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A novel methodology is developed for determining the characteristics of a cargo roll-on/roll-off (ro-ro) ship and the fleet size required for a given short sea shipping route. The ship and required fleet size to satisfy the transportation demand (for each pair of speed and freight rate) are determined using a database of existing cargo ro-ro ships to obtain the main technical characteristics of the most suitable ship. The time charter, voyage costs and revenue are then calculated considering the technical characteristics of each ship. Fuel costs are corrected for the actual ship speed and loading condition. A number of restrictions in the transportation problem are considered leading to the exclusion of unfeasible solutions. The maximum profit over the period of a year is identified among the feasible pairs of speed and freight rate. This general methodology is applied in a case study that considers the route between Leixões (Portugal) and Rotterdam (Netherlands). The study allows the identification of the most suitable ship and fleet sizes for different market penetration levels and quantifies the impact on shipping company profit of changes in parameters such as fuel costs, time charter costs, emission control area, installed propulsion power and stacking factor.  相似文献   
Automatic train protection (ATP) is a vital part of the signalling system that prevents collisions between trains, especially on densely trafficked lines. Conventionally, ATP uses a transponder to communicate between an onboard train device and a trackside device. In Indonesia, ATP is not yet implemented and all trains are currently operated by drivers. It has now become a necessity to install ATP in Indonesia in order to protect train operations. However, as in many tropical and developing countries there are some environmental problems, especially heavy rain, as well as the theft of trackside equipment that influences performance. Installed trackside devices must therefore meet certain criteria such as low-cost configuration, minimalized devices on the track, ease of maintenance, etc. To address the necessity of ATP and to meet these criteria for trackside devices, we develop ATP using an infrared system. This type of ATP – the intermittent ATP system – consists of onboard devices and infrared sensors as trackside equipment. This approach to ATP offers a cost-effective solution and ensures the safety of train movements.  相似文献   
Integrated land use/transportation forecasting models add significant policy and infrastructure alternatives analysis capabilities to the urban planning process. The financial, time, and staff requirements to develop these models has put them beyond the reach of most small to medium sized urban areas. This paper presents the land use allocation submodel of the Simple, Efficient, Elegant, and Effective model of land use and transportation (SE3M), an integrated land use and transportation forecasting model founded upon Economic Base Theory and Bid-rent Theory. The Bid-rent Land Use Model (BLUM) is an agent based, spatial competition model utilizing unique utility curves for willingness to pay and incomes for budget constrained abilities to pay for each agent. The model structure, estimation, calibration, implementation, and validation are presented. With a single year of land use data available, the validation approach used the Kappa Index of Agreement to spatially check model outputs against base year control data while controlling for agreement by chance. The U.S. territory of Guam is used as the case study/proof of concept implementation for this model framework. Once calibrated, BLUM could solve the spatial competition problem on Guam in less than two minutes of processing time with over 90% accuracy.  相似文献   
This paper provides an estimation of air emissions (CO2, NOX, SOX and PM) released by cruise vessels at the port level. The methodology is based on the “full bottom-up” approach and starts by evaluating the fuel consumed by each vessel on the basis of its individual port activities (manoeuvring, berthing and hoteling). The Port of Barcelona was selected as the site at which to perform the analysis, in which 125 calls of 30 cruise vessels were monitored. Real-time data from the automatic identification system (AIS), factor emissions from engine certificates and vessel characteristics from IHS Sea-web database were also collected for the analysis. The research findings show that the most appropriate indicators are inventory emissions per “port-time gross tonnage”, “port-time passenger” and “port time”. These emission indicators improve our understanding of cruise emissions and will facilitate the work that aims to estimate reliably and quickly the in-port ship emission inventories of cruise ports.  相似文献   
对实际道路交通系统特征的研究是通过分析布设在路网中不同地点大量交通信息采集设备采集的数据来进行的。交通信息采集是对城市道路交通系统在时间和空闻上一个采样过程,其数据具有时问和空间属性.本文系统地建立了一种城市道路交通系统频谱分析方法。对于时间采样,通过功率谱分析认为:不同的数据采样间隔,获得的交通信息不同,从而分析出的...  相似文献   
