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对北京市南水北调南干渠盾构机穿越排气阀井施工方法进行了深度分析,通过优化招标图设计方案,采用在施工完成后的排气阀井内回填碎石+土层的方法,较全面地进行了方案设计,安全、快速完成施工任务。  相似文献   
Optimal sensor placement on freeway corridor is of great interest to transportation authorities. However, current traffic sensors are easily subject to various failures. Therefore, it is necessary to incorporate sensor failure into the optimal sensor placement model. In this article, a two-stage stochastic model is proposed for the purpose of travel time estimation on freeway corridor. To balance the effectiveness and reliability, a stochastic conditional value at risk (CVaR) model is also proposed. Since both models are too complicated, a customized genetic algorithm is developed. Numerical experiments show that considering sensor failure makes a significant performance improvement in the sensor placement pattern. Sensitivity analysis is also applied to investigate the impact of a number of allowable sensors and different traffic sensor failure probability.  相似文献   
Accurate lateral load transfer estimation plays an important role in improving the performance of the active rollover prevention system equipped in commercial vehicles. This estimation depends on the accurate prediction of roll angles for both the sprung and the unsprung subsystems. This paper proposes a novel computational method for roll-angle estimation in commercial vehicles employing sensors which are already used in a vehicle dynamic control system without additional expensive measurement units. The estimation strategy integrates two blocks. The first block contains a sliding-mode observer which is responsible for calculating the lateral tyre forces, while in the second block, the Kalman filter estimates the roll angles of the sprung mass and those of axles in the truck. The validation is conducted through MATLAB/TruckSim co-simulation. Based on the comparison between the estimated results and the simulation results from TruckSim, it can be concluded that the proposed estimation method has a promising tracking performance with low computational cost and high convergence speed. This approach enables a low-cost solution for the rollover prevention in commercial vehicles.  相似文献   
交通需求管理(TDM)已成为保障奥运会期间突增交通需求的必要手段。本文在综合奥运会交通需求特性和对比往届奥运会TDM政策要点的基础上,从控制机动车使用、设置奥运专用道、公共交通保障、错时上下班及人性化保障等5个方面阐述TDM政策在北京奥运会中的应用,并从政策综合性、可操作性、接受程度及政策实施效果等4个角度对该TDM政策进行效果评价。数据表明:TDM政策的实施使道路交通流量下降22.5%,早高峰路网平均车速提高28.5%,122报警量下降,公共交通客运量大幅上升,且公共交通的出行比例达45%以上,有效均衡了交通需求,达到预期目标。  相似文献   
船舶上层建筑重量重心对其固有频率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在船舶设计、建造过程中及船舶建造完成后,有时上层建筑的固有频率与主机、螺旋桨的激励频率相接近。想要通过一些简单有效的手段对船舶进行修改,使上层建筑的固有频率避开激励源频率以避免共振。本文利用大型通用有限元分析软件Ansys,以某300,000吨级原油船为研究对象,对上层建筑的重量和重心高度如何影响上层建筑的首阶横向、纵向固有频率进行灵敏度分析,以求找到简单有效的、适于工程实际中改变船舶上层建筑固有频率的方法。  相似文献   
在设备日常管理中应该以主动维护代替大修,尽量降低修理级别,并将设备大修及技术改造与设备更新结合起来,充分发挥设备效能,降低综合管理成本,实现企业利润最大化.  相似文献   
各国规范均为一套系统且复杂的体系,难以用简化的分析方法进行全面的对比.对比规范的安全度,需要从作用效应和抗力效应两个方面综合考虑.作用效应需要进行不同状态的荷载组合以得到结构的组合内力,抗力效应需要考虑承载能力状态、正常使用极限状态(抗裂要求、混凝土压应力要求、刚度要求等).而桥梁结构的形式多样,汽车荷载的布置也存在很...  相似文献   
本文深入分析了海东市农村公路养护管理工作的成功经验和做法,并提出了存在的问题,同时有针对性地提出了加强海东市农村公路养护管理工作的意见和建议。  相似文献   
为满足变速器某挡位齿轮运转时工作温度测量,避免变速器齿轮高温、台架耐久性试验过程中边界条件不当风险,降低研发及生产成本,从而达到目标用户使用需求的目的。通过增加齿轮齿面啮合过程中测温试验,将结果作比较,结果表明齿面温度超出油品设计要求。可见,在变速器开发及台架耐久试验工况设计过程中,引入齿轮表面温度测试是非常必要的。  相似文献   
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