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Acoustic scattering as the perturbation of an incident acoustic field from an arbitrary object is a critical part of the target-recognition process in synthetic...  相似文献   

Noise levels were measured, for the first time, inside 115 randomly selected transit buses, operating on 12 sample representative routes in Metropolitan Kuwait. Simultaneously with the monitoring of noise levels, the attitudes of 679 riders concerning the annoyance and long-term health impacts of noise were also surveyed. The noise and passenger attitude data were collected over 10 months (March - December 2000). The percentile distribution, equivalent noise level, traffic noise index and noise pollution levels inside four types of transit buses are presented. Riders' perceived annoyance and awareness of the long-term health impacts of noise were also determined and are discussed. The level of service and performance deficiencies of the public transit system in Kuwait, as perceived by its passengers, are also identified. A number of recommendations end the paper.  相似文献   
The interaction between driver information, route choice, and optimal traffic signal settings was investigated using a simple two-route system with a single “T” intersection and a fixed O-D demand. The logit model and the method of successive averages (MSA) were used to calculate the route choice probabilities and the stochastic equilibrium assignment. Given an assignment, signal settings which minimized average intersection delay were calculated; flow reassignment and new optimal signal settings were then obtained and this iterative process continued until convergence. The calculations were performed either directly in a combined assignment/signal optimization model or in stages using the output flows of an assignment model as inputs to TRANSYT-7F and iterating between the two models. Results show that a unique joint signal timing/assignment equilibrium is reached in all cases provided that a certain precision in drivers' perceptions is not reached. If driver information increases to this precision (bifurcation point) and beyond, results show clearly that the unique joint signal timing/assignment equilibrium no longer exists. In fact, three joint equilibria points exist after the bifurcation point. Two of these points are stable and one is not. It was found that the system yields the lowest total intersection delay when the joint equilibrium is such that all traffic and hence the major part of green time is assigned to only one of the two routes. Although this may not be feasible to implement in practice, the results indicate clearly for this simple example that there is a trade-off between a system with minimum total delay but no unique joint signal-settings/assignment equilibrium (achieved when drivers have nearly perfect information about the system) and a system with a unique joint equilibrium but with higher total delay (achieved when drivers have reasonably good but somewhat limited information). In most cases the second system seems appropriate for a number of practical reasons.  相似文献   
Transportation - There is growing interest in using online outsourcing platforms that are part of the “gig economy” to conduct surveys for academic research. This interest has been...  相似文献   
The main purpose of this paper is to propose a new method for designing Macpherson suspension, based on the Sobol indices in terms of Pearson correlation which determines the importance of each member on the behaviour of vehicle suspension. The formulation of dynamic analysis of Macpherson suspension system is developed using the suspension members as the modified links in order to achieve the desired kinematic behaviour. The mechanical system is replaced with an equivalent constrained links and then kinematic laws are utilised to obtain a new modified geometry of Macpherson suspension. The equivalent mechanism of Macpherson suspension increased the speed of analysis and reduced its complexity. The ADAMS/CAR software is utilised to simulate a full vehicle, Renault Logan car, in order to analyse the accuracy of modified geometry model. An experimental 4-poster test rig is considered for validating both ADAMS/CAR simulation and analytical geometry model. Pearson correlation coefficient is applied to analyse the sensitivity of each suspension member according to vehicle objective functions such as sprung mass acceleration, etc. Besides this matter, the estimation of Pearson correlation coefficient between variables is analysed in this method. It is understood that the Pearson correlation coefficient is an efficient method for analysing the vehicle suspension which leads to a better design of Macpherson suspension system.  相似文献   
