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为深入认识长江中下游枯水情势发生的复杂变化,采用水文变异诊断系统对宜昌、沙市、汉口、大通等重要控制站点的枯水位进行分月变异特性研究。结果表明:宜昌站枯水期发生中、强的变异;沙市站发生强、巨的变异,变异程度最强;汉口站发生纯随机(无变异)至强变异;大通站发生纯随机(无变异)至中变异;各站点10—11月均发生向下的变异,与2003年相比,2021年汛后宜昌、沙市、汉口站水位(流量)分别下降了0.76 m(6 000 m3s)、2.82 m(7 000 m3s)、1.66 m(1万m3s),大通站则未发生明显变化,其对航运的潜在影响需加强分析。  相似文献   
针对长江中游熊城段碍航水流问题,采用数学模型对该河段水流特性进行研究。结果表明:因河道弯曲狭窄、洲滩不高,且受洞庭湖出流影响,熊城段水流三维特性明显,存在横流、环流、回流等多种水流结构,对船舶航行影响大;在干线来流量2.5万~3.0万m3/s且洞庭湖水位偏高时,易发生船舶事故,应提醒船舶谨慎航行。  相似文献   
基于1/4双自由度振动模型,建立了飞机-坑槽振动简化模型,从乘客舒适度、道面结构承载力及高速滑跑时可能发生跳跃等3方面,研究了道面坑槽的许可深度计算方法。结果表明:机身振动加速度随着坑槽深度增大而增大,随着滑跑速度增大而减小;动载系数随着坑槽深度增大而增大,随着滑跑速度的增大而减小。实例应用得到了跑道不同部位出现坑槽的许可深度值,为机场当局对破损跑道的运行适用性判断提供理论参考。  相似文献   
The French-German research project Bahn.Ville, dealing with Rail oriented development and intermodality in German and French urban regions, has consisted in identifying the principles and factors of success of an urban development oriented towards rail, and in testing them in the agglomeration of Saint-Étienne. One of the research-actions focussed on identifying and anticipating the potential impacts in terms of urban development of a new transport system, of the tram-train type, on an existing railway line. The effect of the insertion of new stops on the global journey time is one of the criterion of the evaluation of new stops. A simulation method of the journey times is presented in this paper. The interest and the limits of this approach, regarding the rolling stock choice and the insertion of new stops, are emphasized.  相似文献   
A combination of experimental and numerical methodologies is proposed for the investigation of knocking in spark ignition engines to aid in better understanding the physical and chemical processes that occur and to exploit the capabilities of a developed computational tool. The latter consists of a thermo-fluid dynamics model, which is part of an advanced 1-D fluid dynamics code for the simulation of the entire engine, and a complex chemistry model, which can be embedded into the thermo-fluid dynamics model using the same integration algorithm for the conservation equations and the reacting species. Their mutual interaction in the energy balance will be considered. The experimental activity was carried out in the combustion chamber of an optically accessible, single-cylinder P.F.I. engine equipped with a commercial head. The experimental data consisted of optical measurements correlated to the combustion and auto-ignition processes within the cylinder. The optical measurements were based on 2-D digital imaging, UV visible natural emission spectroscopy and the chemiluminescence of radical species (OH and HCO). The engine parameters, the pressure signals of the related data and optical acquisition are compared on an individual cycle basis in the simulation by running the engine at a constant speed and varying the spark advance from normal combustion to heavy knock conditions.  相似文献   
江淮汽车以整合全球资源,造世界车为理念,该公司在供应商资源选择上,坚信选择比培养更重要。公司在努力构建国际化采购管理业务机制。以全球供应链的视角,通过构建、优化国际化采购业务管理的流程体系和供应链信息平台,建立寻源、评估、互动协同的供应链管理系统支撑平台,汽车零部件供应商资源库开发已经箭在弦上,蓄势待发。  相似文献   
Borysov  Stanislav S.  Rich  Jeppe 《Transportation》2021,48(5):2493-2520
Transportation - In this paper, a method to study travel behaviour dynamics by constructing detailed synthetic pseudo panels from repeated cross-sectional data is presented. The method is based on...  相似文献   
为保证大断面巷(隧)道收敛变形精确测量,研发了便捷式激光测距仪新装置,通过结构设计创新,新装置利用万向球云台替代多轴连接杆,提高了发射接收装置的稳定性和校准能力,最终实现了原位测量;测点布置采用改进的十字型布置方式,增加BE测量路线,形成五测点矩阵ABB'CE;利用小变形原理和三角函数原理推导出了巷道收敛变形计算原理,分别得到了巷道两侧帮相对中轴线的位移量和顶底板的位移量。由于客观因素导致测量数据存在误差,因此针对单次测量和多期测量分别进行误差处理,采用测定值子样平均值来估计单次测量真值,多期测量采用半参数回归分析法消除误差。新型装置在贵州开阳磷矿下属马路坪矿区得到了首次应用,对新开挖大断面巷道表面收敛变形进行长期监测,获得了该矿区深部软岩巷道的基本变形规律。  相似文献   
随着国家优化存量资源配置、能源结构调整、“公转铁”等政策的相继出台,以及浩吉铁路开通、唐呼铁路能力逐步释放,重载铁路运输需求分布发生变化,大秦铁路作为“西煤东运”的主要重载铁路运输通道,其需求情况也随之发生变化.在阐述大秦铁路上、下游行业发展和运输需求现状的基础上,从宏观经济、市场供需、竞争环境及铁路内部等方面分析影响...  相似文献   
为促进港口的节能减排,对几种高杆节能灯的节电技术和几种节能灯具进行研究。分别介绍太阳能节电和风力发电技术,对四种节能灯具作测试比较后,对码头堆场高杆灯节电提出建议。  相似文献   
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