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Face recognition via adaptive image combination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dimension reduction and manifold learning are the two most popular feature extraction methods. The two methods focus on spatial locality as a guiding principle to find a low-dimensional basis for describing high-dimensional data, but no bases or features are more spatially localized than the original image pixels. So, adaptive image combination is presented to represent a class by a combined sample. The combined sample is a linear combination of original samples in the same class. Adaptive image combination (AIC) find the best combination coefficients by minimizing the intrapersonal distance and maximizing the interpersonal distance. Experimental results show that AIC is effective.  相似文献   
针对于传统的地埋线圈检测器检测技术,本文给出了一种基于视频图像的虚拟线圈检测方法,并在实际应用中取得很好的效果。  相似文献   
企业技能人才是推进企业技术进步不可缺少的重要力量,是企业可持续发展的最重要战略资源之一。近年来,青岛公交集团第二汽车分公司从搭建岗位成才平台入手,着力加强技术人才梯队建设,通过集团公司开展的三届“日新巴士杯”技能比武活动,以赛代训、以训促学、以学推新,以开展技术培训、岗位练兵作为引导职工爱岗敬业、提高技能、增强素质的有效形式和主要途径,激发了广大职工学习技术、苦练技能的热情,  相似文献   
我们在研究《脉冲排石机理及其胆囊收缩素水平、胆囊容积的关系》时,随机抽查了522名16岁~20岁青年学生的胆囊容积及其排空能力,结果:女性胆囊容积=9.74±3.96(ml);男性胆囊容积=12.89±4.86(ml),脂餐后1h女性胆囊收缩64.7%,男性收缩71.1%;胆囊容积与体表面积呈直线相关(r=0.6821);从522名被检者中共检出5例胆石症,男1例,女4例,检出率为0.94%。  相似文献   
介绍了桑塔纳2000型轿车AFE发动机Motronic控制系统的组成,结构特点及故障诊断,该系统采 微型计算机,能对发动机运行工况参数的输入信号进行与数据处理,它与单纯电控制汽油喷系统相比具有许多优点。  相似文献   
采用石灰、粉煤灰以及废弃混凝土再生集料为原料,配制成二灰稳定再生集料作为铁路路基的结合料。通过重型击实等试验,对不同配合比的二灰稳定再生集料的最大干密度、最佳含水量等进行了研究,并结合工程实例对采用再生集料的路基使用性能进行了综合分析,证明二灰稳定再生集料是一种力学性能较好的铁路基层材料。  相似文献   
用碳纤维片修复补强混凝土结构是近年来的一种混凝土结构修复补强新技术,具有轻质高强、施工简便、能适应各种复杂形状结构的补强,且不影响结构尺寸和外观,抗腐蚀、耐久性良好等优异特性。结合山东省枣庄市干线公路S 244省道枣(园)~徐(州)公路台儿庄运河大桥的加固方案,介绍黏贴碳纤维术在桥梁加固中应用。  相似文献   
结合厦门海沧大桥悬索桥施工实例,对加劲梁工厂制造、运输、工地安装各阶段采用的主要施工工艺进行分析,提出有待改进的问题。  相似文献   
排水性沥青路面在雨天水能够从其多孔的结构中排出.不会在路表形成水膜,减少了车辆漂滑及喷雾现象.该文针对排水性沥青路面建立理论模型,模拟降水过程,对排水系统的排水能力进行理论计算与验证.新建排水性沥青路面的渗透系数为0.1 cm/s,在中雨及小雨时的排水效果较好,但大雨条件下难以保证排水效果.随着排水性沥青路面的使用,部...  相似文献   
Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) is one of the most promising automotive transmission technologies because of its continuously variable gear ratio and reduced shift shock. CVT is different from Manual Transmission and Automatic Transmission, and it is possible to operate the power source in its high efficiency region with CVT in the drive train. Several types of CVT exist that can be categorized based on the mechanism of power transmission, such as the belt pulley, traction drive, and hydrostatic types. This paper investigates the belt pulley CVT, which consists of a thrust actuator, driver pulley, belt, driven pulley, and preload spring of the output shaft. A complete CVT is constructed, and based on that a simulation program that analyzes the static performance of a CVT is implemented in Matlab/Simulink. From these simulation results, methods for improving the efficiency of the CVT are discussed. The coefficient of the torque capacity factor is proposed as affecting the matching between a power source and a CVT, and methods for improving the matching effect are also investigated.  相似文献   
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