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The objective of this paper is to study the nonlinear coupling internal resonance of the heave, roll, and pitch response performance of a spar platform when their frequencies are in the ratio of 2:1:1 under wave and vortex exciting loads. The three degree-of-freedom (DOF) nonlinear coupled equations are established by considering a time-varying wet surface with a first-order wave force in heave and pitch and a vortex-induced force in roll. The first-order steady-state response is solved using the multi-scale method in heave main resonance. The multiple solutions of the motion equations are discussed using the analytic method and a numerical simulation. A sensitivity analysis is conducted to test the influence of the damping and internal detuning parameter. The regions of multiple solutions are found, and the jump phenomenon exists with the changes of the wave excitation. The regions of multiple solutions depend on the values of damping and detuning parameter.  相似文献   
Bottom ventilated cavitation is the successfully proven ship drag reduction technology, but the impact of sea waves on ships with bottom cavities is the substantial concern for a broad technology implementation. The influence of waves on vertical force experienced by such ships is analyzed in this paper using a perturbation technique. The unperturbed cavity shape at given Froude number and cavity length was found from a nonlinear steady ideal fluid problem. The ship response to an impact of a wave of the given length and amplitude is considered as the one-frequency perturbation. This perturbation was found by combined consideration of compressible flow in the cavity and incompressible flow in the surrounding water. Computational examples relate to an earlier tested model with the bottom cavity restricted by skegs. The vertical forces on the model with bottom cavities and in cavitation-free conditions were compared in head and following seas. It was found that within the major part of the consider range of wavelengths the cavity acts as a shock absorber significantly reducing the vertical force pulsation and ship acceleration in waves.  相似文献   
In this study, the performance of a contra rotating vertical-axis tidal-current turbine was investigated. The incompressible unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (U-RANS) equations were solved via two-dimensional (2D) numerical simulation using ANSYS Fluent computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code. An algorithm known as SIMPLE from the CFD code was used to calculate the pressure-velocity coupling and second-order finite-volume discretization for all the transport equations. The base turbine model was validated using the available experimental data. Three given scenarios for the contra rotating turbine were modeled. The contra rotating turbine performs better in a low tip speed ratio (TSR) than in a high TSR operation. In a high TSR operation, the contra rotating turbine inefficiently operates, surviving to rotate in the chaotic flow distribution. Thus, it is recommended to use contra rotating turbine as a part of new design to increase the performance of a vertical-axis tidal-current turbine with a lower TSR.  相似文献   
It is trite that shipping is pivotal to the economic development of Nigeria. Aside from significantly contributing to the country’s revenue, shipping is an indispensable aspect of the oil and gas sector, the bastion of Nigeria’s economic, sociopolitical, and infrastructural development. Thus, active participation of Nigerians in the shipping subsector, as well as other sectors, is unassailable and imperative, culminating in the introduction of cabotage in Nigeria. The kernel of this paper is to critically analyse the cabotage regime in Nigeria from the lenses of ship acquisition and shipbuilding with a view to enhancing indigenous participation in coastal and inland waterway transport in the country. The author argues that inadequate funding and absence of investment are central in hampering ship acquisition and the development of shipbuilding capability, thereby undermining cabotage in Nigeria. This paper further asserts that the extant cabotage legal regime in Nigeria is fundamentally flawed due to the existence of waivers without safeguards to protect indigenous ship operators. Moreover, the waiver regime does not encourage technology transfer. The paper concludes by reiterating that adequate funds and investments in human and shipping infrastructural development and the amendment of the Cabotage Act to reflect the removal of surcharges and the inclusion of transfer of technology and other safeguards to the waivers are imperative in ensuring a proper and effective cabotage regime in Nigeria.  相似文献   
In 2016, the world shipping fleet grew by 3.5%. Even if the annual growth rate remains at its lowest since 2013, the global situation is still in overcapacity (UNCTAD 2016). Ninety percent of global trade, by volume, is done by sea. Monitoring this fleet helps with vessel navigation, informing to help avoid critical situations such as collisions, accidents leading to oil pollution, grounding, or ships in distress, but also because traffic management in congested areas is essential. For system wide management, in regions such as MPAs (marine protected areas), conservation is the key factor, and movements can be monitored and analyzed in order to determine illegal or suspicious activities, or in order to limit and/or divert traffic, to mitigate the risks to species subject to protection. It is among these efforts that the automatic identification system (AIS) can play a key role. Since 2004, this VHF transceiver-based reporting system, imposed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), has shifted from a traditional vessel identification device to a tool used in a wide variety of applications. The most common uses are safety and security; these issues are quite visible in the media and may touch more people on a global scale (e.g., piracy, oil spills). Over the years, AIS has become, especially with the emergence of the satellite-based capture of the signal in 2011, a widely used tool for developing applications such as fisheries monitoring, marine conservation, air pollution forecasting and modeling, ballast water monitoring, invasive species transport, and many more. In this paper, we propose to review the peer-reviewed publications related to the uses and applications of the AIS.  相似文献   
