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舰舰导弹是对水面舰艇攻击的主要武器之一,导弹突防能力是评价导弹性能的重要指标.根据反导武器系统的特点,建立了单发和多发导弹对敌舰攻击的突防能力模型.  相似文献   
1背景:CSR报告与G3指引 为倡导上市公司积极承担社会责任,发挥上市公司履行社会责任的先进示范作用,2008年,上海证券交易所要求“上证公司治理板块”样本公司、发行境外上市外资股公司及金融类公司共259家,须按照《上海证券交易所上市公司内部控制指引》及《关于加强上市公司社会责任承担工作暨发布(上海证券交易所上市公司环境信息披露指引)的通知》要求,在披露年度报告的同时,披露企业社会责任报告。  相似文献   
Evd与动态模量Ed相关关系的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过大量室内试验,用DBM30型仪器和GDSLABV2型仪器分别对不同种类土的动态模量指标Evd与土的动态模量Ed进行检测,并对两者的关系进行对比研究。研究表明,在土颗粒较小的情况下,Evd与Ed有较好的线形关系。  相似文献   
The core is a vital concept in cooperative game theory and has been widely used in analyzing alliance’s stability. It is especially interesting to apply core theory in liner shipping market due to the latter’s exceptional characteristic of non-homogeneous cost curves as well as divisible and fluctuant demand. Having observed some new phenomena and trends in the industry, this paper studies the economic performance and stability of liner shipping alliance by applying core theory where business cooperation is partly realized by delivering joint-service with mega container ships. To demonstrate the core situation in liner shipping alliance, a cost function is first identified on the basis of two assumptions regarding cooperation: 1) sharing or pooling vessels and 2) deploying mega container ships if needed. Taking cost functions as basis, two conditions of approaching core may be groomed, i.e., collective rationality and individual rationality. The first condition is discussed from the perspective of market, while the second condition is studied within the alliance. Stability of liner shipping alliance is then observed based on these two conditions. An illustrative case study is conducted in order to show some implications and explicitly clarify the theory.  相似文献   
秀山隧道水文地质特征分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:玉蒙铁路秀山隧道受云南特殊地质构造影响和异常活跃的地壳运动作用,溶蚀管道与宽大裂隙发育,岩溶水、构造裂隙水相互混杂并形成复杂的地下水网络系统。通过对隧址区域工程地质与水文地质条件以及施工开挖揭示的洞身涌水特征进行系统分析研究,查清隧道涌水来源及其与杞麓湖的水力联系。研究结论:(1)通过对隧道洞身涌水量最大段落进行综合分析及水样同位素测试,表明地下水来源于隧址区接受的大气降水;(2)杞麓湖湖水与隧址区地下水在来源上存在明显差异,隧道涌水与湖水联系较弱;(3)隧道穿越曲江、杞麓湖两个水文地质单元,施工至不同洞段水文地质特征表现出较大的差异性;(4)本文研究结论可为同类地质环境隧道工程勘察设计施工提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   
Democratic group signature (DGS) is a group-oriented primitive with great flexibilities, i.e., no group manager, anonymity, and traceability. In a DGS scheme with (t, n)-threshold traceability, any subset of not less than t members can jointly reveal the identity of the signer while preserving security even in the presence of an active adversary can corrupt up to t − 1 group members. This paper proposes an efficient DGS scheme. We use publicly verifiable secret sharing (PVSS) to distribute the trapdoor via which the real signer is revealed. The computation cost and communication overhead of our DGS signatures are greatly reduced, compared with the existing work. For example, the size of the resulting signature contains only 2n + 1 elements of Z q , except the PVSS output.  相似文献   
装有EPAS系统的汽车转向灵敏度仿真分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述了电动助力转向器的构造及其工作原理,对EPAS系统模型进行了简化,建立了EPAS机械动力学方程,推导出了电流比例控制策略下汽车转向灵敏度的传递函数方程,并在Matlab中进行了仿真计算,定性地阐述了电动机转动惯量等参数在汽车转向盘角阶跃输入下对系统响应特性的影响。  相似文献   
结合某拱梁组合体系桥的建设,采用有限元程序建立该桥关键部位结构分析空间有限元模型,模拟该部位在各种荷载工况下的受力情况,得出该部位的应力状态,揭示了常规分析中不能发现的一些问题。  相似文献   
梁东  廖振芳 《隧道建设》2007,27(A01):36-39
合(肥)武(汉)铁路客运专线红石岩隧道穿越大别山区,大别山区系变质岩地区,但是在隧道施工过程中发现燃烧现象,通过现场检测和化学试验确定岩石所含气体成分,在此基础上提出了相关瓦斯隧道施工技术措施,通过这些技术措施在红石岩隧道施工中的应用,确保了隧道施工的安全,并且收到了良好的效果。  相似文献   
以沪瑞国道主干线(贵州境)镇宁—胜境关高速公路安龙铺隧道为工程背景,利用有限元分析程序,对中壁CRD开挖法进行了数值模拟,分析研究开挖过程中隧道围岩应力场和位移场的变化。  相似文献   
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