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The aim of this paper is to investigate the behaviour of water transportation company stock returns in the U.S. stock exchanges from 1985 to 1994 in order to determine whether the systematic risk of this industry is different from that of the 'average' company in the market, whether it has changed over the ten year period, over bull and bear market conditions, and whether there is a firm 'size' effect in the industry. In the context of the Capital Asset Pricing Model (Capm), we find that the systematic risk of the shipping industry return is not different from that of the 'average' company. It is also found that the covariance of water transportation companies with respect to the overall stock market return did not change over the ten year period although it appears that it has changed over normal upward/downward market movements. There is also reasonable evidence that the intercept of the equation might have changed over normal upward/downward market movements. Finally, we document contradictory evidence regarding the size effect; during the period 1985-1989 we find small companies to have significantly higher returns and risk while during the period 1990-1994 medium size companies tend to have higher risk than small and large firms, which is not however compensated by higher returns.  相似文献   

This paper examines the management issues relating to the potential closure of the mouth of Australia's largest river. The importance of maintaining the river mouth is outlined, together with the implications of restricted river flow and the management response following the most recent closure of the mouth in 1981. One of the major unresolved issues is the question of responsibility and funding, which has arisen because of overlapping jurisdictions on either side of the river mouth and a lack of jurisdiction f or the mouth itself, which is an administrative boundary.  相似文献   
中小跨径预应力拼宽T梁桥是高速改扩建的主要桥型,依托福州至厦门高速公路改扩建项目,采用结构空间有限元法分析了拼宽后T梁拼接部位的受力状况,得出T梁桥拼宽新桥沉降差值宜控制在5mm以内和新、旧T梁间增置横隔板能有效改善接缝处受力的结论。  相似文献   
This paper presents preliminary control system simulation results in a urea-selective catalytic reduction (SCR) aftertreatment system based on NH3 sensor feedback. A four-state control-oriented lumped parameter model is used to analyze the controllability and observability properties of the urea-SCR plant. A model-based estimator is designed via simulation and a control system is developed with design based on a sliding mode control framework. The control system based on NH3 sensor feedback is analyzed via simulation by comparing it to a control system developed based on NOx sensor feedback. Simulation results show that the NH3 sensor-based strategy performs very similarly in comparison to a NOx sensor-based strategy. The control system performance metrics for NOx index, urea index, urea usage, and NH3 slip suggest that the NOx sensor can be a potential alternative to a NOx sensor for urea-SCR control applications.  相似文献   
FlexRay is a reliable and hard real-time in-vehicle communication protocol that is strongly promoted by car manufacturers as the de facto standard in the automotive domain. The protocol offers both a time-triggered and an eventtriggered architecture. This paper focuses on the optimal scheduling of the time-triggered component of FlexRay known as the static (ST) segment using a two-dimensional bin-packing technique. To maximize the bandwidth utilization in the ST segment, a fast heuristic as well as an efficient integer linear programming approach are proposed. Our methods directly schedule signals into slots including frame packing, according to signal-based data scheduling and the slot/ cycle multiplexing mechanisms presented by the latest version of the FlexRay protocol. The benefits of our proposed methods are demonstrated by extensive experiments on synthetic and an automotive X-by-wire system case study. An additional test case is examined to emphasize the superior performance of the proposed approach relative to that of existing optimal scheduling approaches.  相似文献   
Summary Matrix expressions are developed for the direct computation of rms values for the optimal control forces, front and rear suspension strokes and dynamic tyre deflections in a half-car model on a random road of given roughness. A quadratic performance index is employed with assumed weighting factors and evaluated in the same computation.  相似文献   
为减少火灾事故,介绍了“工厂火灾、爆炸场所危险度综合评价法”,“道氏法”是该法的基础。分析了“道氏法”的不足,而提出了固定危险和现实补偿的综合性计算方法。还通过实例记述了新方法的优点、基本原理和应用方法。该法能用于评价工厂企业危险设备、装置与场所的火灾、爆炸危险程度。  相似文献   
This paper describes the on-line debugging software developed by our research team. The software has five functions and can be helpful in achieving rapid development for hybrid electric buses. In addition, the software can monitor system states continuously and also modify parametric maps or update control programs using its on-line programming function. Based on the on-line debugging system, the hybrid propulsion control system is designed, and all the working modes of the hybrid electric bus are tested. Finally, experiments are carried out that verify that the debugging system is feasible and reliable. The test results show that the hybrid electric bus can reduce fuel consumption by about 19.1 percent, in comparison with conventional buses.  相似文献   
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