Dynamics of inorganic nutrient species in the Bohai seawaters   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Within the frame of a Sino-German Joint Research Program, two cruises of “R/V Dong Fang Hong 2” were carried out in September–October 1998 and April–May 1999, respectively, to understand the dynamics of nutrients in the Bohai. Nutrient species (NO3, NO2, NH4+, PO43− and SiO32−) are determined colorimetrically on board for five anchor and 30 grid stations. In situ incubation experiments are performed to determine planktonic nutrient uptake and benthic exchange flux. Nutrient concentrations display short-term variability and seasonal change in the Bohai, with higher levels in shallow coastal waters than in the Central Bohai. The influence of riverine discharge on nutrient levels can be seen from salinity isopleths, nutrient distribution and species ratios. Near-bottom (nb) waters have similar nutrient concentrations as to the surface waters in the Central Bohai, whereas stratification takes place in the Bohai Strait and North Yellow Sea. In situ incubation experiments provide evidence that the uptake ratio (i.e. N, P) by phytoplankton is proportional to the ratios among nutrient species in ambient waters. Based on the data of this study and previously publications, a preliminary estimate of nutrient budgets via riverine input and atmospheric deposition is established. The results indicate that atmospheric deposition gains importance over rivers in delivering nutrients into the Bohai and sustain the new production, following recent decrease in riverine inflow caused by drought periods in North China and damming practices. A historical review of nutrient data indicates that concentrations of nitrogen increase and phosphorus and silica decrease in the Central Bohai over last 40 years. This potentially has an important influence on the health of ecosystem in Bohai (e.g. food web and community structure), though further study is needed to examine the scenario in more detail.  相似文献   
One of the dominant sources of uncertainty in the calculation of air–sea flux of carbon dioxide on a global scale originates from the various parameterizations of the gas transfer velocity, k, that are in use. Whilst it is undisputed that most of these parameterizations have shortcomings and neglect processes which influence air–sea gas exchange and do not scale with wind speed alone, there is no general agreement about their relative accuracy.The most widely used parameterizations are based on non-linear functions of wind speed and, to a lesser extent, on sea surface temperature and salinity. Processes such as surface film damping and whitecapping are known to have an effect on air–sea exchange. More recently published parameterizations use friction velocity, sea surface roughness, and significant wave height. These new parameters can account to some extent for processes such as film damping and whitecapping and could potentially explain the spread of wind-speed based transfer velocities published in the literature.We combine some of the principles of two recently published k parameterizations [Glover, D.M., Frew, N.M., McCue, S.J. and Bock, E.J., 2002. A multiyear time series of global gas transfer velocity from the TOPEX dual frequency, normalized radar backscatter algorithm. In: Donelan, M.A., Drennan, W.M., Saltzman, E.S., and Wanninkhof, R. (Eds.), Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces, Geophys. Monograph 127. AGU,Washington, DC, 325–331; Woolf, D.K., 2005. Parameterization of gas transfer velocities and sea-state dependent wave breaking. Tellus, 57B: 87–94] to calculate k as the sum of a linear function of total mean square slope of the sea surface and a wave breaking parameter. This separates contributions from direct and bubble-mediated gas transfer as suggested by Woolf [Woolf, D.K., 2005. Parameterization of gas transfer velocities and sea-state dependent wave breaking. Tellus, 57B: 87–94] and allows us to quantify contributions from these two processes independently.We then apply our parameterization to a monthly TOPEX altimeter gridded 1.5° × 1.5° data set and compare our results to transfer velocities calculated using the popular wind-based k parameterizations by Wanninkhof [Wanninkhof, R., 1992. Relationship between wind speed and gas exchange over the ocean. J. Geophys. Res., 97: 7373–7382.] and Wanninkhof and McGillis [Wanninkhof, R. and McGillis, W., 1999. A cubic relationship between air−sea CO2 exchange and wind speed. Geophys. Res. Lett., 26(13): 1889–1892]. We show that despite good agreement of the globally averaged transfer velocities, global and regional fluxes differ by up to 100%. These discrepancies are a result of different spatio-temporal distributions of the processes involved in the parameterizations of k, indicating the importance of wave field parameters and a need for further validation.  相似文献   
考察了俄罗斯地铁,结合城市轨道交通线网规划、运营管理工作,分析规划指标、建设预留与运营效益关系的规律,对比两国的差异,探讨适合中国国情的线网模式,以及决策、建设与线网功能的关系。  相似文献   
铁路乘客艾滋病知识、态度、行为调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 调查铁路旅客的艾滋病相关知识、态度和行为情况,为列车开展艾滋病宣传教育提供理论依据。方法 对6趟旅客列车乘客进行抽样问卷调查,调查结果进行统计分析。结果收回有效调查问卷2 083份,艾滋病一般知识正确回答率55.83% ~92.03%,传播途径59.67%~93.52%,临床知识59.00%~77.34%,预防控制68.75%~88.86%,态度行为48.25%~94.33%,政策法规67.64%~84.88%。正确回答率无性别差异(P>0.05);一般知识、传播途径、行为态度存在结婚与否的差异(P<0.05);受教育程度上除一般知识外,其它都有显著性差异(P<0.01)。结论 铁路乘客对艾滋病知识、态度、行为的正确回答率,原则性问题高于具体问题, 71%以上乘客愿意接受健康教育和AIDS教育。针对铁路乘客流动性强的特点,列车上艾滋病宣传教育内容要注重知识具体化。  相似文献   
盾构法广泛应用于我国城市轨道交通隧道的建设中,盾构管片的病害问题也越发受到重视。文章针对某地铁在建盾构隧道突发管片破损病害,绘制了管片破损病害展布图,分析了相关资料和检测数据,明确了病害的成因机理,制定并实施了相应治理措施。研究结果表明:管片背后大范围空洞导致围岩对隧道的约束不足,引起已成型隧道在盾构机反推力和扭矩、同步注浆浆液浮力、刀盘水土压力和扭矩等作用下发生类压杆弯扭失稳是导致该病害的主要原因;隧道变形监测数据表明"背后注浆填充+破损部位修复"两阶段治理措施取得了良好的治理效果;盾构隧道施工过程中,应严格管控同步注浆质量,防止隧道轴线偏移引起盾构管片发生开裂破损等病害。  相似文献   
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