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基于大数据挖掘的方法估算了铁路车站间OD客流,调查分析了铁路乘客对高铁和普铁的选择偏好,确定了高铁开通后普铁线路客运的供需关系与均衡,把普铁线路上的客流转换成相应的旅客列车列数,以此计量客运占用的普铁的通过能力;评估了各普铁路段的总通过能力,基于扣除系数法计算普铁各路段剩余的货运能力,并进一步在普铁线网上根据集装箱进港量确定集装箱班列枢纽站的候选集;将候选枢纽站的班列发车频率作为离散的内生变量,基于现实中的干线公路网络和普铁网络构建枢纽站选址和发班频率优化模型,求解模型,确定集装箱铁路集港服务网络的经济技术指标;以上海港和宁波港及其腹地为案例进行数值分析。计算结果表明:在案例的空间范围内的普铁运输线上,日均通过能力最小为79列,最大为137列;基于普铁各路段剩余的货运能力,计算得出各集装箱班列枢纽站的日均发班频率最小为6列,最大为19列;由计算得到的普铁路段上的流量可以看出,铁路运送到上海港和宁波港的日均集装箱量分别为13 677、12 094 TEU,分别占2个港口日均到达总量的25%和33%,相比目前占比5%~7%有大幅度增加。  相似文献   
拥挤道路使用收费的理论构架   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
拥挤道路使用收费作为现代城市交通需求管理的有效措施在理论上和实践上都具有十分重要的意义。综述了拥挤道路使用收费的理论构架, 包括静态拥挤道路使用收费的涵义、分类、理论基础及动态收费理论, 这对进一步研究道路使用收费有一定的借鉴意义  相似文献   
公路建设项目之间的关系及其应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在公路网规划中,常常涉及到对包含若干公路建设项目的方案进行比选,经济评价以及建设项目排序等问题,事实上,这些建设项目之间往往具有相互竞争或协作的关系,当项目之间存在竞争,协作关系时,方案所产生的经济效益会因项目的组合和建设顺序的不同而异,研究分析了建设项目之间各种关系产生的同在机理,探讨了其在公路建设分析中的主要用途给出了基本的分析方法。  相似文献   
水泥混凝土路面的裂缝断板问题已成为建设者普遍关心和探讨的课题,就水泥混凝土路面产生裂缝、断板的原因及预防补救措施简单谈几点看法。  相似文献   
Alzheimer’sdisease (AD)isthemostcommondementiainthesenior ,andthereisnocureoreffec tivetreatment .AlthoughtheetiologyofAlzhei mer’sdiseaseisnotfullyunderstood ,accumulatingevidencedemonstratesthatboththeconcentrationofthesomatostatin (SS)andtheSSneuronsinth…  相似文献   
闫峰 《山西交通科技》2013,(1):76-78,82
针对西山特长隧道水平层石灰岩地质极易造成隧道拱顶超欠挖现象,结合现场围岩情况以及工程经验,从爆破参数选择、爆破工序实施、支护方案等方面进行了改进优化,从而达到水平层石灰岩地质条件下良好的爆破支护效果。  相似文献   
基于响应面法的双前桥转向机构参数优化   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
针对某重型双前桥转向汽车轮胎磨损严重的问题,运用Adams/View建立了该型汽车双前桥转向机构的运动学模型,对其进行了运动学及转向性能仿真分析。针对第二桥车轮实际转角与理想转角之间差异较大的问题,采用灵敏度分析的方法,找出对转角差异影响较大的因子,在Adams/Insight中,使用响应面分析方法,对双前桥转向机构的参数进行了优化。对比优化前后的转角差异可知,实际转角与理想转角之间的差异得到了有效控制,从而降低了轮胎的磨损。  相似文献   
"校企共同体"合作模式把学校和企业两种不同的教育环境和资源有机结合起来,是一种有利于培养适应社会发展的新型人才培养模式。文章以中新(南通)国际海事培训中心为例,探讨了"校企共同体"合作模式对于培养国际化技能人才的优势及启示,具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
Identifying cracks from the spread image of a borehole wall is one of the most common usages of borehole imaging method. The manual identification of cracks is time-consuming and can be easily influenced by objective judgment. In this study, firstly, the image translation from RGB color model to HSV color model is done to highlight the structural plane region, which is closer to the color recognition of human sight; secondly, the Saturation component is filtered for further processing and a twice segmentation method is proposed to improve the accuracy of automatic identification. The primary segmentation is based on the statistics of saturation over a longer borehole section and can give a rough estimation of a crack. Then, the pixels are shifted in the reverse direction to the sine curve estimated and make the centerline of the crack flat. Based on the shifted image, the secondary segmentation is done with a small rectangle region that takes the baseline of the roughly estimated crack as its centerline. The result of the secondary segmentation can give a correction to the first estimation. Through verifying this method with actual borehole image data, the result has shown that this method can identify cracks automatically under very complicated geological conditions.  相似文献   
Under the seller's quantity discount, buyers self-organize or rely on a third party to aggregate their purchasing quantities to obtain lower prices. Because of the unequal member contributions in the cooperative purchasing organization, the buyers' strategy is different, the members often fluctuate, and the organizations do not sustain themselves. An effective mechanism is necessary to improve the performance of purchasing groups. We study the various forms of cost allocation mechanism in practice. Different allocation rules may have influence on the buyers' behavior (i.e., purchasing quantities, whether joining the organization or not). We analyze the serial cost allocation and equilibrium purchasing quantity based on a Nash equilibrium, and the results show that each buyer is worse off when not participating in the existence buying organization of the other buyers. We further find that the serial mechanism just confirms the most efficient Nash equilibrium: reasonable cost allocation rule is necessary for the subjects to identify their optimal strategy.  相似文献   
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