Carpooling is an environmentally friendly transportation system. It can efficaciously help resolve a variety of societal concerns of the urban areas, ranging from traffic congestion to environmental pollution. In this paper, we propose a new mathematical model to solve the carpooling problem. The model simultaneously minimizes the costs of travel times, the vehicle use, and the vehicle delays. An exact solution method based on Branch-and-Bound (B&B) algorithm is proposed to efficiently obtain the optimal solution of the problem. In order to find the near-optimal solutions for large-scale problems, a heuristic beam search algorithm is introduced, which is based on the partial relaxation of some fathoming criteria applied in our proposed B&B. The computational experiments are conducted, based upon the transportation network of Isfahan city, Iran. The results demonstrate the great capability of the proposed exact solution method in terms of both computational solving time required and the number of the evaluated nodes, in comparison with CPLEX software package. The findings of this research can be applied to solve the carpooling problem compatible to the real-life situations.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the congestion pricing problem in urban traffic networks. A first-best strategy, a second-best strategy for toll leveling in closed cordons and a second-best strategy for determining both toll levels and toll points are considered. The problem is known to be a mixed integer programming model and formulated as a bi-level optimization problem, with an objective of maximizing the social welfare. A method is presented to solve the problem, based on a novel metaheuristic algorithm, namely quantum evolutionary algorithm (QEA). To verify the proposed method, the widely used genetic algorithm (GA) is also applied to solve the problem. The problem is solved for a medium-size urban traffic network and the results of the QEA are compared against the conventional GA. Computational results show that the QEA outperforms the GA in solution quality.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study is to improve the capabilities and precision of a recently introduced Sea Surface Acoustic Simulator (SSAS) developed based on optimization of the Helmholtz–Kirchhoff–Fresnel (HKF) method. The improved acoustic simulator, hereby known as the Modified SSAS (MSSAS), is capable of determining sound scattering from the sea surface and includes an extended Hall–Novarini model and optimized HKF method. The extended Hall–Novarini model is used for considering the effects of sub-surface bubbles over a wider range of radii of sub-surface bubbles compared to the previous SSAS version. Furthermore, MSSAS has the capability of making a three-dimensional simulation of scattered sound from the rough bubbly sea surface with less error than that of the Critical Sea Tests (CST) experiments. Also, it presents scattered pressure levels from the rough bubbly sea surface based on various incident angles of sound. Wind speed, frequency, incident angle, and pressure level of the sound source are considered as input data, and scattered pressure levels and scattering coefficients are provided. Finally, different parametric studies were conducted on wind speeds, frequencies, and incident angles to indicate that MSSAS is quite capable of simulating sound scattering from the rough bubbly sea surface, according to the scattering mechanisms determined by Ogden and Erskine. Therefore, it is concluded that MSSAS is valid for both scattering mechanisms and the transition region between them that are defined by Ogden and Erskine.  相似文献   
This paper introduces a new idea of controlling cavitation around a hydrofoil through a passive cavitation controller called artificial cavitation bubble generator (ACG). Cyclic processes, namely, growth and implosion of bubbles around an immersed body, are the main reasons for the destruction and erosion of the said body. This paper aims to create a condition in which the cavitation bubbles reach a steady-state situation and prevent the occurrence of the cyclic processes. For this purpose, the ACG is placed on the surface of an immersed body, in particular, the suction surface of a 2D hydrofoil. A simulation was performed with an implicit finite volume scheme based on a SIMPLE algorithm associated with the multiphase and cavitation model. The modified k-ε RNG turbulence model equipped with a modification of the turbulent viscosity was applied to overcome the turbulence closure problem. Numerical simulation of water flow over the hydrofoil equipped with the ACG shows that a low-pressure recirculation area is produced behind the ACG and artificially generates stationary cavitation bubbles. The location, shape, and size of this ACG are the crucial parameters in creating a proper control. Results show that the cavitation bubble is controlled well with a well-designed ACG.  相似文献   
The wave force exerted on vertical piles of offshore structures is the main criterion in designing them.In structures with more than one large pile,the influence of piles on each other is one of the most important issues being concerned in past researches.An efficient method for determining the interaction of piles is introduced in present research.First the wave force is calculated by the exact method using the diffraction theory,then in the finite difference numerical method the force is calculated by adding the velocity potentials of each pile and integration of pressure on their surface.The results showed that the ratio of the wave force on each of the double piles to a single pile has a damped oscillation around unity in which the amplitude of oscillation decreases with the increase in the spacing parameter.Also different wave incident directions and diffraction parameters were used and the results showed that the numerical solution has acceptable accuracy when the diffraction parameter is larger than unity.  相似文献   
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