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压载水管理公约D2对压载水中颗粒物粒径范围及含量做出了明确规定。为满足此规定,水力旋流器逐步开始应用于船舶压载水处理系统中。为了提高水力旋流器的分离效率,通过改变水力旋流器的入口结构对水力旋流器进行优化,即将入口结构设计为阿基米德螺线形入口来增加流体转动速度,降低能量消耗,从而提高分离效率。应用Fluent软件,结合雷诺应力模型(RSM)和混合多相流(Mixture)分析方法,对优化前、后的水力旋流器进行固-液两相流数值模拟。模拟内容包括水力旋流器内的速度分布、固相体积分数分布以及分离效率等。通过对比2种模型的模拟结果,说明优化的水力旋流器内部的流场速度以及分离效率均有一定的提高,达到了优化目的。  相似文献   
在统计时间内有效的行政裁决制度共有16项,分布在自然资源和环境、知识产权以及民间纠纷三大领域,均为中央政府的法律、行政法规和部门规章所设定.但行政裁决设定的领域范围在逐步退缩,已设定的行政裁决被纷纷废止,新的法律更倾向规定调解或仲裁.行政裁决实施性规定多集中于与土地有关的行政裁决,其中绝大多数系由地方政府所制定.地方政府不仅做出了细密规定,而且纷纷制定了专门性规定.但在矿权、环境、知识产权和民间纠纷领域,地方政府并未充分发挥出细化法律、行政法规和部门规章中行政裁决条款的作用,更没有制定专门的行政裁决规定.有关行政裁决的行政规范性文件高度集中于征地补偿裁决、拆迁补偿裁决和林地权属裁决.其中,林地权属裁决的中央行政规范性文件较多,征地补偿裁决和拆迁补偿裁决的地方行政规范性文件较多.这些行政规范性文件的内容,集中在纠纷的化解而非行政裁决制度本身.从行政裁决引发的诉讼案件反观行政裁决制度,征地补偿裁决、拆迁补偿裁决和林地权属裁决都在运行,其他行政裁决制度都没有运行.其中,拆迁补偿裁决的运行异常活跃,征地补偿裁决的运行却极为低迷.统计发现的耦合是:凡地方政府对行政裁决制定了专门性实施规定的,行政裁决制度都在运行,否则都已停滞;地方行政规范性文件被用作行政裁决依据的多少,与该行政裁决的活跃程度成正比.当然,上述发现的证成或证伪,有待于另一项研究.  相似文献   
Urban arterial performance evaluation has been broadly studied, with the major focus on average travel time estimation. However, in view of the stochastic nature of interrupted flow, the ability to capture the characteristics of travel time variability has become a critical step in determining arterial level of service (LOS). This article first presents a stochastic approach that integrates classic cumulative curves and probability theories in order to investigate delay variability at signalized intersections, as a dominant part of the link travel time variability. This serves as a basis for arterial travel time estimation, which can be obtained through a convolution of individual link travel time distributions. The proposed approach is then applied in the estimation of travel time along one arterial in Shanghai, China, with abundant automatic vehicle identification (AVI) data sources. The travel time variability is evaluated thoroughly at 30-min intervals, with promising results achieved in comparison to the field measurements. In addition, the estimated travel time distributions are utilized to illustrate the probability of multiple LOS ranges, namely, reliability LOS. The results provide insights into how we might achieve a more reliable and informative understanding of arterial performance.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a new model called subjective-utility travel time budget (SU-TTB) model to capture travelers' risk-averse route choices. In the travel time budget (TTB) and mean-excess travel time (METT) model, a predefined confidence level is needed to capture the risk-aversion in route choice. Due to the day-to-day route travel time variations, the exact confidence level is hard to be predicted. With the SU-TTB model, we assume travelers' confidence level belongs to an interval that they may comply with in the route choice. The two main components of SU-TTB are the utility function and the TTB