A model of traveller behaviour should recognise the exogenous and endogenous factors that limit the choice set of users. These factors impose constraints on the decision maker, which constraints may be considered implicitly, as soft constraints imposing thresholds on the perception of changes in attribute values, or explicitly as hard constraints. The purpose of this paper is twofold: (1) To present a constrained nested logit-type choice model to cope with hard constraints. This model is derived from the entropy-maximizing framework. (2) To describe a general framework to deal with (dynamic) non-linear utilities. This approach is based on Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces. The resulting model allows the dynamic aspect and the constraints on the choice process to be represented simultaneously. A novel estimation procedure is introduced in which the utilities are viewed as the parameters of the proposed model instead of attribute weights as in the classical linear models. A discussion on over-specification of the proposed model is presented. This model is applied to a synthetic test problem and to a railway service choice problem in which users choose a service depending on the timetable, ticket price, travel time and seat availability (which imposes capacity constraints). Results show (1) the relevance of incorporating constraints into the choice models, (2) that the constrained models appear to be a better fit than the counterpart unconstrained choice models; and (3) the viability of the approach, in a real case study of railway services on the Madrid–Seville corridor (Spain).  相似文献   
The total cost minimizing approach to design transit systems is extended here beyond the usual dimensions of fleet (frequency) and vehicle size in order to examine the most appropriate spatial setting of transit lines as well. Motivated by the case of large cities in Latin America, characterized by high volumes of relatively long urban trips, we analyze the best ways to provide public transport services in a simplified urban setting represented by an extended cross-shaped network, where short trips (periphery–center) and long trips (periphery–periphery) coexist, generating economies of density. Three families of strategic lines structures are compared: mostly direct, feeder–trunk and hub and spoke. For each structure fleet and vehicle sizes are optimized, considering total (users’ and operators’) costs. The best structure is found parametrically in total passenger volume, the proportion of long trips and the value of the transfer penalty. The advantages of each dominating structure are explained in terms of factors like idle capacity, waiting or in-vehicle times and number of transfers.  相似文献   
Given the wide application of automatic fare collection systems in transit systems across the globe, smartcard data with on- and/or off-boarding information has become a new source of data to understand passenger flow patterns. This paper uses Nanjing, China as a case study and examines the possibility of using the data cube technique in data mining to understand space–time travel patterns of Nanjing rail transit users. One month of smartcard data in October, 2013 was obtained from Nanjing rail transit system, with a total of over 22 million transaction records. We define the original data cube for the smartcard data based on four dimensions—Space, Date, Time, and User, design a hierarchy for each dimension, and use the total number of transactions as the quantitative measure. We develop modules using the programming language Python and share them as open-source on GitHub to enable peer production and advancement in the field. The visualizations of two-dimensional slices of the data cube show some interesting patterns such as different travel behaviors across user groups (e.g. students vs. elders), and irregular peak hours during National Holiday (October 1st–7th) compared to regular morning and afternoon peak hours during regular working weeks. Spatially, multidimensional visualizations show concentrations of various activity opportunities near metro rail stations and the changing popularities of rail stations through time accordingly. These findings support the feasibility and efficiency of the data cube technique as a mean of visual exploratory analysis for massive smart-card data, and can contribute to the evaluation and planning of public transit systems.  相似文献   
This special issue is a product of the international symposium on “ICT, Activities, Time Use and Travel” that was hosted by Nanjing University from 16 to 18 July 2016. The symposium brought together leading scholars from all over the world to congregate with Chinese scholars and students and to share and discuss the research frontiers at this nexus. It was motivated by a recognition of the changing goals and scope of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) research in conjunction with the development of new ICTs and the emergence of new ICT-enabled behaviors. Consequently, the symposium and later this special issue have drawn together significant scholarly contributions that provide new behavioral insights as well as new theoretical and methodological advances. The symposium culminated in three roundtable panel discussions addressing the following cross-cutting themes: (1) time use while travelling (led by Glenn Lyons); (2) ICT and travel behavior (led by Pat Mokhtarian); and (3) Big Data, activities and urban space (led by Eran Ben-Elia). In this epilogue to the special issue we offer a distillation of these discussions.  相似文献   
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