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介绍了液化天然气储运中的翻滚(涡旋)现象及预防措施,着重分析了液化天然气在储运中的翻滚机理,提出了相应的预防措施,以减少和消除翻滚现象,提高液化天然气在储运中的安全性。  相似文献   
An optimized methodology to design a more robust torpedo shell is proposed. The method has taken into account reliability requirements and controllable and uncontrollable factors such as geometry, load, material properties, manufacturing processes, installation, etc. as well as human and environmental factors. The result is a more realistic shell design. Our reliability optimization design model was developed based on sensitivity analysis. Details of the design model are given in this paper. An example of a torpedo shell design based on this model is given and demonstrates that the method produces designs that are more effective and reliable than traditional torpedo shell designs. This method can be used for other torpedo system designs.  相似文献   
WIT Electronic Fuel System Co., Ltd. has developed a new fuel injector, the Electronic In-line Pump (EIP) system, designed to meet China's diesel engine emission and fuel economy regulations. It can be used on marine diesel engines and commercial vehicle engines through different EIP systems. A numerical model of the EIP system was built in the AMESim environment for the purpose of creating a design tool for engine application and system optimization. The model was used to predict key injection characteristics under different operating conditions, such as injection pressure, injection rate, and injection duration. To validate these predictions, experimental tests were conducted under the conditions that were modeled. The results were quite encouraging and in agreement with model predictions. Additional experiments were conducted to study the injection characteristics of the EIP system. These results show that injection pressure and injection quantity are insensitive to injection timing variations, this is due to the design of the constant velocity cam profile. Finally, injection quantity and pressure vs. pulse width at different cam speeds are presented, an important injection characteristic for EIP system calibration.  相似文献   
基于BP人工神经网络的土基回弹模量反算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于层状弹性理论构建路表弯沉值与结构层参数之间的数据库,并以该数据库建立BP神经网络模型,进行土基回弹模量的预测。理论与实测结果表明。所建立的土基回弹模量BP神经网络模型具有较好的预测精度,为准确、快速地评价土基的承载能力提供参考。  相似文献   
汽车制造、使用及回收的生命周期分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
伍昌鸿  马晓茜  陈勇  赵增立  李海滨 《汽车工程》2006,28(2):207-211,175
为了研究汽车全生命过程对环境产生的影响,采用生命周期分析的方法对汽车制造、使用及回收3个阶段中所产生的排放物进行了分析和计算,并对汽车使用90号无铅汽油、液化石油气、液化天然气、车用乙醇汽油对环境造成的影响进行了比较。结果表明:3个阶段对环境都有一定的污染;使用液化天然气和车用乙醇汽油为汽车燃料以及对报废汽车进行能源化回收利用是有益的。  相似文献   
分析了某款液力机械式自动变速器液压系统的工作原理及其电磁阀特性,设计制作了变速器电控单元(TCU),制定上下位机CAN通信协议,编写下位机flash控制代码,开发了基于LabVIEW的标定系统上位机软件,并以15%油门开度下1挡升2挡标定为例进行了实车试验.结果表明,该变速器换挡最大冲击度降到了8.34 m/s,相对标定前降低了约63%,从而验证了标定系统的正确性.  相似文献   
出于环保和节能等方面的考虑,目前国内很多摩托车企业都致力于电喷技术的研究与开发,其中不乏一些精品车型,如力帆LF150-A电喷摩托车(见图1),五羊WY125-16D型电喷摩托车(见图2)等。随着电喷摩托车数量的增加,故障现象也是不可避免的,因此,本文较为详细地介绍了电喷摩托车故障诊断的基本原则、基本方法、基本流程、症状模拟方法、检修过程中应注意的基本事项和常见故障的检查与排除,供读者朋友们参考。  相似文献   
中小跨度斜交连续梁桥普遍采用板式橡胶支座,在地震作用下,主梁与支座间容易发生滑动,同时主梁会发生平面内转动,落梁风险较大。本文以中等烈度区一座3跨斜交连续矮T梁桥为工程背景,建立板式橡胶支座支承的斜交桥有限元模型,采用非线性时程分析方法,进行地震反应特性分析,针对性地提出了板式橡胶支座(允许滑动)+钢阻尼器的组合减震体系,并对提出的减震体系做了位移控制效果分析。结果表明:在地震作用下,斜交桥中板式橡胶支座极易发生滑动,从而增大主梁地震位移并丧失自复位能力,但只要不发生主梁与桥台(挡块)的碰撞,主梁平面内转动的影响可以忽略不计;而板式橡胶支座+钢阻尼器的组合减震体系可以有效控制主梁纵横向位移、并限制主梁平面内转动。  相似文献   
某车型在进行结构耐久过程中出现了异响问题,经试验人员检测,该异响是轮毂轴承处产生,本文通过对轴承的设计原理,异响产生的机理进行分析,同时分析、对标了轮毂轴承在整车、零件上的装配保证能力,最终将该异响根本原因锁定在整车拧紧力矩问题上,经设计改善,车辆的整个耐久路试未有轮毂轴承异响问题发生,问题得到解决。为后续轴承异响问题排查提供参考。  相似文献   
基于索网找形的吊弦长度计算方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在总结现有吊弦计算方法的基础上提出一种新的计算方法,阐述了新方法的基本理论基础和计算流程.最后对2种方法优缺点进行了总结.本文提出的新方法对传统的计算方法的不足进行了弥补,有理论指导意义.  相似文献   
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