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This paper investigates the hydrodynamic characteristics of the rectilinear motion of a robotic fish underwater vehicle. This 2-joint, 3-link multibody vehicle model is biologically inspired by a body caudal fin carangiform fish propulsion mechanism. Navier–Stokes equations are used to compute the unsteady flow fields generated due to the interaction between the vehicle and the surrounding incompressible and Newtonian fluid (water) environment. The NACA 0014 airfoil aerodynamic profile has been designed to boost the swimming efficiency by reducing drag as the vehicle undergoes an undulatory/oscillatory motion. Using the Lighthill slender body model, a traveling wave mathematical function is defined to undulate the robotic fish posterior (caudal) region while the motion tracking is carried out by dynamic meshing technique. The results obtained show that though the net lift force approaches to zero, the net thrust or negative drag coefficient maintains a finite value dependent on kinematic parameters like tail beat frequency (TBF) and amplitude span (AS) at a given propulsive wavelength and the forward velocity of the vehicle. The results reveal the effects of TBF and AS on the coefficient of drag friction and the thrust force. Drag coefficients obtained from the simulations are compared and validated with the experimental results. The hydrodynamic results are found to be similar to the kinematic study results and suggest that TBF and AS play the most effective roles in the bioinspired propulsion technique. Relation of these parameters with propelling thrust force and forward velocity is also in conjunction over a given range of TBF and AS values.  相似文献   
In the interest of extending the operation time of underwater mooring platforms, it is promising and feasible to harvest energy from ocean. A low frequency horizontal pendulum ocean kinetic energy harvester for underwater mooring platforms was presented in this paper. Several series of experimental tests on energy harvesting were carried out. The present research investigates the influence of parameters including excitation frequency, excitation amplitude, inertia modification (ballasting) and pendulum rod length, on the energy harvesting performance. Results show that this type of horizontal pendulum energy harvester has the best performance at resonant frequencies 0.2, 0.25 and 0.3 Hz, with the pendulum pitch angle 3°, 4° and 5°, respectively. It is indicated that the energy harvester can slightly tune the natural frequency to meet the prominent excitation frequency through varying the pendulum pitch angle. The test results also show that the optimal output power take off damping is 30 or 40 Ω in most case, and the maximum average output power can reach 0.3 W, with high normalized power density of 3453.8 kg/m3. Similarly, the results show that three parameters, excitation amplitude, inertia modification (ballasting), and pendulum rod length, have a significant influence on the energy harvesting. This work constitutes a preliminary step towards the development of a low frequency horizontal pendulum ocean kinetic energy harvester for underwater mooring platforms.  相似文献   
Vortex-induced motion is an oscillatory phenomenon which occurs to a floating body with low aspect ratio. The basic phenomenological study about the effects of free surface and end cell on flow around a finite fixed circular cylinder was investigated in this study using particle image velocimetry and hydrodynamic force measurement. It was found from the former experiment that the wake of the cylinder is influenced by the both end cell and free surface. Blowup and back flow are generated from the end cell, and their effects are suspended by free surface. The result of hydrodynamic force measurement showed the effect of Reynolds number, Froude number, and the aspect ratio of the floating body on the hydrodynamic force. Fluctuating components of hydrodynamic coefficients decrease for increasing Reynolds number, Froude number, and the aspect ratio. On the other hand, the mean drag coefficient increases as Froude number increases and decreases as the aspect ratio increases. The interpretation to these results was discussed in comparison with flow structures observed in the experiment. In addition, it was found that the effect of Reynolds number on the mean drag coefficient changes at different aspect ratios. A possible interpretation to this phenomenon was proposed.  相似文献   
In this paper, we discuss nonlinear motion of a buoy connected vertically to the seabed via a tensioned tether (tethered-buoy). A series of scaled model tests has been conducted and a significant nonlinear behavior of the buoy motion, sub-harmonic motion in particular, is observed. Taking account of the influence of time-varying tether tension on the buoy motion, theoretical explanation is made for the sub-harmonic response. The stability of the tethered-buoy system is focused based on Mathieu instability theory. A strongly coupled numerical model between the buoy motion and the tether behavior is established to clarify the mechanism of the nonlinear motion of the tethered-buoy system. A comparison between the experiment data and simulation results is presented not only for the linear but also for the sub-harmonic components. Influential factors for the sub-harmonic motion are discussed in detail. It turned out that the sub-harmonic motion is dominated by the nonlinear coupling effect of time-varying tension in the tether with the buoy motion. Finally, the influential factors to the sub-harmonic motion are indicated throughout the comparison between two different buoy models.  相似文献   
