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The European Union (EU) recently adopted CO2 emissions mandates for new passenger cars, requiring steady reductions to 95 gCO2/km in 2021. We use a multi-sector computable general equilibrium (CGE) model, which includes a private transportation sector with an empirically-based parameterization of the relationship between income growth and demand for vehicle miles traveled. The model also includes representation of fleet turnover, and opportunities for fuel use and emissions abatement, including representation of electric vehicles. We analyze the impact of the mandates on oil demand, CO2 emissions, and economic welfare, and compare the results to an emission trading scenario that achieves identical emissions reductions. We find that vehicle emission standards reduce CO2 emissions from transportation by about 50 MtCO2 and lower the oil expenditures by about €6 billion, but at a net added cost of €12 billion in 2020. Tightening CO2 standards further after 2021 would cost the EU economy an additional €24–63 billion in 2025, compared with an emission trading system that achieves the same economy-wide CO2 reduction. We offer a discussion of the design features for incorporating transport into the emission trading system.  相似文献   

State coastal zone management programs are responding to the potential impacts of accelerated sea level rise through a wide range of activities and policies. This article provides a brief overview of the Coastal Zone Management Act and other federal laws that provide the basis for coastal state regulatory activities. It surveys the level of response to sea level rise by state coastal management programs in 24 marines coastal states, from formal recognition to implementation of policies addressing the issue. Individual state CZMP responses and policies that have been implemented or proposed are categorized. The adaptation of sea level rise to ongoing institutional objectives is discussed and policy constraints and trends are summarized.  相似文献   
An efficient optimization approach, called feasible gate (FG), is developed to enhance the computation efficiency and solution quality of the previously developed highway alignment optimization (HAO) model. This approach seeks to realistically represent various user preferences and environmentally sensitive areas and consider them along with geometric design constraints in the optimization process. This is done by avoiding the generation of infeasible solutions that violate various constraints and thus focusing the search on the feasible solutions. The proposed method is simple, but improves significantly the model's computation time and solution quality. Such improvements are demonstrated with two test examples from a real road project.  相似文献   
Governments in their port reform efforts have experimented with liberalization and commercialization to improve port operations. Because of their failure to meet expectations or because of changing competitive environments, these options have generally been discarded in favour of privatization. In mature large-volume port systems, privatization was a relatively obvious solution, because interport or interterminal competition would be achieved to the extent that the monopolistic tendencies characteristic of their predecessor organizations would cease to exist. In countries with a limited number of ports having relatively small cargo volumes, however, the case is quite different. These countries would have to pursue strategies that would still induce competition in spite of their limited cargo volumes if they hoped to achieve the same privatization benefits and market disciplines enjoyed in other countries. This article examines the port reform approaches used in three distinct competitive settings;the experiences in these countries offer some guidance on how to assure that ports will feel competitive pressures even under conditions of limited cargo volumes.  相似文献   
小型帆船自适应自动舵   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
帆船由于其结构的特殊使其动态特性呈严重的非线性,航向很难控制。首先针对一种小型竞赛用的12m长美洲杯赛帆船,从其结构出发建立数学模型,并对该模型进行了开环仿真试验以验证其真实程度。然后利用MATLAB辨识工具在不同的外部条件下得到各具特色的不同模型,由此确认模型参数的巨大变化难以用一个近似于当前运行模式下的线性化模型设计控制器,因而设计了一个采用自适应LQR的自动舵以控制帆船尖不同外部条件下都能保持航向。最后在该模型上作了仿真,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   
2010美国市场新车技术预览(下)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文译自美国《MOTOR》杂志。上期介绍了美国国内汽车制造厂2010年推出的新款车型,本期将介绍国外汽车厂家2010年推向美国市场的主要新款车。  相似文献   
The strait between Novaya Zemlya and Frans Josef Land, here called the Barents Sea Exit (BSX) is investigated using data obtained from a current-meter array deployed in 1991–1992, and two numerical models (ROMS and NAME). Combining the observations and models the net volume flux towards the Arctic Ocean was estimated to 2.0 ± 0.6 Sv (1 Sv = 106 m3s? 1). The observations indicate that about half of this transport consists of dense, Cold Bottom Water, which may penetrate to great depths and contribute to the thermohaline circulation. Both models give quite similar net transport, seasonal variations and spatial current structures, and the discrepancies from the observations were related to the coarse representation of the bottom topography in the models. Also the models indicate that actual deployment did not capture the main in- and outflows through the BSX. A snapshot of the hydrographic structure (CTD section) indicates that both models are good at reproducing the salinity. Nevertheless, they react differently to atmospheric cooling, although the same meteorological forcing was applied. This may be due to the different parameterisation of sea ice and that tides were included in only one of the models (ROMS). Proxies for the heat transport are found to be small at the BSX, and it can not be ruled out that the Barents Sea is a heat sink rather than a heat source for the Arctic Ocean.  相似文献   
当我们提到进口汽车品牌(译者注:这里指在美国市场)时,往往会想到燃油经济性,因为这是市场上进口车型获得赞誉的法宝,也是经济型车辆占据主流的原因。但2009年的进口车型系列看起来却更像是各品牌、各档次车型的群星荟萃,这表明经济型车辆之外的车型也多少进入了美国车市的主流,如KIa(起亚)这样的曾经被视为低价位经济型轿车的制造商也将于2009年推出的新款Borrego,装备了38LV6发动机并可选装4.6LV8发动机,是具有非承载式车身的中型SUV车型;现代汽车公司将于2009年推出的一款豪华运动型轿车——Genesis。  相似文献   
Large-volume sampling of 234Th was conducted to estimate particulate organic carbon (POC) export in conjunction with drifting sediment trap deployments in the northern Barents Sea in July 2003 and May 2005. 234Th-derived POC fluxes averaged 42.3 ± 39.7 mmol C m− 2 d− 1 in 2003 and 47.1 ± 30.6 mmol C m− 2 d− 1 in 2005. Sediment trap POC fluxes averaged 13.1 ± 8.2 mmol C m− 2 d− 1 in 2003 and 17.3 ± 11.4 mmol C m− 2 d− 1 in 2005, but better reflected the transient bloom conditions that were observed at each station within a season. Although 234Th fluxes agreed within a factor 2 at most stations and depths sampled, sediment trap POC fluxes were lower than large-volume POC flux estimates at almost every station. This may represent an under-collection of POC by the drifting sediment traps or, conversely, an over-collection of POC by the large-volume sampling of 234Th. It is hypothesized that the offset between the two methods is partly due to the presence of the prymnesiophyte Phaeocystis pouchetii, which potentially causes a large variation in > 53-μm POC/234Th ratios. Due to the large proportion of dissolved carbon or mucilage released by P. pouchetii, and because it is thought that P. pouchetii does not contribute significantly to the vertical export of biogenic matter in the Barents Sea, the application of large-volume sampling of 234Th may yield relatively high, and possibly inaccurate POC/234Th ratios. Hence, POC fluxes derived from 234Th sampling may be inappropriate and drifting sediment traps might be a more reliable method to measure the vertical export of biogenic matter in regions that have recurrent P. pouchetii blooms, such as the Barents Sea.  相似文献   
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