model. We can show that the SU-TTB can be reduced to the TTB and METT model with proper utility function for the confidence levels. We can also prove its equivalence with our recently proposed nonlinear-expectation route travel time (NERTT) model in some cases and give some new interpretation on the NERTT with this equivalence. Finally, we formulate the SU-TTB model as a variational inequality (VI) problem to model the risk-averse user equilibrium (RAUE), termed as generalized RAUE (GRAUE). The GRAUE is solved via a heuristic gradient projection algorithm, and the model and solution algorithm are demonstrated with the Braess's traffic network and the Nguyen and Dupuis's traffic network.  相似文献   
We sought to validate magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) for documenting the effects of rosiglitazone on rabbit atherosclerosis and the possible mechanism by treatment on the lesions.24 New Zealand white rabbits were randomly divided into normal group, control group and treatment group.After 4 weeks, all rabbits underwent MRI.After examination, the number of circulating endothelial progenitor cells(EPCs) and level of lipid, glucose, nitric oxide(NO) and superoxide anion(O-2·) were measured.MRI demonstrated the regression of atherosclerotic lesions by rosiglitazone which has good correlation with histopathology.Treatment not only increased the level of EPCs and NO, but also raised the ability of inhibition of O2-·.MRI is a promising noninvasive technology to detect the effects of therapeutic interventions.Rosiglitazone slows the progression of atherosclerosis that may in part attribute to its improvement of mobilization of EPCs and the reduced oxidative stress.  相似文献   
为解决散热器面罩开裂问题,提出了焊点优化方案和散热器面罩加强板外置/加强板内置方案,并进行了模块化设计,制定了2组改进措施。有限元分析结果表明:2种改进措施与原状态相比,均有良好应力改善效果,满足应力要求。  相似文献   
目的探讨蛛网膜下腔出血后基底动脉各层中内皮素受体(ETA/ETB)的表达水平变化在血管痉挛(CVS)中的作用机制。方法采用大鼠自体血二次注入枕大池建立SAH后CVS模型,光镜下观察基底动脉形态学变化,并运用免疫荧光染色动态检测ETA/ETB受体表达变化。结果 SAH模型组基底动脉截面积在2d开始下降,到3d时到达最低,以后逐渐恢复至正常。免疫荧光显示SAH后基底动脉内皮细胞层中ETA受体蛋白表达在2d开始增多,3d达高峰,持续到14d,而ETB受体蛋白3d时内皮细胞层中表达显著增多,7d时平滑肌细胞层中表达达高峰,持续到14d。结论两种ETA/ETB受体的差异性表达在SAH后CVS中起重要作用。ETB受体亚型在脑血管各层中具体表达差异有待进一步研究。  相似文献   
为了得到高速列车声屏障在列车经过时的受力规律,建立了声屏障的外流场模型和有限元模型。利用流固耦合技术,计算分析了声屏障的三维动态流场和结构模型,得到了列车风气动力特性和H钢立柱的受力规律。计算结果表明:列车经过时声屏障受到的压力为一个随时间变化且不均匀分布的面载荷。H钢立柱发生弯扭组合变形,弯矩扭矩各经历两次换向。每当列车经过一次,等效应力产生四个脉冲。H钢立柱受到的应力不大,可能出现疲劳破坏。  相似文献   
综合考虑了风浪流等环境载荷及环境载荷作用角度的影响,运用有限元软件对自升式钻井平台倒K型桩腿结构尺寸进行了优化,并基于优化结果论述了倒K型桩腿结构尺寸及其力学性能随位移约束的变化规律。研究结果表明:不同位移约束下,倒K型桩腿弦杆、横撑杆、斜撑杆及内撑杆的体积比例分别保持在77%、9%、13%及1%左右;而在相同的位移约束下,最大应力会随着作用角度的变化围绕平均应力上下波动,且波动率约为±0.0775%。  相似文献   
自升式钻井平台动态响应研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
综合考虑风浪流等环境载荷、桩靴与土壤之间的相互作用行为及静水压力和波浪动压力所引起的浮力效应的影响,运用有限元软件模拟了自升式钻井平台的动态响应过程,获得了0°环境载荷作用下自升式钻井平台的船体位移、桩腿危险处应力、桩靴载荷的变化规律。研究结果表明:自升式钻井平台的动态响应周期约为38s,是波浪周期的2.8倍,且在环境载荷作用角度为30°时,船体位移峰值最大,而位移均值在45°时最大。  相似文献   
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