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Benthic community patterns reflect water column processes in the Northeast Water polynya (Greenland)
Dieter Piepenburg William G. Ambrose Jr. Angelika Brandt Paul E. Renaud Michael J. Ahrens Preben Jensen 《Journal of Marine Systems》1997,10(1-4)
Benthic community patterns were investigated in the Northeast Water polynya (Greenland) during the summers of 1992 and 1993 to elucidate to what extent the bottom fauna is influenced by the dynamics of the overlying water. Five different fractions of the benthos (foraminiferans, nematodes, polychaetes, peracarid crustaceans, and epibenthic megafauna), ranging in average adult body size over 6 orders of magnitude (from about 100 μm to about 10 cm), were sampled quantitatively at 69 stations in water depths from 40 to 515 m. Total abundances of nematodes, polychaetes and peracarid crustaceans were found to be primarily correlated with parameters characterizing the potential benthic food supply (water column pigment and nitrate concentrations, sediment bound pigments and sediment biological activity), whereas abundances of foraminiferans and megabenthos were largely associated with seabed properties. Four benthic zones were distinguished by separately analyzing the faunistic composition and distribution of the five community fractions for Ob Bank, Western Westwind Trough, Eastern Westwind Trough, and Belgica Trough. This pattern was shown principally to reflect pelagic regimes differing in surface water hydrography, ice cover and euphotic productivity. This is the first time that a synoptic study of several benthic community portions spanning such a range in sizes and life styles has been performed in a polar shelf ecosystem. Our results indicate that abundances as well as composition of Arctic benthos are largely influenced by mesoscale pelagic processes, and thus provide further evidence for the importance of the benthic-pelagic coupling in high latitude seas. 相似文献
A. Karageorgis Ch. Anagnostou A. Sioulas G. Chronis E. Papathanassiou 《Journal of Marine Systems》1998,16(3-4)
This work aims at studying the geochemistry and mineralogy of Milos bay surface sediments. The bay forms an enclosed marine area, supplied totally by volcanic formations. Totally 16 samples were subjected to sedimentological (grain size), mineralogical (microscope examination and X-ray diffraction of the bulk sample and the pelitic fraction), and geochemical analyses (X-ray fluorescence in the pelitic fraction). Also the carbonate content was determined. Sediments were sandy with a high carbonate content (14–58%). The dominant minerals recognized in the pelitic fraction were smectite, kaolinite and illite, followed by chlorite, quartz, calcite, Mg-calcite and feldspars. In general, element concentrations appeared to be within the normal range, except Pb and Zn, which exhibited relatively high values. The Index of Geoaccumulation Igeo was computed, in order to investigate a possible enrichment of the surface sediments in metals. The analysis revealed again high values of Igeo class for both Pb and Zn. A careful study of the area, in relation to the quality of the catchment basins petrology, lead to a non-anthropogenic origin of these high concentrations. The enrichment of the surface sediments in Pb and Zn is attributed to the weathering of several mineral deposits, pyroclastic rocks and lavas, covering almost all Milos vicinity. A study of the geochemical data correlation coefficient matrix revealed three major groups of elements: (i) the elements of detrital origin represented by Si, Al, K and a part of the metals; (ii) the carbonates group; and (iii) a Fe–Mn oxyhydroxides–oxides group, which attracts a part of Pb, Cr and Ni. 相似文献
为了阐述20世纪除汽车机动性外,交通发展经历的最重要的进程——城市高速公路的出现,考察了过去100年来美国城市交通规划的历史。通过回顾各种研究资料,认为资助州际公路发展所采用的方法使联邦和州公路工程师成为主管,这影响了公路的选线及设计。联邦公路工程师只关注机动车通过效率的最大化,而在很大程度上忽略了城市的其他利害关系。没有先进的规划理念指导、过度建设、稀疏、放射环状的道路网对于加强机动性取得了极大的效益,但通常要为此付出巨大的社会和环境成本。最后指出,在实践中要重新审视具有百年历史的协调交通与土地利用规划的观点,而且,公共财政权宜之计式的政治决策方式将对工程、出行和城市形态产生深远的影响。· 相似文献
鄂海清 《广东交通职业技术学院学报》2012,11(2):4-7
以在建的佛开高速公路谢边至三堡段扩建工程软基试验段为依托,在新老路堤采用合理的拼接措施,软土地基采用素砼桩复合地基进行处理的基础上,结合现场监测数据,分析研究素砼桩复合地基处理高速公路拓宽工程软基的沉降变形特性。 相似文献
列举了影响超声回弹综合法检测精度的主要因素,并结合部分试验数据进行分析说明,为现场检测工作提供指导。 相似文献
为了提高山区公路抗水灾能力,在实地调查、研究基础之上,详细阐明了山区公路水灾害评价中危险性、易损性、损失、风险、减灾效益等基本概念。提出了山区公路水灾害评价系统应由危险性评价、易损性评价、风险评价及减灾效益评价4部分构成,而对于路网水灾害评价应由点、线、面构成,首次建立了完整的三维评价体系。指出对已有公路的防排水与抗水毁能力的工程评价,是水毁防治工程投资决策的重要依据,应作为重点进行研究。对于路网水灾害评价,应侧重于点(点单元)评价,适当考虑线评价。最后,从致灾因子、承灾体、灾情及防灾减灾4个方面构建了公路水灾害评价基本模型。 相似文献
杨娥 《广州航海高等专科学校学报》2015,(1):28-30
沥青玛蹄脂混合料作为良好的钢桥面铺装层材料,其高温性能一直是关注的焦点,本文基于室内车辙试验研究了其高温性能影响因素,重点分析了荷载和温度、拌合时间及加铺SMA对沥青玛蹄脂混合料的高温性能指标动稳定度的影响规律,为今后玛蹄脂混合料的路用实践提供了借鉴. 相似文献
石冰 《西安交通大学学报(英文版)》1995,(2)
办公自动化系统是实现企业内部各部门之间办公信息的收集与处理、流动与共享、实现科学决策的信息系统.公文管理作为企业办公自动化系统的核心涉及到几乎所有的部门,文中在分析公文管理特点的基础上,以Petri网为描述手段,建立了企业办公自动化环境下收发文过程的Petri网模型,并利用矩阵方程对其进行了相关的分析和验证. 相似文献
本文阐述了大学物理网络辅助教学平台建设的内容,总结了网络辅助教学平台建设的特点,提出了网络辅助教学平台建设存在的J*--ltt~解决的对策。 相似文献