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欧洲绿色交通发展经验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
首先探索了绿色交通涉及的因素,指出可持续交通层面下的政策目标。对实现这些目标可以采取的相关策略进行分析,包括新技术的应用以及交通政策的干预。基于欧洲经验,总结了交通政策的效果和作用,包括土地利用、基础设施、交通管理、运营措施、信息和宣传、费用等。最后,针对实施交通战略过程中存在的体制、可接受性、财政三方面的阻碍提出建议。  相似文献   
交通因其消耗大量能源而在可持续发展中扮演着重要角色,为了规划交通可持续发展,有必要提出能够评估和衡量交通可持续发展的指数。利用可达性概念和地理信息系统提出交通方式可达性差距指数。该指数由人口数量、就业岗位数、商店数以及学校数等决定,根据公共交通方式和私人交通方式间可达性指数差异计算。就能源效率而言,公共交通方式比私人交通方式更能实现可持续。可达性差距指数越高意味着可持续能力越强。通过比较香港1991年和1996年的可达性差距指数,来检验交通发展的可持续性是否有所提升。最后,讨论了如何运用可达性差距指数来检验土地利用以及交通发展政策和方案,以便确定更可持续的政策和方案。  相似文献   

Major challenges are ahead in managing the coastal zone of western Canada. Until now there has been no legislated focus through a coastal zone management act nor a policy for the management of coastal resources. Instead, policies and institutions have been evolving out of existing legislation responding to opportunities and needs as they have arisen. Management is predominantly a bargaining process the success of which depends on opportunities for informed participation by the affected interests. Considering the relatively small investments in management, bargaining appears to have worked rather well, but there are weaknesses. Fortunately, significant opportunities exist to improve performance at relatively low cost. In particular, there should be a shift from the past emphasis on inventorying, monitoring, and coordination, to the development of functional knowledge and sectoral planning that can be the basis for informed and representative bargaining.  相似文献   
The Chinese government has been exploring various paths to find a direction that better suits China’s national conditions during the past 60 years. Meanwhile, a series of political and economic events and policy transformations have had different effects on the port industry. This article attempts to ascertain how these events and port policies have influenced Chinese port traffic through an empirical study on data covering 1952–2009. The findings suggest that foreign trade has been the prime driver of the throughput of Chinese ports. The increase in the ports’ throughput has enabled an increase in domestic demand and the urgent need for further port investment. Chinese port throughput has been subject to multiple shocks. The Great Leap Forward1 is found to have had the largest, but only a short-term impact. China’s accession to the World Trade Organization, however, led to a longer and exclusive effect on ports, with little observed effect on the other variables. The reform of port governance is shown to have had a more lasting positive effect on port throughput than physical investment. However, these latter effects are minor, the economic and political factors remain the primary driving factors of port throughput.  相似文献   
通过分析美国德克萨斯州奥斯丁市2010—2012年独栋住宅的销售价格,以街道智慧步行指数(Street Smart Walk Score)和人行道密度(Sidewalk Density)作为衡量指标,研究社区步行通达性对房价的影响。使用Cliff-Ord空间特征模型(即广义空间模型,General Spatial Model,或者SAC)控制空间自相关影响。结果表明:在依赖小汽车的社区通过增加设施可达性来提升步行通达性的举措并不能提高房价;增加人行道也只能最小限度地提高房价。投资社区便利设施和人行道对适宜步行社区的房价提升效果比依赖小汽车的社区显著。  相似文献   
This paper considers the market potential for battery electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles in Flanders, Belgium. Making use of a large-scale survey conducted in 2011 and applying a choice-based conjoint experiment, it is predicted that by 2020, battery electric vehicles could have a market share of about 5% of new vehicles, and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles could have a share of around 7%. By 2030, these figures could increase to 15% and 29%. The speed of up-take of electric vehicles, however, is sensitive to purchase costs.  相似文献   
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