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On 19 October 1989, the International Maritime Organization adopted a joint uslliberian resolution meant to advance international cooperation in maritime casualty investigations. This resolution reflected an international determination to achieve greater cooperation between different states in investigative matters, in a manner consistent with international law. This paper examines how the IMO resolution addresses some of the inherent problems in such a multi-national industry. It also examines the question of whether us lawmakers may, or should, impose stricter controls and restrictions unilaterally on foreign-flag ships which call on us ports.  相似文献   

Vehicle simulation has a long tradition in the automotive industry as a powerful supplement to physical vehicle testing. In the field of Electronic Stability Control (ESC) system, the simulation process has been well established to support the ESC development and application by suppliers and Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). The latest regulation of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UN/ECE-R 13 allows also for simulation-based homologation. This extends the usage of simulation from ESC development to homologation. This paper gives an overview of simulation methods, as well as processes and tools used for the homologation of ESC in vehicle variants. The paper first describes the generic homologation process according to the European Regulation (UN/ECE-R 13H, UN/ECE-R 13/11) and U.S. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS 126). Subsequently the ESC system is explained as well as the generic application and release process at the supplier and OEM side. Coming up with the simulation methods, the ESC development and application process needs to be adapted for the virtual vehicles. The simulation environment, consisting of vehicle model, ESC model and simulation platform, is explained in detail with some exemplary use-cases. In the final section, examples of simulation-based ESC homologation in vehicle variants are shown for passenger cars, light trucks, heavy trucks and trailers. This paper is targeted to give a state-of-the-art account of the simulation methods supporting the homologation of ESC systems in vehicle variants. However, the described approach and the lessons learned can be used as reference in future for an extended usage of simulation-supported releases of the ESC system up to the development and release of driver assistance systems.

Abbreviations: ABS: Anti-lock braking system; ADR: Australian design rules; ALB: Automatic load-dependent brake force controller; AMEVSC: Alternative method to assess the electronic vehicle stability control system; APP: Application; BSC: Brake slip controller; CAE: Computer-aided engineering; CAN: Controller area network; CAT: Category; CoG: Centre of gravity; DIN: Deutsches Institut für Normung (German Institute for Standards); EB+: Trademark of Haldex; EBD: Electronic brake force distribution; EBS: Electronic brake system; ECU: Electronic control unit; ESC: Electronic stability control; ECVWTA: European Community Whole Vehicle Type Approval; FMVSS: Federal motor vehicle safety standards; GPS: Global positioning system; GRRF: Groupe de travail en matiere de roulement et de freinage (Working Party on Braking and Running Gear); HiL: Hardware-in-the-Loop; HSRI: Highway Safety Research Institute; K&C: Kinematic and compliant (KnC); MBS: Multibody systems; MPV: Multipurpose vehicle; NHTSA: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration; OEM: Original equipment manufacturer; SiL: Software-in-the-Loop; ST: Summer tyres; STM: Single track model; StVO: Straßenverkehrsordnung (Government Highway Regulations); SUV: Sports utility vehicle; SW: Software; SwD: Sine with dwell manoeuvre; TC: Threshold consumption value; TCS: Traction control system; TRIAS: Test Requirements and Instructions for Automobile Standards; UN/ECE: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe; VAF: Value-added function; VDC: Vehicle dynamics controller; VTC: Vehicle test catalogue; WT: Winter tyres  相似文献   
The editorial opinions expressed in the news press can provide information on which issues are currently prominent concerns of the public, and on how public opinion may be aligned on those issues. A survey of all urban transportation-related editorials appearing in a sample of 155 U.S. newspapers during a period of 19 months in 1973–74 revealed that a number of issues related to transit financing, transit and highway investment, bicycles, and the transportation planning process were currently under debate in the urban press. This paper presents the survey's findings regarding the incidence and viewpoint of articles on these and other issues. Transit financing concerns clearly emerged as the most frequently discussed, and some agreement in editorial viewpoint was also found. The paper concludes with the authors' subjective observations on the scope and style of editorial discussion of urban transportation issues.This paper was prepared as background work for a recently-published essay on urban transportation problems (Kemp and Cheslow, 1976). The opinions expressed are those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Urban Institute or its sponsors.  相似文献   
刘光溪:入世谈判过程本身具有重大意义 入世谈判的过程对于中国经济的发展、中国经济体制改革的深化是一个巨大的教育过程.这次谈判不光是经济和贸易的交锋,还是两种文化、两种理念的碰撞,对中华民族价值取向、理性思维将产生深远的影响.  相似文献   
DB Systemtechnik is a high-performing, customer-driven service provider that, as well as authoritatively serving the Deutsche Bahn Group by dint of its specialist knowledge is also increasingly active on the global railway market. Development and testing of pantograph models and catenary systems have been part of the company's essential activity fields from the beginning. Therefore, an efficient and high-performing simulation tool is indispensable. That is why DB Systemtechnik spent high efforts to develop the program PrOSA in cooperation with the Heinz–Nixdorf–Institut (HNI) of the university Paderborn to simulate the interaction of pantograph and catenary. This article gives an overview of the most relevant properties of PrOSA. Furthermore, it is described how the benchmark requirements were implemented and processed.  相似文献   
