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进气道结构是决定发动机缸内气体滚流强度的主要因素。针对一款直列四缸1.2 L增压直喷、DVVT汽油机,通过试验的方法,研究了发动机不同转速、负荷工况下,进气道滚流比参数对发动机进气状态和燃烧过程的影响,并对比了不同滚流比情况下的汽油机充气模型精度。研究结果表明,进气道滚流比对发动机的进气状态有显著影响。针对相同的ECU标定数据,滚流比的改变会造成充气模型精度较为明显的偏差。  相似文献   
发动机作为汽车中最为复杂精密的机电一体部件,长时间处于高温、高压、高磨损运行工况,且需要满足长寿命、高效率、低能耗、强动力、低污染等一系列标准指标,而汽车发动机运转时零件间的摩擦以及燃烧等产生的颗粒都会对其性能造成恶劣影响,所以润滑对于发动机性能提升尤为重要。综述当前汽车发动机润滑机理,分析润滑油在使用过程中对发动机动力、油耗和排放的影响,并且在最后设想一种新的润滑机理,以弥补发动机的制造缺陷和颗粒的影响,改善汽车发动机的关键性能。  相似文献   
传动效率是机汽车变速箱传动效率是直接反映变速箱设计、制造水平的一项重要参数。文章对汽车变速箱传动效率测量影响因素、测试方法、及数据处理方面进行探讨,并结合实际测试工作中的经验总结了一些实际应用方法及对此参数的影响因素,藉此对机械式变速器效率测量精度提高方面起到参考及指导作用。  相似文献   
结合工程实例,介绍了混凝土梁桥施工监控方法,并得出监控结论,有关经验可供相关专业人员参考。  相似文献   
轴对称解对隧道衬砌水压力计算的适用性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章根据渗流理论推导了隧道衬砌水压力的轴对称解,并利用数值分析方法研究了轴对称解对不同形状隧道断面与浅埋隧道的适用性.研究结果表明:轴对称解适用于非圆形隧道断面衬砌水压力的估算;隧道断面形状对衬砌水压力折减系数的影响较小,可以忽略不计,其影响大小主要由衬砌与围岩的渗透系数比值决定.对于浅埋低水头隧道,用轴对称解计算的毛洞流量Qm与数值解比较,其误差较大,最大误差为36.5%;但用来计算衬砌水压力p1以及衬砌后水流量Q1时,误差相对较小,最大误差为6.3%,特别是利用轴对称解得出的衬砌水压力值与利用数值解得出的衬砌水压力特征值最大误差仅为3.4%.  相似文献   
We have collected information on 46 bus rapid transit (BRT) systems throughout the world to investigate the potential patronage drivers. From a large number of candidate explanatory variables (quantitative and qualitative), 11 sources of systematic variation are identified which have a statistically significant impact on daily passenger-trip numbers. These sources are fare, headway, the length of the BRT network, the number of corridors, average distance between stations; whether there is: an integrated network of routes and corridors, modal integration at BRT stations, pre-board fare collection and fare verification, quality control oversight from an independent agency, at-level boarding and alighting, as well as the location of BRT. The findings of this paper offer important insights into features of BRT systems that are positive contributors to growing patronage and hence should be taken into account in designing and planning BRT systems.  相似文献   
The modeling of travel decision making has been a popular topic in transportation planning. Previous studies focused on random-utility discrete choice models and machine learning methods. This paper proposes a new modeling approach that utilizes a mixed Bayesian network (BN) for travel decision inference. The authors use a predetermined BN structure and calculate priori and posterior probability distributions of the decision alternatives based on the observed explanatory variables. As a “utility-free” decision inference method, the BN model releases the linear structure in the utility function but assumes the traffic level of service variables follow multivariate Gaussian distribution conditional on the choice variable. A real-world case study is conducted by using the regional travel survey data for a two-dimensional decision modeling of both departure time choice and travel mode choice. The results indicate that a two-dimensional mixed BN provides better accuracy than decision tree models and nested logit models. In addition, one can derive continuous elasticity with respect to each continuous explanatory variable for sensitivity analysis. This new approach addresses a research gap in probabilistic travel decision making modeling as well as two-dimensional travel decision modeling.  相似文献   
More and more multiple-track tunnels and super-large section tunnels have been built, and disman- tling of temporary strut is a weak point of the whole structure during force transfer when the secondary lining is con- structed. It is significant to guarantee structure safety during dismantling of temporary strut. Little systematic re- search on safety in dismantling of temporary strut of the super-large section tunnel with double-layer primary support has been conducted, so the internal force and security of the two-layer primary support of the Xinkaotang tunnel were analyzed by a numerical analysis and site measurement, and it proves the effect of two-layer primary support on the safety during strut dismantling. The research results indicate that: (1) with constant support thickness and one-time longitudinal dismantling length, the safety factor of secondary primary support is larger than that of the first primary support, and the safety factor of the first primary support is larger than that of the single-layer primary support. Change range of safety factor for the first primary support is smaller than that of the single-layer primary support, and the safe factor for the single-layer primary support is smaller than that of the secondary primary support; (2) with the same support pattern, the safety factors increase firstly and then decrease with an increase of the onetime dismantling length. The calculated results of various cases show that the reasonable one-time dismantling length for this project is about 9 m. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
二级深拖系统具有可控性强、母船扰动弱等优点,是重要的海洋探测平台。在实际工作中,二级拖体姿态稳定是保证探测数据准确的基本前提。本文以具有自主调节功能的二级拖体为例,对其姿态控制进行研究。首先建立了二级拖缆的“弹簧——阻尼”模型,并在此基础上建立了二级深拖系统的数学模型。其次根据该系统具有非线性、时变性等特点,设计了具有参数自修正功能的模糊自适应PID控制器,以实现在不同工况下对二级拖体的姿态进行控制。仿真结果表明,未加载控制器时,海况变化对拖体姿态有显著影响,其俯仰角和横滚角均会发生大范围波动。加载模糊自适应PID控制器后,拖体通过自主调节,能够使姿态波动控制在较小范围,从而满足工作要求,验证了拖缆数学模型的正确性和所采用的控制方法的可行性。  相似文献   
Web服务是一种新型的信息集成架构,将多个Web服务组合成一个能完成复杂任务的组合技术是Web服务中关键技术之一.文中提出了一种基于蚁群算法的服务组合方法,对于服务序列可生成全局最优联盟,同时算法基于蚁群系统的学习能力可以有效减少联盟生成的搜索时间和计算量,可实现性好.  相似文献   
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