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Seasonal variations in nutrient inputs are described for the main rivers (Loire and Vilaine) flowing into the northern Bay of Biscay. The river plumes are high in N/P ratio in late winter and spring, but not in the inner plume during the summer. Conservative behavior results in most nutrients entering the estuary and eventually reaching the coastal zone. Temporal and spatial aspects of phytoplankton growth and nutrient uptake in the northern Bay of Biscay distinguish the central area of salinity 34 from the plume area. The first diatom bloom appears offshore in late winter, at the edge of the river plumes, taking advantage of haline stratification and anticyclonic “weather windows.” In spring, when the central area of the northern shelf is phosphorus-limited, small cells predominate in the phytoplankton community and compete with bacteria for both mineral and organic phosphorus. At that period, river plumes are less extensive than in winter, but local nutrient enrichment at the river mouth allows diatom growth. In summer, phytoplankton become nitrogen-limited in the river plumes; the central area of the shelf is occupied by small forms of phytoplankton, which are located on the thermocline and use predominantly regenerated nutrients.  相似文献   
The Baltic Sea is one of many aquatic ecosystems that show long-term declines in dissolved silicate (DSi) concentrations due to anthropogenic alteration of the biogeochemical Si cycle. Reductions in DSi in aquatic ecosystems have been coupled to hydrological regulation reducing inputs, but also with eutrophication, although the relative significance of both processes remains unknown for the observed reductions in DSi concentrations. Here we combine present and historical data on water column DSi concentrations, together with estimates of present river DSi loads to the Baltic, the load prior to damming together with estimates of the long-term accumulation of BSi in sediments. In addition, a model has been used to evaluate the past, present and future state of the biogeochemical Si cycle in the Baltic Sea. The present day DSi load to the Baltic Sea is 855 ktons y− 1. Hydrological regulation and eutrophication of inland waters can account for a reduction of 420 ktons y− 1 less riverine DSi entering the Baltic Sea today. Using published data on basin-wide accumulation rates we estimate that 1074 ktons y− 1 of biogenic silica (BSi) is accumulating in the sediments, which is 36% higher than earlier estimates from the literature (791 ktons y− 1). The difference is largely due to the high reported sedimentation rates in the Bothnian Sea and the Bothnian Bay. Using river DSi loads and estimated BSi accumulation, our model was not able to estimate water column DSi concentrations as burial estimates exceeded DSi inputs. The model was then used to estimate the BSi burial from measured DSi concentrations and DSi load. The model estimate for the total burial of BSi in all three basins was 620 ktons y− 1, 74% less than estimated from sedimentation rates and sediment BSi concentrations. The model predicted 20% less BSi accumulation in the Baltic Proper and 10% less in the Bothnian Bay than estimated, but with significantly less BSi accumulation in the Bothnian Sea by a factor of 3. The model suggests there is an overestimation of basin-wide sedimentation rates in the Bothnian Bay and the Bothnian Sea. In the Baltic Proper, modelling shows that historical DSi concentrations were 2.6 times higher at the turn of the last century (ca. 1900) than at present. Although the DSi decrease has leveled out and at present there are only restricted areas of the Baltic Sea with limiting DSi concentrations, further declines in DSi concentrations will lead to widespread DSi limitation of diatoms with severe implications for the food web.  相似文献   
以公共交通为导向的发展模式(TOD)通常包括在轨道交通车站周边新建住房。引导城市按照这样的模式发展,其目的部分在于减少气候变化、污染以及机动车导致的拥堵。但是,新建住房可能会更容易吸引那些开车较多的富裕家庭,相比房屋所有权和大小、停车供给、街区和分区建筑环境,轨道交通可达性对汽车拥有和使用的影响可能也较弱。通过调查居住在新泽西州北部10个轨道交通车站2英里半径范围内的家庭,收集有关房龄和类型、路外停车位可达性、工作和非工作的出行方式、人口特征以及选择所住街区原因的数据。对调查数据进行地理编码,并与实地调查的路内停车数据、街区和分区建筑环境指标等数据相融合。分析这些因素如何与调查中所记录的汽车拥有和使用情况相关联。住在轨道交通车站附近新房子内的家庭,在汽车拥有、利用汽车通勤以及购物出行频率上明显低于那些住在远离轨道交通的新房子内的家庭。但是,轨道交通可达性在这一差别中起到的作用很小。房屋类型和所有权、局部和分区密度、公共汽车服务、特别是路外及路内停车供给对差异的产生发挥了更重要的作用。  相似文献   
The paper presents the results of a case study carried out in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China, to examine the relationship between vegetation dynamics and road network extension. We find that lower level roads had more effects on vegetation patches. Minor roads, including Class IV and Class V roads, contributed most to regional landscape fragmentation while high level roads had larger effect on vegetation dynamics in road effect zone. Further, road classes have close relationships with village distribution, topography fluctuation and landscape fragmentation. Topography, however had no direct relationship with vegetation pattern.  相似文献   
Zhang  Nan  Graham  Daniel J.  Hörcher  Daniel  Bansal  Prateek 《Transportation》2021,48(6):3269-3300
Transportation - Transit operators need vulnerability measures to understand the level of service degradation under disruptions. This paper contributes to the literature with a novel causal...  相似文献   