Dynamic message signs (DMS) have been widely used by transportation agencies to disseminate traffic information (referred to in this article as “public traffic information”) for decades. Unfortunately, their effectiveness is limited, based on the following reasons: they are costly, can only present a limited amount of information, and typically only display information in one language. The wide availability of smart devices and the development of connected vehicles offer the possibility to create “virtual” DMS (VDMS), utilizing geofencing and audible messages to convey public traffic information. This research compares the ability of VDMS to convey public traffic information with existing DMS. A mixed repeated-measure experiment using a driving simulator was designed that examined the impacts of driver age, information transmission mode, amount of information, and driving complexity on message comprehension. Forty-two participants were recruited and each of them was tested under different combinations of the three within-subject factors. Participant performance was measured in terms of message comprehension, distraction, and self-reported overall difficulty level in receiving messages. Results revealed that VDMS generally performs better than DMS as information content increases and driving condition complexity increases, regardless of driver age. VDMS increased message comprehension by 16% under relatively complex driving conditions, reduced driver reaction time to unexpected stimuli (as measured with a reduced time-to-brake of 0.39 s), and made the same messages easier to process and retain for drivers than DMS. Based on these results, it is recommended that transportation agencies give careful consideration to VDMS as a future strategy for delivering public traffic information in a connected vehicle environment.  相似文献   
The vehicle navigation problem studied in Bell (2009) is revisited and a time-dependent reverse Hyperstar algorithm is presented. This minimises the expected time of arrival at the destination, and all intermediate nodes, where expectation is based on a pessimistic (or risk-averse) view of unknown link delays. This may also be regarded as a hyperpath version of the Chabini and Lan (2002) algorithm, which itself is a time-dependent A* algorithm. Links are assigned undelayed travel times and maximum delays, both of which are potentially functions of the time of arrival at the respective link. Probabilities for link use are sought that minimise the driver’s maximum exposure to delay on the approach to each node, leading to the determination of a pessimistic expected time of arrival at the destination and all intermediate nodes. Since the context considered is vehicle navigation, the probability of link use measures link attractiveness, so a link with a zero probability of use is unattractive while a link with a probability of use equal to one will have no attractive alternatives. A solution algorithm is presented and proven to solve the problem provided the node potentials are feasible and a FIFO condition applies to undelayed link travel times. The paper concludes with a numerical example.  相似文献   
For an accurate evaluation of the increase in skin friction due to various surface topographies on ships, i.e. plate roughness, coatings, or bio fouling, both experimental measurements and a numerical evaluation of those measurements are necessary. The measurements are necessary as no other practical method exists to evaluate the skin friction coefficient on most surface topographies, and numerical evaluation is required to compute the roughness effects of varying ship types and speeds. Therefore, a method for measuring the skin friction coefficient for bio-fouled and structured surfaces at full-scale friction velocity is presented, and a validation of the design and measuring procedures is given. For the ship frictional resistance calculations, the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code ShipFlow has been modified to take the added friction into account.  相似文献   
Traditionally, researchers studying transportation choice have used data either acquired from household surveys or broad, region-wide aggregates. At the disaggregate level, researchers usually do not have access to important variables or observations. This study investigates the potential usefulness of a proxy approach to modeling discrete choice vehicle ownership: substituting narrow area-based aggregate proxies for missing micro-level explanatory variables by accessing large, publicly maintained datasets. We use data from the 2000 Bay Area Travel Survey (BATS) and the contemporaneous U.S. Census file to compare three models of vehicle ownership, drawing area-wide proxies from increasing levels of aggregation. The models with proxies are compared with a parallel model that uses only survey data. The results indicate that the proxy models are preferred in terms of model selection criteria, and predict vehicle ownership as well or better than the survey model. Parameter values produced by the proxy method effectively approximate those returned by household survey models in terms of coefficient sign and significance, particularly when the aggregate variables are representative of their household-level counterparts. The proxy model with the narrowest level of aggregation achieved the best fit, coefficient precision, and percentage of correct prediction.
Jeffrey WilliamsEmail:
Estimation of ridership on a new transit system in an area where no comparable service existed before is a difficult task of transit planning. Traditional modal split models cannot be used in these cases, because no data or basis for developing a new model or adjusting a “borrowed” model are available. One of the techniques which can be used in this type of situation, is to perform a “concept test” based on public opinion. This approach, however, is plagued with the phenomenon of non-commitment bias of interviewees, and tends to overestimate the ridership. A new fixed route and fixed schedule transit service in Johnson City in Tennessee provided a rare opportunity to perform an investigation on the non-commitment bias through “before” and “after” surveys. The analysis of the non-commitment and actual responses of a sample of residents revealed substantial bias. Overall, the non-commitment ridership estimate was about twice (100% greater than) the actual ridership.:It was also observed that the bias was higher for persons owning automobiles, and for work and shopping trips.  相似文献   
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