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Hafezi  Mohammad Hesam  Liu  Lei  Millward  Hugh 《Transportation》2019,46(4):1369-1394

This study develops a new comprehensive pattern recognition modeling framework that leverages activity data to derive clusters of homogeneous daily activity patterns, for use in activity-based travel demand modeling. The pattern recognition model is applied to time use data from the large Halifax STAR household travel diary survey. Several machine learning techniques not previously employed in travel behavior analysis are used within the pattern recognition modeling framework. Pattern complexity of activity sequences in the dataset was recognized using the FCM algorithm, and resulted in identification of twelve unique clusters of homogeneous daily activity patterns. We then analysed inter-dependencies in each identified cluster and characterized the cluster memberships through their socio-demographic attributes using the CART classifier. Based on the socio-demographic characteristics of individuals we were able to correctly identify which cluster individuals belonged to, and also predict various information related to their activities, such as start time, duration, travel distance, and travel mode, for use in activity-based travel demand modeling. To execute the pattern recognition model, the 24-h activity patterns are split into 288 three dimensional 5 min intervals. Each interval includes information on activity types, duration, start time, location, and travel mode if applicable. Results from aggregated statistical evaluation and Kolmogorov–Smirnov tests indicate that there is heterogeneous diversity among identified clusters in terms of temporal distribution, and substantial differences in a variety of socio-demographic variables. The homogeneous clusters identified in this study may be used to more accurately predict the scheduling behavior of specific population groups in activity-based modeling, and hence to improve prediction of the times and locations of their travel demands. Finally, the results of this study are expected to be implemented within the activity-based travel demand model, Scheduler for Activities, Locations, and Travel (SALT).

Under the Alternative Motor Fuels Act (AMFA), vehicles that run on ethanol, methanol, or natural gas get extra credits in the calculation of Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE). This paper uses hedonic techniques to examine the effect of production of alternative-fuel vehicles (AFVs) on the implicit price of fuel economy. This study finds that, after AFVs came to market, the marginal value of fuel economy from companies producing them decreased. This finding suggests that manufacturers who produced AFVs were willing to offer a lower price for fuel economy, because automakers had an additional way to achieve fuel economy standards beyond improving the fuel efficiency of conventional cars. These findings bolster the argument that a major role of the AMFA credit for AFVs is to allow automakers to increase their production of fuel-inefficient vehicles.  相似文献   
刘娜 《现代隧道技术》2012,49(2):42-44,64
近年来盾构机越来越多地应用于各种隧道工程中,其中地铁应用的数量最多,约占80%。现代盾构已演变成为一种高度智能化的大型工程机械装备,对其控制的好坏将直接影响到整个工程的施工成本和企业的经营效益,而通过单机核算降低机械成本是降低施工成本、提高企业效益的有效手段,因此推行盾构法施工单机核算显得尤为重要。文章结合地铁2222标施工项目,重点介绍了盾构法单机核算管理模式及其在施工中的应用。  相似文献   
文章通过对桃树坪隧道、胡麻岭隧道第三系富水粉细砂岩地层开挖后不降水、先开挖后降水、先降水后开挖三种情况下围岩含水率、围岩稳定性现场监测结果,分析得出围岩含水量变化规律和围岩稳定性与含水量之间的关系及其规律,为制定降水及开挖方案提供了重要依据。  相似文献   
随着节能减排压力的日益严重,世界各国均开始制定重型车辆的燃油经济性标准。在对重型车燃油经济性的测量方面,模拟计算法由于操作简单、可重复性好、成本低的优点越来越受到行业的重视,在日本、中国和美国的标准中都得到了应用。本文在分析模拟计算法测量车辆燃油经济性的原理基础上,对比研究了日本、中国和美国标准中模拟计算法的应用情况,分析了各国在模拟计算法关键环节上策略的异同。  相似文献   
从信号培训系统目前存在的问题出发,提出一种虚实互动的机制来构建信号培训系统的方法。研究结果表明,本方法可以针对目前信号培训的特点,建立能够适应不同线路环境,满足不同实物设备组成方式和实训实操要求的信号培训系统。  相似文献   
根据单端反激变换器的电路和工作波形,推导了其在输出电流连续和不连续情况的工作原理,并且给出了在MATLAB/Simulink中的正激变换器的仿真模型和仿真结果。通过对仿真结果的分析得出以下结论:其优点是电路所用元器件少,电路简洁。其缺点如下:输出功率较小,稳定性较差,以及开关应力大,电路能量损耗较大。  相似文献   
In this paper, we present a Finite pointset method (FPM) for the numerical simulation of free surface flow around a ship in calm water. It is a Lagrangian and meshless particle scheme which is applied to the projection method for the incompressible governing equations. This requires the solution of Poisson problems in each time step, so a moving least squares (MLS) interpolants is used for the spatial derivatives in order to discretize the Poisson equation with pressure-Dirichlet condition of free surface flow in meshless structure. Meanwhile, an additional problem of the periodic particle locations redistribution in the present approach is still handled by MLS interpolants. With the proposed FPM technique, problems associated with the free surface flow around a ship are circumvented. A verification of numerical modeling is made using the Wigley hull and the validity of the proposed methodology is examined by comparing the detail of wave profile and wave-making resistance with Series 60 model. The results demonstrate that FPM is able to perform efficient and stable simulations of free surface flow around a ship.  相似文献   
通过加装控制盒的方式,实现单探头测深仪与自动控制探头之间的流畅切换,将传统单探头测深仪改造成具有多探头功能的高效水下测量仪器系统,主要用于航道和码头基床等的水下扫测。利用该系统进行的码头基床扫测已经取得成功,可为同类测量设备的改造提供全新的思路。  相似文献   
中国正在进行的海洋核动力平台国家示范工程项目,其电力系统设计存在着新的问题。本文以海洋核动力平台的需求为立足点,充分兼顾核电站的设计要求以及船舶入级的要求,归纳了适用于海洋核动力平台电力系统设计的要点,对海洋核动力平台的工程设计和新标准规范的制定具有较强的参考意义。  相似文献   
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