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IntroductionInhotforging,variationanddistributiol1oftemperatureplayveryimportantroIeinviewofthermalstressesorthermalstrainaswe1lasthemateria1properties.MechanicaldefOrmationcangenerateheatbyfrictionalslidingand/ordissipatiOI1ofplasticwork.Theboundaryconditionfortemperatureismodifiedbythechangeinmaterialshape.Dietemperatureusuallyislowerthanworkpiecetemperatureandthisfactresultsindiechilling.Itsignificantlyaffectsthetemperatureoftheworkpiecea11d,consequently,alterstheflowstress.Whenthedieisr…  相似文献   
A frictional torque was generated by a lubricated slip contact between a wet clutch pad and a steel separator during a wet clutch engagement. It is necessary to understand the generation of frictional torque to improve the performance of the frictional torque transfer and the durability of the wet clutch system. The analytical modeling of wet clutch torque transfer considers the effects of surface roughness, permeability, the elastic modulus of the frictional material, lubricant viscosity, temperature, etc. Experimental apparatus for wet clutch engagement was designed for the measurement of frictional torque transfer during wet clutch engagement. The experimental results were compared with the analytical results under various operational conditions for the verification of the theoretical analysis to evaluate the performance of the wet clutch system. Some correlations were investigated between the experimental and analytical results. We found that computation by analytical modeling can predict the effects of oil temperature, applied force, and slip speed, as well as engagement period and frictional torque transfer shapes.  相似文献   
In a MacPherson strut suspension, the side load is inevitably generated and it causes friction at the damper reducing riding comfort. In this paper, to solve this problem, progressive meta-model based sequential approximate optimization (SAO) is performed to minimize the side load. To calculate the side load, a wheel travel analysis is performed by using flexible multi-body dynamics (FMBD) model of suspension, which can consider both finite element method (FEM) and multi-body dynamics (MBD). In the optimal design process, meta-model is generated by using extracted sampling points and radial basis function (RBF) method. As a result of optimal design, spring setting positions that minimize the side load are obtained and by using optimal spring setting positions, the suspension FMBD model was constructed.  相似文献   
In this study, NOx conversion characteristics of a urea selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system equipped on a heavy-duty diesel engine were evaluated through engine dynamometer bench tests over a scheduled world harmonized transient cycle (WHTC). Also, based on transient SCR simulations, the thermal management strategy to improve SCR NOx conversion efficiency was investigated. As a result, it was found that a selective increase in exhaust temperature at low temperature period would be a useful measure to increase SCR efficiency on WHTC mode. From the baseline SCR efficiency of around 98 % on WHTC mode, the current simulation results have shown that around 99 % level of SCR efficiency would be achievable by increasing exhaust temperatures with modifying diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) dosage. Another valuable contribution of this study is that the design guidelines for controlling exhaust temperature and DEF injection to obtain a target NOx conversion efficiency are presented for SCR systems of heavy-duty diesel engines on transient operating conditions.  相似文献   
