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Induced traffic and economic appraisal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Economic appraisal of major roads in the UK is based on a set of standard procedures and conventions. A central assumption has been that the volume and pattern of traffic in any given year is independent of the quality of service offered by the network — the fixed trip matrix assumption. Failing to consider induced traffic can have serious consequences for the accuracy and robustness of the measured traffic benefits from road improvements. Assessment of the wider economic benefits of roads, which is an important political imperative for road investment, is also made more difficult. Two conclusions are reached. Variable trip matrix methods need to be introduced for the appraisal of major road schemes, and scheme appraisal needs to be complemented by a more strategic area-wide approach to evaluation. In responding to its advisory committee (SACTRA), the UK Department of Transport has accepted the first of these conclusions and is cautiously favourable to the second.  相似文献   
Peter 《世界汽车》2007,(1):66-67
在大众旗下拥有最顶尖动力地位的“R”系列,继推出震惊全球”钢炮界”的GolfR32后.更于11月17日发表第二款R字头性能劲驹——PassatR361而PassatR36推出后.不仅荣登Passat车系的最快宝座.更一举拿下大众有史以来最劲猛的旅行轿车名号。  相似文献   
Although recent budgetary considerations by the Federal govenment do not portend well for urban public transit, some transit systems are considering expansion into less densely-settled areas further from the Central Business District. Of some concern to planners has been their belief that suburban and rural dwellers may be much less inclined than urban dwellers to support expansion of transit service. This paper presents an analysis of a random-digit dialing/mail-out, mail-back survey conducted in Washtenaw County, Michigan which was designed specifically to examine differences in attitudes between urban and rural residents. Six mutually-exclusive spatial strata were established based upon population density. This paper tests for expected spatial differences in socioeconomic and demographic variables and then examines spatial variations in attitudes toward public transportation. The major conclusion is that the expected spatial variations in attitudes about transit service provision between the spatial strata do not arise. Most of the significant differences found are with respect to questions which relate to where transit is provided. Residents in rural (urban) areas support more strongly the provision of services to rural (urban) areas. Many residents, however, will support transit service that may not benefit them directly.  相似文献   
“如果2009年的开局并不是我们现在所看到的,我认为我们已经驾驶着RB5赢得了世界冠军,因为我们有F1里最的底盘”。克里斯蒂安·霍纳如是说。  相似文献   
This paper presents a hybrid discrete choice-duration model for work activity scheduling with interactions between workers in a multiple-worker household. The model operates in discrete space with a fine level of temporal resolution. The key innovative feature of the model is the introduction of intra-household interactions through worker schedule synchronization mechanisms. The model was estimated based on a large Household Travel Survey from the San Francisco Bay Area. The estimation results confirmed that individual work schedules for workers in a multiple-worker household are subject to strong synchronization and should be modelled jointly rather than independently. In particular, workers in the same household tend to align their schedules and create time window overlaps for joint activities before and after work. Relative strength of the synchronization mechanisms proved to be a function of the person characteristics and household composition.  相似文献   
This papers examines the reasons for the shipping industry's general failure to exploit the enormous capital raising potential offered by the world's major security markets. The basic reason put forward is one of joint ignorance and lack a of communication. On the one hand shipping perceives the market as being unsympathetic to its requierments. On the other hand, the Stock market assess it as a minor activity and this is combined with a presumption of industrial instability. An analysis of recent initial public offering of equaity options in shipping highlights the inadequacy of companies who have ventured that way. In particular it is pointed out that shipping companies who embark on such a course must not forget that equaity is, at one end the same time, the cheapest and the most expensive money which they can raise. There is a further underlying problem for the industry, which is that market capital raising neccessiates the loss of personal control.  相似文献   
Peter K. Else 《运输评论》2013,33(4):291-309
Governments have rarely been content to leave the provision of public transport services entirely to the market. Competition has been regulated and increasingly services have been subsidized from public funds. However, the criteria for such subsidies have been a continuing source of debate. Economists have tended to emphasize efficiency criteria and advocated the use of cost‐benefit analysis, but, for a variety of reasons, in the U.K. at least, this approach does not seem to have played a major role in the allocation of subsidies. Others have advocated more needs‐based approaches. Whilst these have been tried, they also have their limitations. The first few sections of the paper, therefore, review the development of these approaches in the U.K. and consider their shortcomings from the point of view of deciding on transport subsidies. In the latter part of the paper it is suggested that developments in the appraisal of health care procedures, particularly in the use of cost‐utility techniques, indicate a possible alternative approach. The approach in the health context is outlined and it is demonstrated how it might be applied to the appraisal of local transport services.  相似文献   

(1) The response of an individual consumer to change in such characteristics as price will be to change behaviour at a critical point, a ‘threshold’ at which a change of behaviour is perceived to be beneficial.

(2) Most choices can be viewed as binary, for example, between pairs of transport modes. A cumulative normal distribution of responses will give an S‐shaped curve, the mid‐point being at the average threshold value.

(3) An aggregate demand curve should show the response of a given group of people to a range of price changes at one point in time. Most curves derived from revealed behaviour do not permit this. To some extent, a demand curve must be derived from interviews and other tests, giving hypothetical behaviour. Such methods are used in non‐transport consumer tests, and work by Brög et al. gives a similar picture for transport users, supporting the concept of the S‐shaped curve.

(4) Allowance for frequency of trip‐making modifies this picture, suggesting that a smoother curve may be appropriate for some conditions, such as non‐work trips. These approaches may be combined by use of catastrophe theory, with two control factors. The hysteresis effect is found around the threshold where repeated changes in the basic stimulus produce successively smaller responses.

(5) There is some evidence of symmetrical response by public transport users to real increases and reductions in cash‐paid graduated fares, but this is not the case where different forms of pricing are involved.

(6) An example of threshold effects in private transport may be found in the monitoring of tolls on the Itchen Bridge by Atkins. Demand became particularly sensitive to price in a certain range.

(7) In the public transport field, there is similar evidence from the experience of introducing flat or zonal fares where graduated fares previously applied. Where travelcards are sold, the effect is much greater, and cases such as the West Midlands show little if any effect on sales despite real price increases. Here, trips are about 7% higher than would have been expected for the same revenue target, had graduated fares been retained. However, it may well be possible to exceed the threshold, especially where fares simplification and increases are combined, as the Trondheim experience suggests.  相似文献   
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