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系泊锚机是1500m深水半潜式生产储油平台的关键装备之一,其电控系统要求可靠性高、布置紧凑、智能化水平高.文章通过分析深水半潜式生产储油平台系泊系统组成、锚机的结构、电控系统所要求功能,划分出功能模块,选择可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)及现场总线的技术思路,进行设备布置、网络架构、硬软件的选择,设计出一套电控系统,实现了系...  相似文献   
为了研究浅源地震的诱发机制,基于室内三轴试验,对颗粒材料的粘滑震动特性进行了分析. 采用颗粒直径为0.6~0.8 mm的玻璃珠,在围压为30、60、100、200、400 kPa和600 kPa的条件下,以0.02 mm/min的轴向应变速率,开展干燥、密实玻璃珠的固结不排水三轴压缩试验,结果表明:试样偏应力主震和偏应力应变间距随着围压的增大而增大;除了初始压密阶段外,体变-应变曲线中所有体积的突然收缩均与粘滑震动有关;在30、60、100 kPa围压条件下,围压-应变曲线中出现较多尖而窄的波峰和波谷;在200、400 kPa和600 kPa围压条件下,围压-应变曲线中只有尖而窄的波谷;玻璃珠类颗粒材料发生粘滑震动过程中既有静摩擦也有转动摩擦;颗粒之间应力链的连续变形和破坏是引起颗粒粘滑震动的根本原因.   相似文献   
为解决单管双层特长盾构隧道施工距离长、施工空间有限和工期紧张等问题,结合南京市纬三路过江通道工程,研究双层盾构隧道内部结构构件的预制施工技术,采用结构构件预制与现浇相结合的梁-板-柱结构体系,合理组织施工步序,探索单管双层特长盾构隧道预制内部构件的施工方案。工程实践表明,现浇内部结构立柱及柱基础,预制上层车道板、烟道隔墙板、排烟通道板和逃生通道板,能够满足双层特长盾构隧道施工进度的要求,可大幅提高施工效率,缩短建设工期,节省工程投资。  相似文献   
为优化城市机动化发展模式与路径,首先从机动化的目的和效应两个方面界定了机动化内涵,分析了个体机动化和公共机动化两类模式特征及相应的衡量指标。然后,应用历史数据研究了中国汽车产业政策、道路运输市场政策和城市交通政策与机动化发展历程的关系。研究结果表明,个体机动化政策效果明显优于公共机动化政策,发挥效应时间为1-2年,非机动交通政策对个体与公共机动化模式都有重要影响。最后,针对中国机动化发展在能源、环境、交通等方面的制约,提出了统筹制定产业发展政策、合理制定城市交通发展政策、把握公共机动化政策推行时机和优化非机动交通政策四个方面的建议。  相似文献   
为探明大断面浅埋土质隧道在不同施工工法开挖下的变形及支护力学响应特征,寻求适用的工法,以宁安铁路钟鸣1号隧道工程为依托,采取现场试验与数值模拟相结合的方法,研究该类隧道在3种不同工法下的洞周及地表变形、围岩塑性区分布范围、初期支护及二次衬砌内力变化规律。研究结果表明:大断面浅埋土质隧道围岩变形有明显的空间效应,开挖面处预收敛变形所占比例约40%-50%;CRD法与六步CD法施工在控制洞周及地表变形方面明显优于三台阶临时仰拱法,且开挖产生的围岩塑性区分布范围小,两者均能满足围岩及支护稳定性的要求,而CRD法较六步CD法施工工期稍长、造价稍高,因此六步CD法为该类地层隧道施工的优选工法。  相似文献   
列车运行图铺画与天窗设置存在相互影响,相互制约的耦合关系,为了达到优化列车运行图结构,合理配置铁路运力资源的目的,在分析天窗与列车运行动态影响关系的基础上,以天窗设置对列车运行线铺画影响最小为目标,建立了列车运行图与天窗协同优化的混合整数规划模型.考虑问题复杂性,设计了包含初步优化和综合优化的两阶段求解算法.初步优化阶段采用基于专家经验的启发式算法得到列车运行图的大体框架,综合优化阶段利用禁忌搜索算法获取全局最优解.最后以宝成线(阳平关—成都)为例进行有效性验算.结果表明,相较于人机交互编制所得运行图,优化得出的运行图中所有客货列车在途经车站的总停留时间降低了6.19%,共减少1 355 min,其中旅客列车和货物列车在站停留时间分别降低了3.08%和7.40%,减少总时间分别为189 min和1 166 min.  相似文献   
One of the difficulties of biliary surgery lies inthe treatment of iatrogenic biliary stricture that isexpressed prominently after operation as scar con-tracture and anastomotic stenosis, especiaI1y theanastomotic stenosis at the porta hepatis and thearea above it. ln order to exp1ain the mechansim ofthe formation of iatrogenic biliary stricture, an ani-mal model of trauma--repair of bile duct was madein this experiment and the expression of myofi-broblast (MFB) during the whole process was ob…  相似文献   
This paper seeks to determine the effects of uncertainty in out-of-vehicle times on route choice. Data were collected at two key interchanges in Auckland, New Zealand. Previous work modelled the data using a manual approach to fuzzy logic. This study extends that work by automating the process through defining a black-box function to match the survey data, then employing a genetic algorithm to fine-tune the fuzzy logic model. Results show that automation and the genetic algorithm improve the model’s capability to more accurately predict ridership. The tuning of the membership functions is conducted twice, first using initial fuzzy rules and again after the fuzzy rules have been adjusted to reduce disparity between the output and survey data. The calibrated membership functions provided for operational (transfer waiting and walking time and delay) and physical attributes (safety and seat availability) can be used by practitioners to determine an estimated ridership.  相似文献   
Researchers are turning to alternative data sources (e.g., resource user knowledge) to provide information required for wildlife management. Little is known about the reliability of data elicited from resource users relative to data obtained from user-independent approaches (e.g., observations of fish catches). We test for consensus among three methods that quantify past (1996 to 2007) seahorse catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) for a small-scale, data-poor fishery in the Philippines: interviews with fishers about good, bad, and typical catch; fisher logbooks; and observations of catch landings. Interviews and logbooks indicated no trends in CPUE through time, consistent with results from the fisher-independent metric, catch landings. Although interview estimates of “typical” CPUE greatly exceeded “typical” observed catches and logbook estimates, interview estimates of “bad” CPUE were comparable. Catch landings estimates for a fisher in a particular year were uncorrelated to what he reported during retrospective interviews. Interviews should be used cautiously to inform specific catch targets (e.g., total allowable catches), although including interview questions about a range of catch experiences (e.g., good, bad and typical), may improve interview-derived data. Logbooks are particularly useful for capturing information about fishing expeditions that produce no fish, which are largely missed by other methods.  相似文献   
Coastal areas are commonly the focus of a range of human activities and uses. Beaches are one example of multi-use coastal environments, accommodating activities linked to leisure and recreation, amenity, conservation and business, often simultaneously. Ireland is no different in this regard, as its beach resources provide a range of goods and services of societal value. Ireland has 16 coastal counties and their associated local authorities have a beach management remit, a role that can present a number of challenges. The use of beach bye-laws is one option to support management of beach environments by local authorities. Local authority personnel tasked with beach management from each coastal local authority were surveyed to assess the actual and potential role of beach bye-laws in contributing to more effective management of beach environments and to broader coastal management. Usage of beach bye-laws varied across local authority areas and evidence suggested that the efficacy, use, and implementation of beach bye-laws differed from county to county. Beach bye-laws offer potential but interaction with other initiatives as part of a wider program for coastal management may yield improved results.  相似文献   
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