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介绍CTCS-3级列车车载系统采用多功能车辆总线(MVB)进行通信的功能单元以及各个单元间的周期性和突发性通信行为。在对MVB总线协议以及上层应用协议进行分析的基础上,以MVB-Ethernet网关为例,详细介绍MVB通信网关的硬软件实现技术以及MVB网关设备在半实物仿真平台中的应用。  相似文献   
选用碎纸、棉绳和聚氨酯塑料试验火,在地铁站台进行火灾实体试验。在车站夜间停运条件下,对不同类型试验火源的烟气速度、温度进行监测分析,研究地铁中具有镂空格栅吊顶车站站台在停运时初期火灾烟气运动的规律,为地铁车站火灾探测研究提供技术支持。  相似文献   
基于利益相关者理论的城市轨道交通项目需求分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市轨道交通项目的定位及其价值的实现,是建立在项目各方的利益需求得到平衡与满足的基础之上,因此全面识别与城市轨道交通项目紧密相关的单位或群体,并分析其各自的利益需求,对城市轨道交通项目的定位及其价值的实现显得至关重要。此文基于利益相关者理论,通过对城市轨道交通项目利益相关者的识别、核心相关者的确定及其利益需求分析,以期为城市轨道交通项目建设工作提供帮助。  相似文献   
刘静沂 《铁道勘察》2011,37(4):87-89
针对高校科研管理工作的现状,提出了如何创新科研管理理念,完善科研创新体制和管理手段,发挥高校科研优势的建议:完善相关政策性保证措施;构建科研管理的信息化平台;着力打造高素质的科研管理队伍。  相似文献   
二次补气阀是摩托车发动机排放净化的关键零部件之一,通过单向进气阀从外界吸入空气到排气管内,为氧化催化剂的高效工作补充氧含量,通过调整设定单向进气阀的金属簧片厚度、簧片止口和开口区面积等参数,可控制补气量的大小。  相似文献   
某高速公路沿线大部分路段为软土路基。其中一桥头段位于深厚软土路基上,根据工后沉降的要求,采用了带桩帽的预应力管桩 土工格栅垫层的处理形式。经过对现场试验数据分析,表明该种处理方法效果较好,具有处理深度大、质量易保证、工后沉降小等突出优点,可以作为类似软基处理设计时参考。  相似文献   
Cluster tools have advantages of shorter cycle times, faster process development, and better yield for less contamination. The sequence of dual-arm cluster tools is a complex logistics process during the semiconductor production. Efficient use of cluster tools is naturally very significant to competitive fab operations. Generating an optimized sequence in a computationally efficient manner and assessing the quality of the requirements to improve the fab production are the key factors for semiconductor manufacturing productivity. The Petri net modeling is introduced to minimize the makespan of the process for the three different logical modes and select a better mode after comparing the makespan among the three logical modes. The tool sequence optimization problem is formulated as optimization firing transition sequences based on the Petri net and then the formulation is converted to be linearly solved by the branch-and-cut method in the standard commercial solver CPLEX. Special methods for the linear conversion are highlighted. Due to the limited calculation time requirement for the real production and the large scale of the problem, special methods for the efficiency tuning are applied according to the characteristics of the problem. Numerical testing is supported by one of the most advanced semiconductor enterprises and the computational results show significant improvement compared with the traditional manual sequence results.  相似文献   
An enhancement-based Poisson denoising method for photon-limited images is presented. The noisy image is firstly pre-processed for enhancing incomplete object information, and then it is denoised while preserving the restored structural details. A variational regularization model based on Euler’s elastica (EE) is proposed for image enhancement pre-processing. A nonlocal total variation (NLTV) regularization model is then employed in the second stage of image denoising. The above two optimization problems are solved by the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM). For Poissonian images with low image peak values, experiments demonstrate the validity and efficiency of the proposed method for both restoring geometric structure and removing noise.  相似文献   
为评价在生产常规作业阶段爆破施工方式对隧道结构的影响,对宋家湾隧道爆破振动进行监测,以获取主振频率,最终以频率和振动速度2个指标评估隧道爆破作业振动效应。本次爆破的最大振动速度为3.1cm/s,主振频率范围为27.34~70.31Hz,最大振动速度远小于国家标准。可知对隧道支护结构影响有限频率范围为27.34~70.31Hz,远高于隧道的自振频率(一般在3~9Hz范围内),不会出现共振放大现象。  相似文献   
<正>船员管理历来是各国海事管理机构工作中的重中之重。就世界范围来看,各国船员在船任职均采用资格管理制度。STCW公约中对相应船员的资质和适任能力有着较为具体的要求,它控制着船员的职业技术素质和值班行为。  相似文献   
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