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针对LNG中混杂有氮气的问题,阐述其危害的现实意义和研究价值,从LNG含氮检测技术和分离技术2个方面进行研究。LNG中氮气的检测可从精确测量、现场简单观察判定和现场可燃气体浓度测量判定3个方面展开。分别从深度冷冻、溶剂吸收、变压吸附和膜分离等4个方面选择有代表性的天然气-氮气分离方法进行介绍,提出的方法将有助于选择适当的氮气分离技术,对于LNG的含氮量检测也具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
因有限元分析方法的不断成熟,使分析所得的结果准确度大幅提高,从而降低了研究成本,缩短了研发周期。基于这些特点,将有限元分析方法应用于各类车的设计研究。文章通过无人粮食转运车的结构特点,对该无人粮食转运车在四种典型工况下的刚度和强度进行了计算,分析了粮食转运车在这四种工况下运行时的位移变形量的最大值和应力最大值及其出现的位置,所得结果为新车型的车身骨架提供数据化参考。  相似文献   
非接触式泄漏电流的智能在线监测系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计了一种非接触式泄漏电流的智能在线监测系,集测量、数据处理、显示、报警于一体,可同时配三种非接触式泄漏电流传感器.该系统能在线监测电力系统中多台电力设备及其保护装置的绝缘性能和泄漏电流的大小,从而保障电力系统安全可靠地运行。  相似文献   
文章以博弈论为理论基础,分析了养护施工总承包模式下业主与总承包商的博弈关系,提出了引导双方采用合理的策略以获得最大利益及保证工程产品达到较高质量水平的博弈对策,为养护施工总承包工程的管理和施工提供方法借鉴。  相似文献   
This study examines airline passengers’ willingness to pay for carbon-offsets. Using the contingent valuation method of double-bounded dichotomous choice format and a survey of over 1000 Taiwanese passengers flying to countries in Asia, Europe, North America, and Oceania to gauge their willingness-to-pay for airline carbon-offsets. The results suggest that despite the trip characteristics and personal background, air travel passengers’ knowledge and perceptions of the carbon-offset scheme also greatly influence the stated willingness to pay.  相似文献   
隧道内爆炸作用可能导致其衬砌结构的破坏和坍塌,造成车辆通行受阻和生命财产损失。为了研究隧道衬砌结构的抗爆性能,应用AUTODYN软件建立了隧道衬砌-岩石-土壤的三维数值模型,并考虑炸药-空气-结构的流固耦合相互作用,以及隧道内爆炸作用对衬砌结构的动力响应和损伤机理进行了数值模拟分析。结果表明:在不同炸药量作用下,超压峰值及冲量以爆心地面投影点为中心,向四周迅速衰减,表现出一定的规律性;离爆心最近的底板首先出现损伤,并向四周扩展,直墙角部由于受到底板竖向变形而引起的拉应力作用,较早地出现损伤,在直墙壁和拱顶产生纵向和环向的裂缝,这些裂缝把整体式隧道衬砌结构分割成大小不等的混凝土块体。  相似文献   
For existing advanced geological forecasting, the forecast distance is short and the test frequency is high, increasing test and construction risks. Since various methods have different requirements for the test environ-ment, preparation work can be tedious and result in a long construction time thereby affecting normal construction.A new advanced geological forecast technique based on multi-source seismic interferometry for tunnels is proposed.This technique uses the blast at one end of tunnel as a centrum and receives the signal at the other end of the tun-nel, therefore allowing advanced geological forecasting of the unexcavated tunnel part by relative processing and im-aging. A numerical simulation of this kind of geological forecasting using the finite difference method to simulate two kinds of unfavorable geological bodies (karst and a fault) predicted them accurately and verified the effective-ness and accuracy of this geological forecasting method. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
为了推动汽车维修企业的绿色、低碳、可持续发展,本文根据汽车维修企业的特点,从绿色设备配置、污染控制、资源节约与循环利用、质量控制和绿色管理5个方面,共选取24个评价指标,构建绿色汽车维修企业的评价指标体系。评价指标中既包含定量指标又包含定性指标,且各指标数据获取方法简单、可操作性强,便于指标量化。研究成果可以作为绿色汽车维修企业的考核标准。  相似文献   
为了推动公路客运企业的绿色化发展,引导其转变为节能环保型企业,本文根据公路客运企业的特点,从车辆结构、能耗与排放、运输效率、信息化应用与节能管理等5个方面选取16个评价指标,构建绿色公路客运企业的评价指标体系,结合广义函数法和层次分析法对公路客运企业的绿色化发展水平进行评价,并对云南省某公路客运企业进行实例分析。研究结果表明,构建的指标体系科学合理,指标数据简单易得;采用的评价方法可以反映各指标的相对重要性和可考核性。研究成果可以作为公路客运企业绿色化发展的考核标准。  相似文献   
Coastal barrier systems around the world are experiencing higher rates of flooding and shoreline erosion. Property owners on barriers have made significant financial investments in physical protections that shield their nearby properties from these hazards, constituting a type of adaptation to shoreline change. Factors that contribute to adaptation on Plum Island, a developed beach and dune system on the North Shore of Massachusetts, are investigated here. Plum Island experiences patterns of shoreline change that may be representative of many inlet-associated beaches, encompassing an equivocal and dynamically shifting mix of erosion and accretion. In the face of episodic floods and fleeting erosive events, and driven by a combination of strong northeast storms and cycles of erosion and accretion, the value of the average Plum Island residence increases by 34% for properties on the oceanfront where protection comprises a publicly constructed soft structure. Even in the face of state policies that ostensibly discourage physical protection as a means of adaptation, coastal communities face significant political and financial pressures to maintain existing protective structures or to allow contiguous groups of property owners to build new ones through collective action. These factors mitigate against adapting to shoreline change by retreating from the coast, thereby potentially increasing the adverse effects of coastal hazards.  相似文献   
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