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文章介绍了半潜式平台总体波浪载荷的几种计算方法,通过对两座在建半潜平台进行波浪载荷计算,分析了不同波浪载荷计算方法的结果,总结不同波浪载荷计算方法的优缺点,为以后波浪载荷计算选取合适的载荷计算方法提供了参考。  相似文献   
长大隧道是高速公路的控制路段,其运营安全对高速公路畅通和安全有重要影响。文章通过研究木冲隧道交通事故分布特征,分析了长大隧道发生交通事故的原因,提出了改善木冲隧道交通安全状况的工程措施和管理建议,其对提高木冲隧道运营安全性具有指导意义。  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been growing recognition of the effects of weather on the surface transportation system. Although considerable work has been done in quantifying the effects of weather on the highway system, there is still much that remains unknown about the relationship between weather and highway system performance. This paper synthesizes the findings from some of the major efforts in this area. The review of existing studies found consistent patterns that adverse weather reduces traffic speed and increases crash frequencies, while fatal crashes are decreased. A table is then presented which estimates the change in crash frequency and vehicle travel speed resulting from various winter weather conditions, based on a synthesis of earlier work. To estimate the safety and speed adjustment factors of compacted snow, a severity index is also developed. Recognizing the lack of comparability between the results of the studies, the paper concludes with a detailed discussion of avenues for future research which could help to address some of the gaps which currently exist. These challenges include, but are no limited to: quantification of the dynamic layer, development of the relationship between pavement friction and the composition of the dynamic layer, evaluation of the effects of pavement friction on vehicle speed, and evaluation of safety effects of weather conditions above the pavement.  相似文献   
电容层析成像(ECT)是一项基于电容敏感原理的过程成像技术,利用ECT方法,采用高黏度流体模拟泥石流,在球状及柱状容器注入酒精和泥沙,模拟泥石流中固体块状物质,通过自行设计制作的双电极传感器,在上下游截面同时获得块状物图像信息,利用互相关方法,计算固体块状物位置图像,对模拟泥石流中固体块状物的位置及运动进行可视化测量,为泥石流流动机制的研究探索合理而有效的途径.  相似文献   
为汽车传动系统扭振的建模与仿真,本文中提出了一种扭振激励的辨识方法.首先,通过实车道路试验,获得了样车加速工况的传动系扭振数据;然后,为研究和预测样车的扭振特性,建立了传动系统4自由度非线性动力学模型,同时提出了一种缸压曲线的拟合函数,并通过参数辨识得到缸压曲线的估计,从而获得激励转矩;接着,对模型进行数值仿真并与试验...  相似文献   
电子雷管作为近几年兴起的新的爆破物品, 对高速公路隧道工程施工有较大的影响。 随着国家、 省、 地方公安局治安总队对基础设施建设安全管控, 以及全面推广应用电子雷管的政策, 高速公路隧道施工中电子雷管使用越来越普及。 在项目施工中废除原普通雷管, 改用电子雷管, 新项目投标时可参照已有类似定额进行材料费抽换, 然而老项目招标文件未要求使用电子雷管, 国家公安部门要求使用电子雷管, 这样施工成本造成很大差异, 容易导致造价失衡并产生经济纠纷。 本文对高速公路隧道施工使用电子雷管和普通雷管费用进行分析研究, 形成具有实际应用价值的理论成果, 为国内施工项目提供借鉴。  相似文献   
该文利用多种不同方法对倒"T"型盖梁进行截面抗剪承载力计算,通过对比、分析其计算结果,寻求一种更为合理的截面抗剪计算方法。  相似文献   
针对较低原始排放发动机,以稳态工况的过量空气系数控制及催化转化器转化效率为基础,在仅考虑化油器及二次补气阀本身控制误差情况下,分析了化油器技术路线的可行性,并对闭环电喷技术路线进行了对比;从理论和实测两方面分析了过量空气系数对尾气排放控制的关键影响。研究结果表明,相较于成熟的传统闭环电喷技术,化油器方案通过国Ⅲ排放法规不具备可行性。  相似文献   
We present a numerical formulation for resin flow based on the concept of quasi-steady state situation at the flow front. To be fit for complicated product shapes, we use the four-node unstructured tetrahedron mesh based on which the numerical formulation of temperature and degree of cure is developed. The validity of our method is established in the case where flexible meshes are used. The results show that the numerical procedure, tested on known data, provides numerically valid and reasonably accurate predictions.  相似文献   
在大广南高速公路K161+400~K162+800段施工过程中,离公路约200m区域突然出现大面积地面沉陷和裂缝现象,该地面变形将影响到线位重新调整,通过调查与分析,对地面变形的安全状态进行了评价,为该公路的建设和运营提供了科学的决策依据。  相似文献   
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