In this study, in order to examine the cooling efficiency of a carbon-ceramic brake disk, the temperature distribution of the disk, depending on the AMS (Auto-Motor-Sport) Fade mode, was analyzed using a numerical method. Two brake disks with different straight ventilation hole shapes were considered. The ventilation holes configuration was changed from base models in order to find a higher cooling efficiency disk design. In the Model A disk, the mean temperatures of the mid-plane and the entire disk, at the AMS Fade mode end time decreased 1.9 oC and 3 oC, hole length respectively. This was done by decreasing the length of the a2 hole from 94 mm to 59 mm. When a2 hole length was increased from 94 mm to 128 mm, the mean temperature of the entire disk and the disk mid-plane increased 3.7 oC and 16.2 oC, respectively. This was due to the increased affined air stagnation in the disk. In the Model B disk, after removing stagnation region of the b2 hole, the hole diameter expanded from 13 mm to 17.6 mm. As a result, the mean temperature of the entre disk and the mid-plane decreased 2.8 oC and 18.7 oC, respectively, (compared to the base model). As a result, increasing the surface area of the ventilation holes gave a higher cooling efficiency.  相似文献   
针对路面裂缝检测不完整和分割出现断裂的问题,提出了一种多尺度特征增强的路面裂缝检测网络MFENet,实现端到端的路面裂缝图像检测、分类和分割处理;设计了多尺度注意力特征增强模块,建立了网络模型的上层多尺度特征通道与底层特征通道权重系数之间的映射关系,以提升有效通道的特征输出;基于路面裂缝的坐标信息和像素语义信息在物理位置上的相关性,设计了多语义特征关联模块,实现不同语义信息之间的特征融合增强,并通过特征维度转换实现对路面裂缝图像的前景特征过滤;提出了一种针对深度特征强度进行量化评估的方法,用于提升模型提取特征能力的可解释性。在自采集数据集上的研究结果表明:MFENet对路面裂缝图像检测的平均精准率和平均召回率相比Mask R-CNN分别提升了4.3%和5.4%,相比基线模型RDSNet分别提升了14.6%和14.3%;MFENet对路面裂缝图像分割的平均精准率和平均召回率相比Mask R-CNN分别提升了6.6%和8.8%,相比RDSNet分别提升了8.1%和9.7%;与Mask R-CNN等主流方法相比,MFENet对不同类型路面裂缝图像的检测、分割精度最高。在公开数据集(CFD、CRACK500)上的研究结果表明:在不同场景下的数据集上,MFENet的检测、分割精度均高于Mask R-CNN等主流方法,模型的鲁棒性更强。另外与RDSNet相比,MFENet在不同数据集上的处理速度也均有所提升。  相似文献   
为提高现代机场的资源利用效率和乘客换乘体验, 研究了多目标航班-登机口分配问题; 在考虑航班类型约束、飞机机体类型约束和转场时间间隔约束的基础上, 以分配在固定登机口的航班数量最多、使用的固定登机口数量最少和乘客换乘紧张度最小为目标函数, 建立了航班-登机口分配的多目标非线性0-1整数规划模型, 并设计了一种改进型基因编码的遗传算法以提高求解效率; 基因个体采用两段式整数编码, 设计了该编码方式到可行解的映射流程, 同时从理论上证明该编码方式可以映射到最优解; 对两段基因编码分别设计了不同的交叉算子和变异算子, 避免产生非可行个体; 为验证算法的有效性, 基于某大规模机场的实际运营数据, 对比了改进型遗传算法与MATLAB内置遗传算法。计算结果表明: 采用改进型遗传算法使得安排在固定登机口的航班数目增大5%, 乘客换乘总紧张度减小3%, 乘客换乘平均紧张度减小32%, 占用的固定登机口数量相同, 安排在固定登机口的乘客数量增大20%, 算法运行时间减小8%, 说明改进型遗传算法性能更好, 可提高登机口的利用效率和乘客的换乘舒适度; 在改进型遗传算法的优化过程中, 航班数量目标和登机口数量目标在130次迭代时寻到最优解, 换乘紧张度目标在400次迭后基本收敛, 且最优结果对应的航班时序合理, 说明该算法的迭代收敛速度快, 优化结果合理。  相似文献   
非承载式车身正面碰撞的数值分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
马永春  陈思忠  居襄 《汽车工程》2000,22(2):81-84,92
本文阐述了整车数值分析的基本概念和步骤,对一具体车型进行了正面碰撞的模拟仿真。根据分析的结果和非承载车身的设计原则对该车身结构进行了详细地分析,找出设计中的一些不足之处,并提出一些相应的改进措施。  相似文献   
Traction control systems are used to prevent wheel slippage and to maximize traction forces. This paper proposes a new scheme to enhance vehicle lateral stability with a traction control system during cornering and lane changes. This scheme controls wheel slip during cornering by varying the slip ratio as a function of the slip angle. It assumes that a traction control system with the engine throttle angle is used. The scheme is dynamically simulated with a model of front-wheel-driven passenger vehicles. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme is robust and superior to a conventional one, which is based upon fixed slip ratios, during cornering and lane changes.  相似文献   
预应力混凝土梁桥拓宽关键技术研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
针对沪宁高速公路扩建工程桥梁拓宽工程中,桥梁横向拓宽所遇到的关键工程技术难题,如拓宽方案、横向拼接结构设计、结构变形和沉降控制方法等若干内容进行理论分析和试验研究.研究成果为设计和施工提供了有力的技术支持,保证了沪宁高速公路扩建桥梁拓宽的施工质量。  相似文献   
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