To avoid stability failure due to the broaching associated with surf riding, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has begun to develop multilayered intact stability criteria. A theoretical model using deterministic ship dynamics and stochastic wave theory is a candidate for the highest layer of this scheme. To complete the project, experimental validation of the theoretical method for estimating broaching probability in irregular waves is indispensable. We therefore conducted free-running model experiments using a typical twin-propeller and twin-rudder ship in irregular waves. A simulation model of coupled surge–sway–yaw–roll motion was simultaneously refined. The broaching probability calculated by the theoretical method was within the 95 % confidence interval of that obtained from the experimental data. This could be an example of experimental validation of the theoretical method for estimating the broaching probability when a ship meets a wave.  相似文献   
Ferry service plays an important role in several cities with waterfront areas. Transportation authorities often need to forecast volumes of vehicular traffic in queues waiting to board ships at ferry terminals to ensure sufficient capacity and establish schedules that meet demand. Several previous studies have developed models for long-term vehicle queue length prediction at ferry terminals using terminal operation data. Few studies, however, have been undertaken for short-term vehicular queue length prediction. In this study, machine learning methods including the artificial neural network (ANN) and support vector machine (SVM) are applied to predict vehicle waiting queue lengths at ferry terminals. Through time series analysis, the existence of a periodic queue-length pattern is established. Hence, methodologies used in this study take into account periodic features of vehicle queue data at terminals for prediction. To further consider the cyclical characteristics of vehicle queue data at ferry terminals, a prediction approach is proposed to decompose vehicle waiting queue length into two components: a periodic part and a dynamic part. A trigonometric regression function is introduced to capture the periodic component, and the dynamic part is modeled by SVM and ANN models. Moreover, an assembly technique for combining SVM and ANN models is proposed to aggregate multiple prediction models and in turn achieve better results than could be attained from a lone predictive method. The prediction results suggest that for multi-step ahead vehicle queue length prediction at ferry terminals, the ensemble model outperforms the separate prediction models and the hybrid models, especially as prediction step size increases. This research has important practical significance to both traffic service management interests and the travelers in cities along waterfront areas.  相似文献   
This paper reports a study on hull sizing for tension leg platforms (TLPs) using an optimization model. At the conceptual or basic design stage of an offshore platform project, hull sizing is one of the most important tasks, having a great impact on later stages of the project. Hull sizing is usually done by an engineering team combining several disciplines and taking account of factors including hydrodynamics, global performance, stability, and structure. This makes it difficult and time-consuming to optimize the hull dimensions. In this study, hull sizing was modeled as an optimization problem in which a range of design criteria had to be satisfied and an objective function minimized. Sizing was then performed using optimization algorithms. For each module, the result calculated by our method was compared with that produced by commercial software (DNV Sesam). Our system was tested for conventional TLP design in three specific metocean environments. Finally, our optimized hull shape was compared with an existing TLP, and the difference in hull shape demanded by each environment was analyzed.  相似文献   
Since cargo capacity increases faster than fuel consumption, the significantly larger capacity fleets which will accompany expansion of the Panama Canal will introduce additional fuel economies and cost savings. Enabling larger, more fuel-efficient vessels to carry cargo the entire distance from Asia to US east-coast ports allows vessel operators to realize significant and meaningful savings compared with the alternatives of using smaller Panamax vessels for the whole distance, or sending the cargo over the US land bridge by train or truck. Fuel savings are quantified along with the monetary savings based on various assumptions for the price of fuel. These savings are dramatic and will increase directly with the price of crude petroleum. Finally, microeconomic theory is deployed to determine how cost savings will be distributed between shipping customers and vessel operators.  相似文献   
In this paper, Neural Networks (NNs) are used in the modeling of ship maneuvering motion. A nonlinear response model and a linear hydrodynamic model of ship maneuvering motion are also investigated. The maneuverability indices and linear non-dimensional hydrodynamic derivatives in the models are identified by using two-layer feed forward NNs. The stability of parametric estimation is confirmed. Then, the ship maneuvering motion is predicted based on the obtained models. A comparison between the predicted results and the model test results demonstrates the validity of the proposed modeling method.  相似文献   
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