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该文结合昆明新机场专用高速路的工程实际,通过设计过程中提出的A、B、K等路线方案,进行比选论证,总结出山区高速公路选线的一些体会。  相似文献   
悬臂浇筑连续梁施工技术探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
近年来随着悬臂浇筑预应力混凝土连续梁桥在我国快速发展,对设计和施工各方面提出了很高的要求.文中根据多座预应力连续梁悬臂浇筑施工的实践经验,总结了悬臂浇筑临时锚固、合龙段施工及线形控制等方面的关键技术.  相似文献   
沉管隧道混凝土施工关键技术探讨——混凝土配合比设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章基于生物岛一大学城沉管隧道工程管段混凝土配合比系列试验,重点通过基准试配及优化调整等措施对配合比参数进行了研究.研究结果表明,管段混凝土的各种控制参数完全能够满足设计、施工工艺的要求,对我国今后类似沉管隧道工程的建设具有重要参考与指导意义.  相似文献   
Most routing protocols for sensor networks try to extend network lifetime by minimizing the energy consumption, but have not taken the network reliability into account. An energy-aware, load-balancing and fault-tolerant routing scheme, termed as ELFR was propsed to adapt to the harsh environment. First a network robustness model was presented. Based on this model, the route discovery phase was designed to make the sensors to construct into a hop-leveled network which is mesh structure. A cross-layer design was adopted to measure the transmission delay so as to detect the failed nodes. The routing scheme works with acknowledge (ACK) feedback mechanism to transfer control messages to avoid producing extra control overhead messages. When nodes fail, the new healthy paths will be selected locally without rerouting. Simulation results show that our scheme is much robust, and it achieves better energy efficiency, load balancing and maintains good end-to-end delay.  相似文献   
Rural areas generally have lower and more dispersed demands for travel which cannot sustain conventional public transport services and consequently have a greater number of flexible and demand responsive transport services operating. These services usually operate on a stand-alone basis, are often subsidized and are typically only accessible by certain passenger types or for specific trip purposes. This generally results in uncoordinated and inefficient transport provision overall. The Flexible integrated transport services (FITS) system featured in this paper has been designed to address this problem. FITS can be used as a planning tool to assess potential benefits from relaxing operating constraints (e.g., a service's operating boundaries), which can potentially suggest service redesign. It also includes the capacity to assign subsidy payments on a trip by trip basis to increase cost efficiency whilst meeting a greater proportion of transport needs. The case study in the paper focusses on transport to health in the Aberdeenshire and Morayshire areas of Scotland in the UK. Despite flexible transport operators receiving public funds to meet passenger needs, this is currently being supplemented by public bodies paying large amounts in taxi fares in instances where there is a statutory obligation to provide travel but where no other suitable transport service exists. The results demonstrate the potential substantial savings which could be realized by allowing transport operators to redesign their services by relaxing constraints and by the reassignment of subsidies: resulting in more passenger demands being met and a reduction in public spending on taxi fares.  相似文献   
Conventional Transit Signal Priority (TSP) controls often reach the limitation for arterials accommodating heavy bus flows since the priority function can significantly increase delay at minor streets. Under such conditions, a proper signal progression plan that accounts for the benefits of buses may offer the potential to improve the reliability of bus operations and increase the bus ridership. This study proposes a bus-based progression model to reduce the delay of buses on local arterials. Given the cycle length and green splits at each intersection, the bus-based progression model, grounded on the same notion as conventional signal progression methods, considers the operational characteristics of transit vehicles, such as the impact of bus dwell time and the capacity constraints at bus stops. Also, to deal with the stochastic nature of dwell time, this study introduces additional constraints to maximize the percentage of buses which can stay within the green band after leaving bus stops. Taking an arterial with five intersections and three two-way bus stops as an example, this study applies VISSIM as an unbiased tool for model evaluation. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed model can significantly reduce bus passenger delays and the average person delays for the entire arterial, compared with the conventional progression models.  相似文献   
操纵稳定性优劣对评价一款车型性能好坏具有重要影响,而稳态回转试验在评价操纵稳定性方面具有作用。本文针对市场上较热门的某款车型进行操纵稳定性验证分析,首先运用MSC.ADAMS/Car软件建立了该车型多体动力学模型,并进行稳态回转仿真试验分析,得到了车辆的稳态响应性能,最后验证该车的操纵稳定性。  相似文献   
鉴于单体电池间连接片的阻值和极柱的位置影响单节电池的性能,基于Matlab/Simscape开发了单体电池模型,并利用此模型和以电阻模拟的连接片构建了单节电池模型,仿真分析了连接片阻值对单节电池性能的影响。结果表明,连接片的存在使与极柱相连的单体电池最先达到电池管理系统设定的放电截止电压,以致影响电池的性能;与极柱相连的单体电池的率先老化导致与其相邻的单体电池出现过放电的现象,影响单节电池的安全性。最后,设定各单体电池SOC间最大偏差为0.05,对不同并联电池数目的单节电池进行仿真,得出连接片与电池欧姆内阻阻值的合理比例。  相似文献   
根据6条公路桥梁28条车道上的WIM系统实测车辆信息,分别生成了各车道上的随机车流类型过程.用随机过程理论分别计算得到各随机车流类型过程的集合均值、集合相关函数、时间均值、时间相关函数等随机特性参数.进一步对比分析,验证了所建立的随机车流类型过程的平稳性和各态历经性.结果表明:从实际公路上调查一定数量的车辆,其统计特性能够代表总体样本的车流信息,对车辆各种特征的统计结果具有代表性,可为公路桥梁随机车辆荷载模型的建立提供参考.  相似文献   
根据插电式四驱混合动力轿车在各种工况下的工作模式,确定了各个动力部件的转矩分配,以此为依据制定了此混合动力轿车基于逻辑门限值的控制策略,并在有限状态机Statefl ow中搭建了控制策略的核心状态流图,然后使用Cruise进行了仿真并对仿真结果进行了评价。仿真结果表明,汽车的动力性以及经济性都达到了设计指标要求,在NEDC下验证时,不论是在高电量区还是在低电量区,各动力部件均按照控制策略来工作,并且实现了各种工作模式的转换,控制策略有效而可行。  相似文献   
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