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This paper considers the application of linear optimal control to the design of an active automobile suspension system. By inclusion of an integral constraint in the performance index it is possible to achieve zero steady state axle to body response to both static body forces and ramp road inputs. Full state feedback is achieved by reconstructing the state variables from easily measured quantities.  相似文献   
On Control Laws for Vehicle Suspensions Accounting for Input Correlations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Input correlations involving time delays are common in active vehicle suspension system problems. One approach to control law derivation fur such systems is to restrict attention to slate feedback laws in the interests of practicality and it is then of interest to determine the law which is, in some sense, the best. Under assumptions which are common in this area. relating to input, system and cost Function forms, a new derivation of the expression for the cost, accounting for time delays, is given. The use of the expression in numerical procedures for determining effective control gains is discussed and an example for a half car planar vehicle model is described. By comparing results with existing ones which are truly optimal, an estimate is made of the loss of performance which results from the restriction of the control law form in this case. Some generalisation of the results is attempted and they are placed in a contemporary context at the conclusion.  相似文献   
Rural seniors are highly dependent on their automobile to meet their trip making needs, yet the effects of aging can make access to the vehicle difficult or impossible over time. The anticipated growth in the older person population, in concert with limited travel data available to support rural transportation planning in Canada suggests a disconnect between what rural older people may require for transportation and the availability of formal alternatives. Many will seek informal alternatives to driving, such as depending on friends and family, to meet their travel needs, but the degree is not well understood in the context of their actual vehicle usage and stated ability to adapt. This paper draws from a Global Positioning System (GPS)-based multi-day travel diary survey of a convenience sample of 60 rural older drivers (29 men, 31 women, average age of 69.6 years) from New Brunswick, Canada. Participants would rely on “friends and family” for 52% of all trips they undertook as driver in the survey, “walk or bike” for 14% of trips, and “not take the trip” in 34% of trips if they did not have access to a vehicle. The formal option of “Transit” was not selected as a viable alternative by any participant for any trip. “Medical trips”, “Shopping” and “Personal Errands” were the least discretionary of all trip types, yet the most difficult for participants to find alternate arrangements. This suggests the need to explore different models of service delivery, such as a community-supported, member-based rural shuttle service with volunteer and paid drivers that build on informal social networks and can provide service when friends and family are unavailable.  相似文献   
While psychologists and behavioral economists emphasize the importance of social influences, an outstanding issue is how to capture such influences in behavioral models used to inform urban planning and policy. In this paper we focus on operational models that do not require explicit knowledge of the individual networks of decision makers. We employ a field effect variable to capture social influences, which is calculated as the percent of population in the peer group that has chosen the specific alternative. We define the peer group based on socio-economic status and spatial proximity of residential location. As in behavioral economics and psychology, the concept is that one is influenced by the choices made by one’s peers. However, using such a social influence variable in a behavioral model causes complications because it is likely endogenous; unobserved factors that impact the peer group also influence the decision maker, yielding correlation between the field effect variable and the error. The contribution of this paper is the use of the Berry, Levinsohn, and Pakes (BLP) method to correct the endogeneity in a choice model. The two-stage BLP introduces constants for each peer group to remove the endogeneity from the choice model (where it is difficult to deal with) and insert it into a linear regression model (where endogeneity is relatively easier to deal with). We test the method using a mode choice data set from the Netherlands and readily available software and find there is an upward bias of the field effect parameter when endogeneity is not corrected. The procedure outlined presents a practical and tractable method for incorporating social influences in choice models.  相似文献   
Coles  Ashley R.  Walker  Kyle E. 《Transportation》2021,48(6):3037-3057
Transportation - Weather events often force motorists to drive in unsafe conditions or alter travel plans. Both decisions are imbued with costs that drivers may minimize by developing adaptation...  相似文献   
Abotalebi  Elnaz  Ferguson  Mark R.  Mohamed  Moataz  Scott  Darren M. 《Transportation》2020,47(3):1223-1250
Transportation - This paper reviews the process that led to the development of a national survey instrument used to gather over 20,000 observations across Canada. This survey captured aspects of...  相似文献   
如果将对焊接头取代于横梁、底座和管道的凸缘和搭接接头以及其他车身上结构件的焊接,能节省多少材料、重量和燃料?当粘合车门钣金件和汽车框架的密封胶水重量包含在总重量中,这个问题就非常值得一提。而这个问题取决于零部件。如果不再使用凸缘搭接,减少的重量能高达几公斤,同时也能节省每部分的安装空间,约高达8~16mm。搭接凸缘设计是两项极具现代车身制造特色的发明逐渐成熟的产物。第一项是诞生于1877年的电阻焊,它是快速、高效和实用的焊接加工方法。第二项是1 954年应  相似文献   
Currently, as well as in the past, researchers have shown great interest in developing suspension systems for vehicles and especially in the design and optimization of the suspension parameters, such as the stiffness and the damping coefficient. These parameters are considered to be important factors that have an influence on safety and improve the comfort of the passengers in the vehicle. This paper describes a simplified methodology to determine, in a quick manner, the suspension parameters for different types of passenger cars equipped with passive suspension systems. Currently, different types of passenger cars are produced with different types of suspension systems. Finding a simplified methodology to determine these parameters with sufficient accuracy would contribute a simplified and quick method to the inspection of the working conditions of a suspension system. Therefore, a simple system to determine these parameters is needed. An analysis of the suspension parameters is performed using mathematical modeling and numerical analysis conducted using the Working Model software. The result derived from the developed methodology shows small errors when compared with the generic values, and it can be concluded that the design of the suspension parameter measurement device using the developed methodology is useful, simple, and has sufficient accuracy.  相似文献   
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