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目前,针对公路上的“电子眼”,一些车主购买了“反雷达测速器”(俗称电子狗)来对抗,目的是为了避免收到“牛肉干”(罚款单)。但是“电子狗”质量参差不齐,而且价格也不菲,这让车主对“电子狗”又爱又恨。随着国内导航软件技术的进步及导航地图更完整地包含了雷达测速器位置,“电子狗”功能整合在导航系统中已成为现实。导航仪价格的不断下降,  相似文献   
Peter 《世界汽车》2007,(1):52-55
Smart近日发布的新一代Fortwo延续独特的城市用微型车概念.新一代的发展更侧重于内涵.提高Fortwo的驾乘舒适性、操控性,主被动安全水平和更环保的排放。新车的外形设计在上一代的基础上渗入了新的设计语言.并试图改变第一代过于女性化的形象.以求新车能得到更多男性买家的认同。  相似文献   
Peter 《世界汽车》2007,(1):56-57
JeepCompass是以2005年法兰克福车展中发表的JeepCompass概念车发展而成的全新产品,除了具有SUV的外形与特性之外,还结合了轿车的性能、操控、省油及适宜价格等优点。JeepCompass是Jeep旗下第一款以前轮驱动底盘为基础的产品,并且以四轮独立悬架系统提供一般道路的乘坐舒适度、操控与驾驶乐趣。  相似文献   
Public transport systems have been targets in several terrorist attacks, notably in recent years, resulting in tight security measures worldwide. However, individuals’ privacy and liberty often conflict with efforts towards safety and security, making it difficult to assess the implications of security measures balanced against the costs (e.g., citizens may be stopped, searched and asked to provide personal identification data to authorities without any particular reason). Henceforth, our research question asks, “to what extent would people sacrifice their right to privacy and liberty in exchange for potentially safer and more secure travel?” This paper uses a stated choice experiment to quantify individuals’ trade-offs between privacy and security within a real-life context, namely rail travel in the UK. Using a nationwide sample, the empirical analysis yields the importance of improvements in the security infrastructure and identifies areas of concern with regard to privacy and liberty controlling for travel related factors. Further, trade-offs across different security measures for rail travel are quantified in terms of individuals’ willingness-to-pay extra on top of the average ticket price.  相似文献   
新马自达的首席设计师前田育男儿时,便从父亲手上收到了一份礼物——阿梅兰拆信刀。这把由著名的意大利设计师恩佐·马里于1962年推出的拆信刀是用一片不锈钢制成的,刀身中间有所扭曲。几十年后,这把拆信刀成为了马自达全新设计理念魂动的灵感来源。阿梅兰拆信刀设计简单,充满美感,易于使用。我那时意识到,设计就是要做到这几  相似文献   
The trans-European transport network (TEN-T) encompasses the major planned transport infrastructure in Europe, ranging from high speed rail to port infrastructure. Projects in this category are considered priority projects and receive European subsidies; but these have been insufficient to get these projects off the ground. This paper addresses two research questions. First, it sketches the basic economics of cross-boundary infrastructure projects: what pricing and investment policies can we expect, what is the role of through traffic and high fixed costs of infrastructure? Second, it examines briefly what lessons the EU could draw from the experience of other existing federal funding institutions like the US and Germany. These ideas are used to propose a new subsidy scheme for the TEN-T projects.  相似文献   
Express coach services compete for longer distance market with car and rail, and largely cater for the leisure, tourism, and visiting friends and relatives. markets. Britain deregulated its express coach system in 1980, and it is now opportune to examine long-term impacts of that change. The initial impacts were reviewed by the authors in 1986 (Robbins & White, 1986) but such impacts do not necessarily match long-term outcomes. Monitoring of the British system has been conducted by examining service changes and data on ridership, together with financial performance of the main operator groups and technical press coverage. It can be shown that a dominant position has been retained by the major operator (National Express), with a continued decline in the role of smaller independent operators in the all-year-round daily network. However, new competition has emerged from other large groups (most notably Stagecoach ‘Megabus’ in 2003). The paper analyses the operating and marketing strategies of the new operator and contrasts these strategies with those adopted in the 1980s. Implications for the future development of the network in Britain are outlined.  相似文献   
A fully-coupled biological–physical–chemical model of a coastal ecosystem was constructed to examine the impact of suspended mussel culture on phytoplankton biomass in Tracadie Bay, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Due to the extent of mussel culture there, we hypothesised that shellfish filtration would control the concentration and distribution of phytoplankton and other suspended particles in the bay. Circulation was delineated with a tidally-driven 2D numerical model and used to drive an ecosystem model with a focus on pelagic components including phytoplankton production, nutrients, detritus, and mussels. The benthos were treated as a sink. Nutrients and seston were forced by tidal exchange and river input, with phytoplankton additionally forced by light. Boundary conditions of seston and nutrients were derived from field studies with an emphasis on the contrast between spring (high river nutrients, low temperature) and summer (low river inputs and high temperatures). Model output was used to map phytoplankton carbon over the bay for each season and in the presence of mussels and river nutrient input. Results indicate severe depletion effects of mussel culture on overall phytoplankton biomass, but no spatial pattern that can be attributed to grazing alone. Primary production generated by nutrient-rich river water created a mid-bay spike in phytoplankton that dominated the spatial pattern of chlorophyll-based carbon. Model results were validated with surveys from a towed sensor array (Acrobat) that confirmed the river influence and indicated bay-wide depletion of 29% between high and low water. Our model results indicate that the farm-scale depletion emphasised in previous studies cannot simply be extrapolated to seston limitation at the ecosystem level.  相似文献   
Dangerous marine stingers (jellyfish) are an emotive issue in tropical Australia, where they are widely regarded as the number one marine health threat. However, numerous severe and fatal stings have been reported throughout the tropical and temperate seas of the world, indicating that marine stingers are a global health problem. Further, life-threatening jellyfish stings are more frequently reported globally now compared to earlier decades, possibly as a result of improved recognition and reporting, or increased spatial and/or temporal distribution or densities. As stinging incidents may also have significant financial implications (lost tourism revenues and liability settlements), and the treatment of envenomed patients comes at high cost to the taxpayer, this issue is also a management challenge. This article outlines suggested approaches, based largely on Australian experience, for dealing with this under-recognized global coastal management issue.  相似文献   
李志豪 《汽车杂志》2010,(3):274-274
上期讲到GPS导航系统将随改装市场的发展而变化,而这个变化是什么呢?笔者认为,像目前单纯把GPS导航地图分为PND版和车机版,是不能满足改装市场需求的,而是要“民间化”与“产业化、规模化”并存发展。为此,笔者从消费者的需求层面,归纳出3大类导航电子地图的未来发展方向:  相似文献   
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