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Results of vehicle crosswind research involving both full-scale driver-vehicle tests and associated analyses are presented. The paper focuses on experimental crosswind testing of several different vehicle configurations and a group of seven drivers. A test procedure, which utilized wind-generating fans arranged in alternating directions to provide a crosswind “gauntlet”, is introduced and described. Driver preferences for certain basic chassis and aerodynamic properties are demonstrated and linked to elementary system responses measured during the crosswind gauntlet tests. Based on these experimental findings and confirming analytical results, a two-stage vehicle design process is then recommended for predicting and analyzing the crosswind sensitivity of a particular vehicle or new design.  相似文献   
Computer Vision and Highway Automation   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A survey is given on the development of machine vision for road vehicle guidance. Through early work in real-time simulation with real hardware in the loop at UBM, and through the EUREKA-project 'Prometheus' from 1987 to 1994 following the 100 th anniversary of road vehicle developments since 1886, Europe has pioneered the field. Since first fully autonomous testdrives in 1986, and first participation in public traffic in 1992, considerable progress has been achieved. With continuous growth in computing power of microprocessors at a rate of about one order of magnitude every four to five years, sufficient performance levels for dynamic machine vision will be available within one or two decades. The principles of dynamic vision as developed at UBM and performance levels achieved are discussed.  相似文献   
In previous publications the author has described a so-called first-order theory for the motion of a railway vehicle wheelset on a tangent track. In the present report the geometrical aspect of this theory is further evaluated and a method for solving the constraint equations between the coordinates of the wheelset is indicated.  相似文献   
Power Requirements for Vehicle Suspension Systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper attempts to analyze the power requirements of a vehicle due solely to its suspension system, neglecting the important powers associated with air and rolling resistance. Power requirements for active and passive suspensions are compared using the simplest possible mathematical model. A mass in a gravity field moves at constant velocity over a surface and is supported by a point contact on the surface by a massless but otherwise arbitrary suspension system. It is shown that the average propulsive power required is equal to the average power lost in the suspension. In the limit cases of very stiff or very soft suspensions this power vanishes. Passive suspensions require no other power, but active suspensions may require significant extra power from the prime mover to generate the suspension forces.  相似文献   
Airsprings have been used for vehicle suspensions over the last 40 years. They are mostly used as independent suspensions. Analysis of air springs available in literature is mostly limited to a single-degree-of-freedom system or a two-degrees-of-freedom system only in the translation mode. This paper deals with a model of a vehicle where the front and the rear springs are connected by a capillary tube. A two-degrees-of-freedom model having motion in bounce and pitch mode is presented. Equations of mass flow are linearized on the assumption of small variations in volume and pressure. Expressions for the transmissibility and the phase angle in the bounce and the pitch mode are derived. Road inputs to the front and the rear axles are assumed to be identical except for a phase difference between them. The effect of the capillary flow coefficient and that of the phase angle between the front and the rear axle excitation are studied. It is shown that an optimum value of the capillary flow coefficient exists which minimizes the transmissibility of motion in both modes over the entire frequency range. It is also observed that a phase angle of 180 degrees presents ideal transmissibility characteristics. Thus, a promising application of air springs for a vehicle suspension is presented.  相似文献   
Two possible layouts of a slow-active suspension model are analysed. Optimal control laws for different actuator bandwidths and various amounts of road preview are generated, and estimates of power consumption are made. Higher bandwidth systems (10Hz) require less preview to obtain a given level of performance than those with a lower bandwidth (3Hz) but use more energy in doing so. Similar performance is available from the two systems considered, although the second uses considerably less energy to obtain that performance.  相似文献   
A numerical analysis of liquid load in elliptical road containers undergoing a steady-state turning manoeuvre is presented for containers of unrestricted size and for containers of fixed capacity. The liquid load is expressed in terms of the horizontal and vertical forces and the overturning moment created by these forces around the middle bottom point of the container. The moment is obtained by integrating the liquid free-surface equation and using numerical calculation of the resulting expressions. An optimization study with an objective to minimize the peak overturning moment is performed on containers of fixed capacity to identify the optimal height/width ratio of the container. The results of this investigation being of a general nature, i.e. with no restriction for an application, are particularly intended for road tankers under a steady turning manoeuvre, where they can be applied with high degree of accuracy.  相似文献   
An optimal preview control algorithm is applied to a two degree of freedom(dof) vehicle model travelling with constant velocity on a randomly profiled road. The road roughness is modelled as a homogeneous random process being the output of a linear first order filter to white noise. The input from the road irregularity is assumed to be measured at some distance in front of the vehicle and this measured infonnation is utilized by the active controller to prepare the system for the ensuing input. The preview control algorithm is obtained by minimizing a quadratic performance index and by describing the average behaviour of the system by the covariance matrix of the vehicle response state vector. Results are presented for full state feedback and significant improvements in sprung mass acceleration, suspension working space and road holding are observed.  相似文献   
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