NL) model with sampling of alternatives and a proposed procedure for sampling bias correction. The model was estimated using full-information maximum likelihood estimation methods. The results confirm the applicability of this NL model and support similar findings from other empirical studies in the residential mobility and location choice literature.  相似文献   
This paper estimates the total embodied energy and emissions modal freight requirements across the supply chain for each of over 400 sectors using Bureau of Transportation Statistics Commodity Flow Survey data and Bureau of Economic Analysis economic input-output tables for 2002. Across all sectors, direct domestic truck and rail transportation are similar in magnitude for embodied freight transportation of goods and services in terms of ton-km. However, the sectors differ significantly in energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and costs per ton-km. Recent pressure to reduce energy consumption and emissions has motivated a search for more efficient freight mode choices. One solution would be to shift freight transportation away from modes that require more energy and emit more (e.g., truck) to modes that consume and emit less (e.g., rail and water).Our results show there are no individual sectors for which targeting changes would significantly decrease the total freight transportation energy and emissions, therefore we have also looked at the prospect of policies encouraging many sectors to shift modes. There are four scenarios analyzed: (1) shifting all truck to rail, shifting top 20% sector mode choice, (2) based on their emissions, (3) based on a multi-attribute analysis, and (4) increasing truck efficiency (e.g., mpg). Increasing truck efficiency by 10% results in similar energy and emissions reductions (approximately 7% for energy and 6% for emissions) as targeting the top 20% of sectors when selected based on emissions, whereas selecting the top 20% based on availability to shift from truck results in slightly less reductions of energy and emissions. Implementing policies to encourage higher efficiency in freight trucks may be a sufficient short term goal while efforts to reduce truck freight transportation through sectoral policies are implemented in the long term.  相似文献   
Under a stochastic roadway, drivers need a route guidance system incorporating travel time variability. To recommend a customized path depending on the trip purpose and the driver’s risk-taking behavior, various path ranking methods have been developed. Unlike those methods, our proposed disutility method can easily incorporate a target arrival time in the ranking process by measuring how late the travel is and by penalizing it depending on the severity of lateness. In addition, the disutility-based route guidance system can properly address travel time unreliability that causes unacceptable disruptions to the driver’s schedule (i.e., unexpected long delay). We compare the disutility-based path ranking method with other ranking methods, the percentile travel time, the mean excess travel time, and the on-time arrival probability. We show that the disutility has stronger discriminating power and requires less solution space to find an optimal path. The most important advantage is that it can estimate a driver’s risk-taking behavior for each trip purpose by using the discrete choice analysis. We construct a simulation framework to acquire the travel time data on a hypothetical roadway. We analyze the data and show how various ranking methods recommend a customized path. Using the data, we show the advantage of the disutiltiy method over the other methods, which is generating a customized path with respect to the target arrival time by properly penalizing the travel time lateness.  相似文献   
Agent technology is rapidly emerging as a powerful computing paradigm to cope with the complexity in dynamic distributed systems, such as traffic control and management systems. However, while a number of agent-based traffic control and management systems have been proposed and the multi-agent systems have been studied, to the best of our knowledge, the mobile agent technology has not been applied to this field. In this paper, we propose to integrate mobile agent technology with multi-agent systems to enhance the ability of the traffic management systems to deal with the uncertainty in a dynamic environment. In particular, we have developed an IEEE FIPA compliant mobile agent system called Mobile-C and designed an agent-based real-time traffic detection and management system (ABRTTDMS). The system based on Mobile-C takes advantages of both stationary agents and mobile agents. The use of mobile agents allows ABRTTDMS dynamically deploying new control algorithms and operations to respond unforeseen events and conditions. Mobility also reduces incident response time and data transmission over the network. The simulation of using mobile agents for dynamic algorithm and operation deployment demonstrates that mobile agent approach offers great flexibility in managing dynamics in complex systems.  相似文献   
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