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The goal of a network design problem (NDP) is to make optimal decisions to achieve a certain objective such as minimizing total travel time or maximizing tolls collected in the network. A critical component to NDP is how travelers make their route choices. Researchers in transportation have adopted human decision theories to describe more accurate route choice behaviors. In this paper, we review the NDP with various route choice models: the random utility model (RUM), random regret-minimization (RRM) model, bounded rationality (BR), cumulative prospect theory (CPT), the fuzzy logic model (FLM) and dynamic learning models. Moreover, we identify challenges in applying behavioral route choice models to NDP and opportunities for future research.  相似文献   
Millennials, defined in this study as those born between 1979 and 2000, became the largest population segment in the United States in 2015. Compared to recent previous generations, they have been found to travel less, own fewer cars, have lower driver’s licensure rates, and use alternative modes more. But to what extent will these differences in behaviour persist as millennials move through various phases of the lifecycle? To address this question, this paper presents the results of a longitudinal analysis of the 2003–2013 American Time Use Survey data series. In early adulthood, younger millennials (born 1988–1994) are found to spend significantly more time in-home than older millennials (born 1979–1985), which indicates that there are substantial differences in activity-time use patterns across generations in early adulthood. Older millennials are, however, showing activity-time use patterns similar to their prior generation counterparts as they age, although some differences – particularly in time spent as a car driver – persist. Millennials appear to exhibit a lag in adopting the activity patterns of predecessor generations due to delayed lifecycle milestones (e.g. completing their education, getting jobs, marrying, and having children) and lingering effects of the economic recession, suggesting that travel demand will resume growth in the future.  相似文献   

This paper surveys the technologies available for constructing a pervasive, national‐scale road pricing system. It defines the different types of road pricing, the methods by which a vehicle’s position can be determined, and then examines possible pricing regimes in the context of their technological requirements and implications. The issue of enforcement and the distribution of pricing policies are considered, and further complexities are outlined. An examination of the security aspects of such systems is made, focusing particularly on the need to ensure privacy using technological, rather than solely procedural, methods. The survey concludes that a pervasive, national‐scale deployment is unlikely to be technically achievable in the short‐term.  相似文献   
A dominant theme in the debate on road pricing (RP) reform is securing buy in from all key stakeholders as a pre-condition for gaining support from politicians. This paper explores the key influences and the extent to which particular RP schemes are acceptable to the community at large, and how this translates into support if a scheme were subject to a vote in a referendum. Using data collected in Sydney in 2012 from a sample of car users, we estimate a recursive simultaneous bivariate probit model that recognises the endogeneity effect of scheme acceptability on voting plans. We find that there is a very strong link between voting intentions and scheme acceptability, and provide a series of direct elasticity estimates of the influence that the cost elements of RP reform schemes have on the joint probability of accepting and voting for a scheme.  相似文献   
The review undertaken in this Paper shows how, in 1984, governments of nation‐states of the world deal with the important function of Transport. In all 115 countries are included and, with the information now given, it is possible to compare the situation with 1981–82, and also have a current global view of affairs affecting Transport as managed by governments. Such a review is part of the service which Transport Reviews provides for its readers. It is hoped to conduct a further review in 1988.  相似文献   
Central to the development of transport energy plans are predictions of automobile use. Together with a knowledge of the fuel efficiency of the vehicle fleet, usage acts interdependently to determine the amount of fuel consumed. In this paper we develop an econometric model system at the household level which treats vehicle use, fuel cost, and vehicle fuel efficiency as functionally interdependent. The data is drawn from Wave 1 of a4‐wave panel of Sydney households. The empirical evidence provides new insights into the influences on vehicle use and sets the context for continuing research efforts.  相似文献   
M. Hadi Baaj 《运输评论》2013,33(1):103-113

The Lebanese Council of Ministers has recently endorsed a plan for the reform and organization of the Land Public Transport Sector (LPTS). The plan implies a new role for the government: it would cease being just a loss-making service provider and become the planner and regulator of the sector under a new strategy. The strategy would aim at creating the enabling environment and conditions that allow and ensure the existence of sufficient, affordable and efficient transport services provided by several private-sector operators functioning under competitive conditions. Thus, the existing autonomous Railway and Public Transport Authority (RPTA) will be restructured to serve as the effective regulator, its bus operations will be corporatized (for possible eventual privatization), and all existing private sector service providers will be regulated. Following a brief overview of the problems of the sector and the components of the reform and organization plan, this paper focuses on developing options for the restructuring of the RPTA to carry out its new role.  相似文献   

The Sydney Olympics held in September 2000 provided an opportunity to monitor the planning of transport provision for the world's greatest sporting spectacular. As the single largest major event, the pressures on a city's transport system are enormous, as witnessed by the previous Games in Atlanta and Barcelona. This paper takes a value-chain approach to assess transport performance as a crucial element in the delivery of the Sydney Olympic Games. We begin with a brief overview of strategic value, highlighting some generic aspects of value chains followed by the transport delivery system that came to the fore as significant 'drivers' in the value chain. This is followed by a summary of the effectiveness of the buses, trains, taxis, roads and the airport. A more detailed look is provided of the private bus sector where the problems leading up the opening of the Games received a great deal of media attention. The paper concludes with two stories, one good, one not so good, about transport and the Olympic Games.  相似文献   

Transport policy in Korea is driven by the need to cope with ever-worsening traffic conditions. The development of an intelligent transport systems (ITS) Master Plan for Korea is of particular interest and demonstrates the heavy reliance placed on ITS measures to facilitate both the management of congested (but expanding) highway networks and to encourage a shift to greater use of public transport. The paper highlights the major achievements of ITS in Korea by assessing the evidence provided by the widespread implementation of ITS technologies (such as the creation of 'showcase' demonstrations). Some observations from the implementation of ITS in (so-called) transitional economies are presented.  相似文献   
A brief summary of road traffic‐related elasticity estimates as reported in the international literature is given. An indication of the orders of magnitude of these elasticities is outlined and the variation in estimates commonly found is emphasized. The results of previous extensive surveys are collated, but a wider scope of traffic‐related research is provided by reviewing recent work and including research that has received less attention. A variety of elasticity measures related to car travel, car ownership, freight traffic and fuel demand are reported. Based on the review, some important themes underpinning the demand for road traffic are revealed.  相似文献   
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