Race car performance is strongly affected by aerodynamics. Due to downforce generated by the vehicle floor (i.e. diffuser), vehicle ride heights are key parameters to improve performance, and the coupling of aerodynamics and suspension is one of the key points of race car setting. This work focuses on the suspension and aerodynamic coupling from the vertical dynamics point of view. Besides road holding performance, for race cars, aerodynamic performance and stability are major factors. Downforce decreases laptime (the main performance target) but pitch instability is a non-desired effect that can happen in high downforce race cars. A new vertical dynamic performance index is proposed through the use of simulation to improve aerodynamic performance and understand the pitch instability phenomenon. This new index uses all relevant vehicle nonlinearities related to vertical dynamics and can handle a specific track profile and vehicle speed range, allowing the analysis be conducted according to a circuit specification. A previously validated Formula 3 car model was used as an example.  相似文献   
In this paper, we propose a novel hierarchical scheme for detection and tracking of vehicles using a vehicle-mounted camera in nighttime under urban environment, where a vehicle can be represented by a pair of taillights and various types of lights are commonplace. The proposed scheme, therefore, mainly focuses on devising robust detection and pairing of taillights in spite of their inherent diversity and continuous transformation in appearance. Thus the appearance symmetry, which many conventional methods rely on, for paring is not guaranteed to be available all the times. Each of the three layers in the scheme is devised to identify a vehicle from individual lights and clutters detected in a hierarchical manner. Robust detection of a pair of taillights, which can be regarded as a vehicle, is sought by successive groupings of the components in a layer and checking not only the intra-layer but the inter-layer relations between them. A structural Kalman filter is employed to maintain the temporal consistency in the motion of the components and their relations as well. Exploiting such relational information increases accuracy in tracking of individual components by reducing effects from fluctuation in positions and shapes, and eventually compensating possible failures in detection of them. As a result, the proposed scheme achieves enhancement in detection and tracking of vehicles in nighttime as proven by experiments on videos including crowded urban traffic scenes.  相似文献   

Indirect effects are important considerations when making consequence analyses in general and in strategic environmental assessments in particular of potential transport solutions and infrastructure plans. The primary objective of this paper is to emphasize the need for a deeper understanding of the long‐term system effects of investments in transport infrastructure with a focus on the structuring effects that roads and railways have on society, e.g. altered transport patterns, altered settlement structures and changes in use of the built environment. Special attention is given to the following potential indirect effects: increased total transport volume, increased share of private motorists and truck transport, increased urban sprawl, and increased energy use in buildings. The conditions that determine the power of the effects are discussed and a number of key factors to be considered in transport infrastructure planning, especially in strategic environmental assessments, are suggested. Since many indirect effects emerge over time, an extended time perspective is of essence. Therefore, scenario techniques may be useful when analysing indirect effects in transport planning processes.  相似文献   
Recent theoretical developments on concession contracts for long term infrastructure projects under uncertain demand show the benefits of allowing for flexible term contracts rather than fixing a rigid term. This study presents a simulation to compare both alternatives by using real data from the oldest Spanish toll motorways. For this purpose, we analyze how well the flexible term would have performed instead of the fixed length actually established. Our results show a huge reduction of the term of concession that would have dramatically decreased the firm’s benefits and the user’s overpayment due to the internalization of an unexpected traffic increase.  相似文献   
The debate over electric vehicles (EVs) pivots largely on issues of market demand: will consumers purchase a vehicle that provides substantially less driving range, yet can be refueled at home, than an otherwise comparable gasoline vehicle? Also, what role do other unique attributes of EVs play in the purchase decision? Most previous studies find that limited driving range is a serious market barrier; many of those same studies ignore or under-value other novel attributes. To probe these future consumer decision processes deeply and robustly, we first devised and conducted detailed, interactive and experiment-oriented interviews. Then, incorporating what we learned, we designed an innovative mail survey and administered it to 454 multi-car households in California. The four-stage mail survey included a video of EV use and recharging and other informational material, completion of a 3-day trip diary and map of activity locations, and vehicle choice experiments. In addition to propulsion systems, respondents made choices of body styles, driving ranges, and other features. We formalized and tested what we call the hybrid household hypothesis: households who choose EVs will be purposefully diversifying their vehicle holdings to achieve the unique advantages of different propulsion systems. The hypothesis is supported, given the assumptions in our experimental design. In fact, a significantly larger number of EVs are chosen than the minimum number that would support our hypothesis. We find that purchases of battery-powered EVs by hybrid households would account for between 7 and 18% of annual light duty vehicle sales in California. EVs sold to fleets and other households would be in addition to those identified by this study.  相似文献   
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