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This paper aims to numerically investigate the effects of parametric instability on piezoelectric energy harvesting from the transverse galloping of a square prism. A two degrees-of-freedom reduced-order model for this problem is proposed and numerically integrated. A usual quasi-steady galloping model is applied, where the transverse force coefficient is adopted as a cubic polynomial function with respect to the angle of attack. Time-histories of nondimensional prism displacement, electric voltage and power dissipated at both the dashpot and the electrical resistance are obtained as functions of the reduced velocity. Both, oscillation amplitude and electric voltage, increased with the reduced velocity for all parametric excitation conditions tested. For low values of reduced velocity, 2:1 parametric excitation enhances the electric voltage. On the other hand, for higher reduced velocities, a 1:1 parametric excitation (i.e., the same as the natural frequency) enhances both oscillation amplitude and electric voltage. It has been also found that, depending on the parametric excitation frequency, the harvested electrical power can be amplified in 70% when compared to the case under no parametric excitation.  相似文献   
This paper studies the application of mathematical models to analyze the vortex-induced vibrations of the tendons of a given TLP along the Indian coastline, by using an analytical approach, analyzed using MATLAB. The tendon is subjected to a steady current load, which causes vortex-shedding downstream, leading to cross-flow vibrations. The magnitude of the excitation (lift and drag coefficients) depends on the vortex-shedding frequency. The resulting vibration is studied for possible resonant behavior. The excitation force is quantified empirically, the added mass by potential flow hydrodynamics, and the vibration by normal mode summation method. Non-linear viscous damping of the water is considered. The non-linear oscillations are studied by the phase-plane method, investigating the limit-cycle oscillations. The stable/unstable regions of the dynamic behavior are demarcated. The modal contribution to the total deflection is studied to establish the possibility of resonance of one of the wet modes with the vortex-shedding frequency.  相似文献   
The course-keeping control of underactuated hovercraft with two aft propellers was considered. The control of the heading error and cross-track error was accomplished by the yaw torque merely in this case. The hovercraft dynamic model is nonlinear and underactuated. At first the Controllability of course-keeping control for hovercraft was proved, then a course-keeping control law was derived that keeps hovercraft heading constant as well as minimizes the lateral movement of hovercraft. The proposed law guarantees heading error and sway error all converge to zero exponentially. Simulation tests were carried out to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed control law. For further research, the disturbance influence would be considered in the dynamic equations.  相似文献   
lmage segment is a primat.‘y step in image analysis of unexploded ordnance (UXO) detection by ground penetrating radar (GPR) sensor which is accompanied with a lot of noises and other elements that affect the recognition of real target size. In this paper we bring forward a new theory, that is, we look the weight sets as target vector sets which is the new cues in semi-automatic segmentation to form the final image segmentation. The experiment results show that the measure size of target with our method is much smaller than the size with other methods and close to the real size of target.  相似文献   
3-D computational method of wave loads on turret moored FPSO tankers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A three-dimensional method of calculating wave loads of turret moored FPSO (Floating Production Storage and Offloading) tankers is presented. The linearized restoring forces acting on the ship hull by the mooring system are calculated according to the catenary theory, which are expressed as the function of linear stiffness coefficients and the displacements of the upper ends of mooring chains. The hydrodynamic coefficients of the ship are calculated by the three-dimensional potential flow theory of the linear hydrodynamic problem for ships with a low forward speed. The equations of ship motions are established with the effect of the restoring forces from the mooring system included as linear stiffness coefficients. The equations of motions are solved in frequency domain, and the responses of wave-induced motions and loads on the ship can be obtained. A computer program based on this method has been developed, and some calculation examples are illustrated. Analysis results show that the method can give satisfying prediction of wave loads.  相似文献   
Realistic simulation of underwater scene is always difficult because of the special and complex vision effects in underwater space. Seabed is an important part of underwater environment. This paper describes the methods for seabed scene simulation based on OpenGL. It includes construction of fluetuant terrain based on the random sinusoidal algorithm, simulation of seabed flicker effect by means of circular texture mapping and generation of turbidity effect by using fog techniques. For the application based on the leading high level 3D development environment-Vega, underwater scene simulation is still a difficulty since there is no module for it. Based on the analysis of Vega software and the research on seabed scene simulation methods, a Vega extending module named “Underwater Space” was created through developing module class and extending lynx interface. The module class was designed through developing DLL written in C . The Lynx was extended through developing keyword configure file, GUI configure file and lynx plug-in DLL. The problem that Vega can‘t simulate underwater space, is elementarily resolved. The results show that this module is efficient, easy using, and the seabed scene images am vivid.  相似文献   
The Universal Automatic Identification System (AIS) provides a huge variety of potential applications and services which exceed the well known ship-to-ship data exchange. The purpose of this paper is to address the most important AIS services, in particular the AIS position report and the AIS safety-related and binary messages (“AIS telegrams”). The main issue is the impact of this new technology on the on-board use of AIS in collision avoidance (and its limitations) as well as the impact on shore-based services such as Vessel Traffic Service (VTS), port management and the need of an effective AIS network.  相似文献   
An autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) must use an algorithm to plan its path to distant, mobile offshore objects. Because of the uneven distribution of obstacles in the real world, the efficiency of the algorithm decreases if the global environment is represented by regular grids with all of them at the highest resolution. The framed quadtree data structure is able to more efficiently represent the environment. When planning the path, the dynamic object is expressed instead as several static objects which are used by the path planner to update the path. By taking account of the characteristics of the framed quadtree, objects can be projected on the frame nodes to increase the precision of the path. Analysis and simulations showed the proposed planner could increase efficiency while improving the ability of the AUV to follow an object.  相似文献   
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